Kirsten Block

Kirsten Block

Nascimento : 1959-11-30, Chemnitz, Germany


Kirsten Block was born on November 30, 1959 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, German Democratic Republic. She is an actress and writer, known for La ladrona de libros (2013), El lector(2008) and Phoenix (2014).


Kirsten Block


Freunde sind mehr - Viergefühl
Vera Wilken
West Germany, Christmas Eve, 1971. 7-year-old Kimîa captures her family’s celebration through the lens of her Super 8 camera. But the mood changes when her mother, Hanna, discovers her husband’s plans.
Schönes Schlamassel
Sandra Braun
Rosamunde Pilcher: Von Tee und Liebe
German Chancellor
Em um futuro próximo, um homem mudo procura por sua namorada desaparecida no impiedoso submundo de Berlim, onde atitudes valem muito mais do que palavras.
Einfach Rosa - Verliebt, verlobt, verboten
Unterm Radar
Valerie Palmen
Terrar alarm in Berlin. Although the security authorities have various information about impending attacks by Islamists, but the detonation of an explosive device and the death of many people can not prevent them. The investigators focus on judge Elke Seeberg, who is quickly exposed to a hunt. Can it really be that her daughter was involved in the assassination? In search of the truth, Elke encounters connections in the constitutional authorities, which also the BKA official Heinrich Buch does not simply accept.
The Manny
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
Nelly Lenz é uma sobrevivente de um campo de concentração que ficou seriamente desfigurada. Lene Winter, que trabalha para uma agência judaica, leva-a para Berlim. Após a cirurgia de reconstrução, Nelly inicia a procura do seu marido Johnny. Quando finalmente o encontra, este não a reconhece. Ainda assim ele aborda-a com uma proposta: uma vez que ela se parece com a sua mulher, que ele acredita estar morta, pede-lhe que esta o ajude a reclamar a considerável fortuna que ela deixou. Nelly concorda, e torna-se a sua própria doppelgänger — ela precisa de saber se Johnny alguma vez a amou, ou se a traiu.
Miss Sixty
Marlies Heffner
Now that we’re all living longer and “40 is the new 30,” why can’t 60 be the new 40? That’s what Louise and Frans think when they embark on bold new life adventures. Louise is a molecular biologist who decides to make a withdrawal from the sperm bank and have a baby. Meanwhile, gallery owner Frans decides to re-boot his career by finding the hottest new talent on the art scene. While attempting to recapture their lost youth and avoid total ridicule, Louise and Frans accidentally cross paths.
Kommissar Marthaler - Partitur des Todes
Frau Urban
A Menina que Roubava Livros
Frau Heinrich
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, uma jovem garota chamada Liesel Meminger (Sophie Nélisse) sobrevive fora de Munique através dos livros que ela rouba. Ajudada por seu pai adotivo (Geoffrey Rush), ela aprende a ler e partilhar livros com seus amigos, incluindo um homem judeu (Ben Schnetzer) que vive na clandestinidade em sua casa. Enquanto não está lendo ou estudando, ela realiza algumas tarefas para a mãe (Emily Watson) e brinca com a amigo Rudy (Nico Liersch).
Joanna, a committed football coach of a multicultural girls' team, has to find 2000 Euros for the football field. She comes across a foundation that gives money to migrants who convey German culture to other migrants.
Claudia Kayser
Mittlere Reife
Having trouble coping with school and their teachers, five students are sent to after school detention by principal Seifert. To avoid expulsion they must take extra hours in ethics. It is their last chance. Stressed out with her own exams, the new trainee teacher Mechthild Bremer is not enthusiastic about being assigned to teach this class. Accordingly, the first couple of hours do not run smoothly. The five give her a hard time.
Friedl Schütz
