Aleksey Dmitriev

Aleksey Dmitriev


Aleksey Dmitriev


Call Sign
The young gifted artist Ryabinin cannot stay away from the conflict in Donbass; he leaves his beloved girl in Moscow, a well-fed and calm life, and leaves for the civil war as a militia to capture the tragic events of Russian history and express feelings that only aroused anger in his bohemian environment; the suffering of people and the heroism of comrades completely change the consciousness of a young man - he loses his former attachments, grows up and finds himself.
Баба Яга спасает мир
Our days. Curious schoolboy Senka finds himself in a fairy-tale forest, hidden from human eyes by the spell of Yaga. To cast the spell again, Yaga goes to a modern city in search of a magical wonderful color. In the city, Koshchei, who remained alive after the battle with Ivan Tsarevich, has been waiting for a meeting with Yaga for a thousand years. Koschei is hiding in a dark dungeon and wants revenge, because it was Yaga who helped defeat him. There will be a new battle of good and evil. The winner will be the one who will be supported by the schoolboy Senka, who until the last did not believe that he was in a fairy tale.
The case brings two older women together. Lonely and embittered by the whole world, Zhenya is forced to unite with the eccentric and good-natured Mila in order to get out of the circumstances in which they found themselves thanks to a chance acquaintance with two young frivolous neighbors.
Bender: O Golpe Final
Ibrahim Bender e Osip ficaram famosos demais e agora são procurados pela polícia de dois países: Rússia e Turquia. Em busca da vara de ouro, eles terão que se disfarçar de artistas de circo, terroristas e até como duas senhoras viajando em um navio, mãe e filha até chegarem à Turquia.
Bender: O Início
partner of Makhulskaya - swindler - «Baron»
Em 1919, o destino promove o encontro do jovem idealista Osip e do vigarista turco Ibrahim Bender. Ambos estão em busca de uma relíquia real, uma joia preciosa que bandidos locais e oficiais também querem obter. Osip aprende com Bender como bajular, enganar, chantagear e brigar. E se apaixona pela garota mais linda da cidade. E, ao que parece, não só por ela, mas também por uma bela estrangeira. Nasce aí o lendário Ostap Bender-Zadunaisky.
The Daughter of Darkness
How to understand - where is good and where is evil? Who can be trusted, and who needs to be circumvented per kilometer. Elder Ivan, who was revered as a saint, turns out to be a murderer. And the city beauty Adelaide with strange habits is a ray of light in the village kingdom. Ordinary residents, peasants and serfs of the 19th century faced a difficult choice - is everything really, as they see it, or is there something more hidden behind obvious things?
We are all waiting for something. But when you are young and ambitious, when you are full of energy, and at your feet the whole world and you are ready for real adventures. When the only thing that is really important is money, and preferably a lot of money. Nothing will stop you, and no one will stand in your way. Cinema about people - close and not very strange and so understandable, terrible and beautiful at the same time. After all, people are so different when money appears in their hands. And everyone will get what he wants. Sometimes you just have to wait. After all, life is so arranged.
Anyone But Them
When the world is in danger, superheroes come to rescue humanity. They are stronger, faster, smarter than ordinary people and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. But what would happen if superheroes would not be around, and the world's rescue team will be made of selfish, irresponsible twenty year old weirdos?
President's Vacation
Tired of the routine, the President decides to go on vacation in splendid isolation to rest in the Crimea, and at the same time freely communicate with the people. Realizing that it would be difficult to remain incognito and escape from caring colleagues, he resorted to make-up services. But his new appearance exactly coincides with the appearance of Valery from N-sk, who is hiding from the collectors on a voucher for his mother in the Crimean sanatorium ...
For All I Died
The main character is a young girl Nastya who studies in one of the Moscow universities and lives in a usual dormitory. She is not happy with herself and her life. One night , Nastya finds a mysterious website «No man- no problem» and orders her death.
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Criaturas da Noite
Quando Pasha, de dezoito anos, resgata uma bela jovem de um bando de invasores estranhamente poderosos.
A story of a young girl Claudia who works as a security guard on a slowly dying metal plant.
The Guy from Our Cemetery
врач скорой
Twenty five years old Kolya starts to work as a cemetery night guard after moving to Moscow from province.
The Battalion
A história do 1º Batalhão da Morte formado por mulheres russas, sob o comando de Maria Bochkarova, durante a Revolução em 1917. A Revolução de Fevereiro na Rússia muda o destino da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Nas trincheiras, palco do confronto com os alemães, os bolcheviques são muito ativos com sua propaganda. Eles convocam os soldados russos para fazer a paz com o inimigo, e os oficiais não conseguem impedi-los. O exército está perto da degradação completa. Por ordem do governo provisório, a fim de “levantar a moral”, o “Batalhão da Morte” composto por mulheres foi formado sob o comando de Maria Bochkareva. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Two close friends working for a provincial TV channel dream of getting rich and popular in the capital. They persuade their cute colleague Nadia to participate in a TV reality show, the participants of which must find the lost treasures of Admiral Kolchak.
Astra, i love you