Verão de 1980. Barbara é uma pediatra que se viu transferida de Berlim para um hospital de uma cidade remota e isolada da Alemanha Oriental. A nova colocação surgiu depois de se ter candidatado a um visa para emigrar para o lado Ocidental do país. É lá que se encontra o seu namorado que prepara a fuga de Barbara enquanto a médica aguarda pacientemente pelo dia da sua libertação. O novo apartamento, os vizinhos, o Verão e o campo não significam nada para ela. No trabalho, Barbara é atenciosa, mas distante, seguindo as indicações do responsável do Hospital, André. Mas o médico confunde-a: deposita confiança nas suas capacidades profissionais, é carinhoso e o seu sorriso revelam um homem apaixonado. Ou será este médico um espia contratado para seguir os seus passos e revelá-los ao governo?
Inklusion - gemeinsam anders
Es ist nicht vorbei
Helga Gramski
Anja Kling kämpft in dem ARD-Drama "Es ist nicht vorbei" gegen das Vergessen der DDR-Gräueltaten.
Ein mörderisches Geschäft
Ines Siebert
Dreileben: Pior que Estar Morto
Johannes é um solitário que quer um emprego melhor. E então ele conhece Ana. Ana é atraente e, embora o trabalho dela seja ainda menos prestígiante do que o de Johannes, ele apaixona-se por ela. E então ela deixa o emprego para estar com ele (e ser dependente dele) e de repente as coisas ficam muito mais sérias. Ela apaixonou-se por ele. Mas será que ele ainda a ama? Alguma vez a amou? Entre a Sarah. A Sarah é a filha do chefe de Johannes. Ele e ela têm um passado. Será que Sarah e o que ela representa serão o seu futuro, e Ana apenas uma lembrança, algo que ele gostaria de apagar?
In der Welt habt ihr Angst
Gisela Krämer
Music student Eva has fallen head over heels in love with musician Jo. They have a burning passion for one another and discover that they are able to communicate without auxiliary means, even across great distances. Their love is so great that Eva even follows her boyfriend into heroin addiction. But now this has to come to an end: Eva is pregnant and the two of them plan to go cold turkey in the solitude of New Zealand.
Tod einer Schülerin
Karin Weiss
Der beliebte Pädagoge Alex Berger (Brandt) steht entgeistert vor seinen Bücherbergen: Eine Schülerin, mit der er Sex hatte,wurde erschlagen am See der brandenburgischen Kleinstadt aufgefunden, nun plant das Kripoteam (Lavinia Wilson, Peter Lerchbaumer) einen Massen-Gentest. Berger beichtet seiner Frau (Corinna Harfouch) den angeblich einmaligen Seitensprung, mit dem Mord habe er aber nichts zu tun. Bergers Familie droht an der Belastung zu zerbrechen… Die Auflösung steht im Hintergrund, der Film konzentriert sich auf das Drama im Hause Berger. Fabelhaft: die dynamische Kamera und das auch in kleinen Rollen nuanciert agierende Ensemble.
Die Auflehnung
Sophie Wittmann
Os amigos Veit e Tom, cansados da repressão do governo comunista da República Democrática Alemã, atendem ao chamado do Ocidente e partem para os EUA. Com pouco mais de cem marcos no bolso, eles sonham em chegar a São Francisco.
My Words, My Lies - My Love
Karin Kohler
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Faktor 8 – Der Tag ist gekommen
Birgit Petersen
A presumed virus outbreak during a flight from south Asia to Munich. Most of all, the scientific premise is utterly wrong. Retroviruses is shown as multiplying in erythrocytes, which lack a) DNA (necessary for retrovirus replication) and b) the enzymatic apparatus for multiplying any viral nucleic acids.
Liebe ist Verhandlungssache
The Wall - The Final Days
Gunda Hoffmann
O Grupo Baader Meinhof
Frau Ponto
A ascensão e o declínio do notório grupo terrorista alemão, a Fração do Exército Vermelho – um grupo de radicais que organizou bombardeios, roubos, sequestros e assassinatos no final dos anos 1960 e 1970, trazendo o caos à Alemanha do pós-guerra. Baseado no best-seller de não ficção de Stefan Aust.
Mein Mann, der Trinker
Sabine Teussner
German television movie about an alcoholic university professor (Robert Atzorn).
Gisela Harms
A Long Way Home
Ute Winter
Ben Winter returns from his tour in Afghanistan with the German ISAF. Having survived a suicide bombing, which claimed the life of his best friend, he is trying to find his way back to his old life, with his girlfriend, family and friends. But his memories are catching up with him. Increasingly, he is losing contact with reality and his trauma gets the upper hand. A near-accident makes him and his family finally aware of the deep-rooted trauma and feelings of guilt he brought back from Afghanistan and he checks into a veterans' hospital for treatment.
O Leitor
Female Judge
Na Alemanha pós-2ª Guerra Mundial o adolescente Michael Berg se envolve, por acaso, com Hanna Schmitz, uma mulher que tem o dobro de sua idade. Apesar das diferenças de classe, os dois se apaixonam e vivem uma bonita história de amor. Até que um dia Hanna desaparece misteriosamente. Oito anos se passam e Berg, então um interessado estudante de Direito, se surpreende ao reencontrar seu passado de adolescente quando acompanhava um polêmico julgamento por crimes de guerra cometidos pelos nazistas.
According to Plan
Schuld und Rache
Reife Leistung!
Sandra Wünsches Anwältin
Meine Tochter, mein Leben
Beate Grüning
Ruth is an attractive, independent woman in her early 50s who has always lived for her daughter. But Lea, now in her mid-20s, is starting to break away from her dominant mother. In this difficult and conflicting time between mother and daughter, Lea suddenly falls ill with multiple sclerosis. In Ruth, a terrible suspicion begins to germinate: Lea may have been poisoned by intensive contact with solvents in the printing house where she has a student job. When Ruth voices her fear, the company turns on the works attorney Robert. He turns out to be Ruth's old childhood sweetheart.
Die Liebe kommt selten allein
Frau Metz
Wie Licht schmeckt
Mutter Katrin
Der Mörder meines Vaters
Erika Oggerson
‎In a Sweatbox‎
The "Schwitzkasten" is a sleazy sauna located in a undistinguished neighborhood in Berlin, Germany where several persons are used to meet day by day, discussing their personal problems and feelings.
The single package-delivery woman Dora lives a somewhat reclusive life in a high-rise in Leipzig and gets through everyday life with her dry sense of humor. But her quiet, well-ordered life spins out of control when she has to hide her mysteriously fascinating Polish neighbor Jola – who believes to have accidentally killed someone. Dora is hesitant at first to take her in, but she cannot seem to shake her fascination with Jola. Dora's trust in the direct, impulsive woman grows – Jola seems to ask exactly those questions no one else dares to ask. When Dora finds out that the accusations against Jola have been lifted, she lies about the status of the police investigation in order to keep her Polish neighbor for herself.
Folge der Feder
Helin, on her father's death, travels from Tunceli, Turkey to Berlin to meet her mother and sister.
Experiment Bootcamp
Alex Mutter
Liebe auf Bewährung
Alberts Tochter
Valley of the Innocent
Police officer Eva Meyer re-visits the orphanage where she grew up with the intent of unraveling her confused identity. Stasi archives reveal that her birth was the result of a one-night stand between her mother and one of her husband’s students, a Kenyan. Her family’s plot to hide her birth, metaphorically mirrors Germany’s suppressed history in this noire thriller.
Pigs Will Fly
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Dr. Schäfer
Why Don't We Do It in the Road?
In the middle of the road on Potsdamer Platz, Berlin's heaviest tourist attraction and as close to Times Square as Germany will ever get. How they manage to "do it" there is Zarah's idea, a postmodern creative artist, who likes doing it with Anton in the most quaint and daring of public places - right where and when the traffic is the heaviest. This time, to heighten the fun, Zarah hits upon a special object of desire . . .
Otto - The Disaster Movie
Das gestohlene Leben
Heroes Like Us
Mutter Uhltzscht
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
Doppeltes Dreieck
Move On Up
Frau Schiller
Ein Bernhardiner namens Möpschen
Ein Mord danach
Susanne Kast
Stunde der Füchse
Petra Soltorius
Ein brauchbarer Mann
Ilona Merkel
Kai from the Box
Fräulein Lydia
Kai, a young boy, living in 1923 Berlin tries to convince an American businessman that he can market his chewing gum better than anyone else in town.
Die Entfernung zwischen Dir und mir und ihr
Berlin, hier bin ich