The main character is an Opel Astra car. The car has become an integral part of every person's life. In the short stories the characters work and rest together with the Opel Astra, meet, get to know each other and fall in love, quarrel and make peace.
Six Degrees of Celebration 2
A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...
The Real Tale
Ilya Muromets / Koshcheev's Bodyguard
The funny adventures of a characters of Russian folk fairy tales in the contemporary world.
Five Brides
May, 1945... A young pilot Aleksey Kaverin stationed in Germany is going home to Russia for vacation. The problem is he needs to bring a bride. And not only to himself but to four his friends as well.
A Resistência
Brestskaya Krepost é um drama de guerra único, uma vez que foca nos primeiros dias da guerra para os soviéticos, assim como Pearl Harbor focou no primeiro dia da guerra para os americanos, com a diferença de que seu desfecho tem um sentido muito mais profundo, assim como o filme como um todo, a julgar pelo realismo de suas cenas, de sua história e a brilhante atuação dos atores, com pouquíssima fantasia. Sem dúvidas um filme que marcará o cinema e tem seu lugar dentre os melhores filmes de guerra já feito nos últimos 20 anos.
Príncipe de Ferro
Rússia, início do século 10. O reino do grande príncipe Vladmir de Kiev é composto por diversos principados e é governado pelos filhos do monarca. Os príncipes de cada localidade e seus exércitos recolhem impostos e enviam tudo para o pai, que governa tudo da capital Kiev, tendo como base econômica o comércio de escravos. No nordeste do país, fica a cidade de Rostov, um lugar cheio de dificuldades geográficas e difícil acesso. Para dominar a região, Vladmir manda seu filho Yaroslav, de apenas 11 anos de idade. Com o passar dos anos, o menino cresce e se torna um verdadeiro conquistador, tendo ampliado os domínios de seu pai e mantido Rostov sob controle. Quando uma invasão bárbara tem início, Yaroslav terá que usar toda sua habilidade de combate para evitar que o reino entre em colapso.
Moscow, I Love You!
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
V Centuria. Searching For a Charmed Treasure
A group of young treasure hunters are trying to find a powerful artefact buried by Nazis during WWII.
Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny
Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless situation, fate turns to guest workers - Rafshan and Dzhumzhud learn a terrible secret that will change everything ...
De acordo com o interceptador de dados, Matvey Sobolev, o agente do Serviço da Contra-Inteligência Militar, foi dado como morto enquanto transportava a mais nova arma da organização. Contudo, ele sobreviveu e decidiu abandonar o jogo para não ser uma marionete nas mãos dos poderosos. Sua vida tranquila, longe das grandes ações, é interrompida pelo General Ivakin, seu ex-chefe.
High Security Vacation
Fugitive "Kopot'"
Two escaped convicts pose as children's summer camp staff in order to evade capture and learn about caring for others in the process. Sumrak has been in prison since he was 16 years old but is pushing thirty now, is well acquainted with prison gang culture and covered with tattoos. Evgeni Koltsov is a former police officer unjustly imprisoned and destined for a death sentence from the other inmates if he stays in prison.
The Inhabited Island 2: Rebellion
Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how dangerous Maxim can be. He makes up his mind to stop the young man at any cost. The last close fight will decide everything.
The Best Movie 2
Russian comedy film. Continuation of 2008 The Best Movie film, spoofing such famous Russian films as Zhara, The Irony of Fate 2 and TV-programs: Malakhov+, King of Ring and Taxi.
Very Russian Detective
A retired detective is trying to catch a serial killer who uses Russian letters to find his victims.
A young Lera witnessed a murder, so now she must escape the killers who're trying to kill her.
Thirty-year-old business woman Lena Chistyakova, a formidable boss for his subordinates. The unflattering nickname "Mymra" fully corresponds to her image of a strong woman and an old maid. In accordance with the medical prescription, she makes a strong-willed decision to give birth to a child. To perform this task, Mymra arranges monitoring of subordinates in order to identify the most suitable candidate. The search for a candidate for the role of father unexpectedly ends with a random meeting with a former classmate Sergei Krylov, a successful, beautiful man, in the Prime of his life. But to like the ideal candidate, Lena Chistyakova first of all need to get rid of his unflattering nickname. To fulfill the mission of conception, Mymra takes a sabbatical at work and is hired as a housekeeper to the unsuspecting Sergei. Mastering the basics of the household in the field, Mymra comprehends a new science — how to be a modern woman.
A perfect bank heist turns deadly when the robbers and their hostages flee to the abandoned underground subway station where they encounter the Trackman, a deformed madman that prowls the darkness.
Holy Work
A funny comedy about the unemployed actor Pirozhkov who desperately tries to find the treasure hidden by Tsar's family.
Поцелуи падших ангелов
O Último Guerreiro
Ele foi sentenciado à morte, mas sobreviveu à destruição de sua tribo e sua família. O último homem da tribo Grey Dogs se torna um poderoso guerreiro e passa a ser conhecido como Wolfhound. Ele escapa da morte no submundo das minas e se transforma no protetor de Elen, a filha de um governante que espera salvar sua cidade concedendo a mão da jovem a um guerreiro da terra vizinha. Eles iniciam uma perigosa expedição em busca do futuro marido de Elen. Mas Wolfhound se verá frente a frente a misteriosos acontecimentos que mostrarão os verdadeiros objetivos desta jornada.