James Shigeta

James Shigeta

Nascimento : 1929-06-17, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA

Morte : 2014-07-28


James Saburo Shigeta (June 17, 1929 – July 28, 2014) was an American actor, singer, and musician of Japanese descent. He was noted for his roles in The Crimson Kimono (1959), Walk Like a Dragon (1960), Flower Drum Song (1961), Bridge to the Sun (1961), Die Hard (1988), and Mulan (1998). In 1960, he won the Golden Globe Award for Most Promising Newcomer – Male, along with three other actors. In his early career, Shigeta often played romantic male lead roles, which were almost nonexistent for an actor of Asian descent during his time, making him a trailblazer in Asian American representation in media. The Goldsea Asian-American Daily magazine listed him as one of the "Most Inspiring Asian-Americans Of All Time". Before his Hollywood career he found success as a pop singer and performer abroad, especially in Japan and Australia.


James Shigeta


Yorktown: A Time to Heal
Admiral Heilachiro Nogura
Having escaped capture by the Klingons, a damaged Starfleet reconnaissance probe crashes undetected on the planet Pahl III. Hikaru Sulu, serving as first officer on the retrofitted USS Yorktown, is sent by Admiral Nogura on a secret mission to help locate the missing spy drone.
Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in Hollywood
A history of anti-Asian racism and yellowface in Hollywood after the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
As pessoas com quem eu dormi
Charles Yang
"As pessoas com quem eu dormi" - uma mulher promíscua que se encontra com uma gravidez não planejada e precisa descobrir quem é o pai do bebê ... AGORA. Angela Yang adora sexo. Ela adora tanto que precisa fazer cartões de beisebol de seus amantes para ajudá-la a se lembrar de onde ela esteve. Ela não pensa duas vezes sobre seu estilo de vida até descobrir que está grávida. Seu melhor amigo gay, Gabriel Lugo, diz para ela "cuidar disso", mas sua irmã conservadora, Julieta convence Angela a se casar com o pai do bebê e a levar uma vida "normal" como ela. Angela ouve a irmã, escolhe ficar com o bebê e parte em uma busca para encontrar a identidade do pai por todos os meios necessários ".
Hollywood Chinese
Hollywood Chinese is a captivating look at cinema history through the lens of the Chinese American experience. Directed by triple Sundance award-winning filmmaker, Arthur Dong, this documentary is a voyage through a century of cinematic delights, intrigues and treasures. It weaves together a wondrous portrait of actors, directors, writers, and movie icons who have defined American feature films, from the silent era to the current new wave of Asian American cinema. At once entertaining and enlightening, Hollywood Chinese reveals long-untold stories behind the Asian faces that have graced the silver screen, and weaves a rich and complicated tapestry, one marked by unforgettable performances and groundbreaking films, but also by a tangled history of race and representation.
The Slanted Screen
From silent film star Sessue Hayakawa to Harold and Kumar Go to Whitecastle, the Slanted Screen examines the portrayal Asian men in film and television, and how new filmmakers are now re-defining age-old stereotypes.
Brother - A Máfia Japonesa Yakuza em Los Angeles
Yamamoto, um yakuza cuja família foi dizimada numa guerra de gangues, é obrigado a sair do país. Depois de ser exilado para os Estados Unidos, ele procura o irmão adotado em Los Angeles e é acolhido pelo clã dele: juntos, eles vão enfurecer um dos sindicatos criminosos mais poderosos da cidade.
Qigong: Ancient Chinese Healing for the 21st Century
This documentary introduces viewers to qigong, a 5,000-year-old method of cultivating and circulating the life energy called qi. It relates some of the history of qigong, as well as scientific evidence of efficacy. We also see qigong used in various contexts in modern China, and hear from Chinese doctors and qigong practitioners. The film was originally produced for the Public Broadcasting Service in the United States.
General Li (voice)
Na antiga China, durante a guerra, todos os homens são convocados para lutar. Mas, um pobre velho, que pela idade não poderia mais lutar, descobre que sua filha Mulan toma o seu lugar, vestindo-se como homem e permanecendo em segredo. Se isso for descoberto, o castigo será severo. Agora, durante a guerra, Mulan ganha a proteção de um pequeno dragão, cuja missão é cuidar para que ela volte a salvo
Drive: Tensão Máxima
Mr. Lau
Drive segue Toby Wong (Mark Dacascos), cujos empregadores da Leung Corporation de Hong Kong implantaram em seu peito um módulo de bioenergia que aprimora suas habilidades físicas. Toby escapou do controle da Leung Corporation e está indo para Los Angeles, onde uma empresa concorrente se ofereceu para remover o implante e devolver sua vida. Depois de chegar a São Francisco, Toby encontra - e, em desespero, sequestra. - Malik Brodie (Kadeem Hardison), que tem os meios para levá-lo a Los Angeles. Logo a seguir estão os assassinos profissionais e os conhecedores da cultura de junk Vic Madison (John Pyper-Ferguson) e The Hedgehog (Tracey Walter), que estão perseguindo Toby no emprego do presidente da Leung Corporation, o Sr. Lau (James Shigeta).
Space Marines
Ambassador Nakamura
Space pirates, led by diabolical Colonel Fraser, take over a cargo ship carrying anti-matter explosive and an important official. Space marines, led by Captain Gray, must stop their evil plans.
A Arena da Morte II
Tin Lum Yin
Lutador é tomado como refém por perigosa gangue e forçado a brigar até a morte com invencíveis mestres de artes marciais.
Hart to Hart: Old Friends Never Die
Det. Whoo
The Harts find themselves in the middle of a dangerous murder plot, but it isn't clear if the plot it a famous author's fictional murder-mystery, or an actual murder plot, until Jonathan finds himself the unsuspecting target of a killer. It begins to look like the culprit behind the plot is an old friend, Frank Crane, but there may be a connection to a corporate takeover of Hart Industries as well.
Um Clamor na China
Dr. Sung
Adotada por uma família nobre de Xangai em 1941, a pequena Sung Neng Yee (Julia Nickson) era tratada como se fosse uma princesa, até que as bombas caíram e os japoneses confiscaram a sua casa. Depois da derrota dos japoneses, ela se uniu aos comunistas, acreditando ser estes os libertadores da China. Tudo correu bem até que Sung se apaixonou por Lam Cheng Shen (Russell Wong) de Hong Kong. Esta é uma história de amor, uma saga de coragem e uma jóia premiada de inspiração.
A Arena da Morte
Tin Lum Yin
Durante a Guerra do Vietnã, Scott foi salvo da morte pelo amigo Billy, que levou um tiro ao resgatá-lo e ficou com lesões permanentes no cérebro. Vinte anos depois, eles são envolvidos por empresários do submundo numa violenta modalidade de luta ilegal até a morte.
Slaying the Dragon
A highly critical documentary about the history of Asian-American actresses in Hollywood. Features interviews with pioneering Asian-American actresses and clips from classic films such as "The Thief of Bagdad", "The Good Earth", and "The World of Suzie Wong", interspersed with Asian/feminist sociological commentary.
Duro de Matar
Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi
O policial de Nova York John McClane está visitando sua família no Natal. Ele participa de uma confraternização de fim de ano na sede da empresa japonesa em que a esposa trabalha. A festa é interrompida por terroristas que invadem o edifício de luxo. McClane não demora a perceber que não há ninguém para salvá-los, a não ser ele próprio.
The Renegades
Jimmy Lee
In this drama, undercover investigators are recruited from the streets to prevent arms smugglers from getting their weapons to street gangs.
Tomorrow's Child
Donald Shibura
The wife of a research geneticist agrees to the experimental procedure of a 'test-tube baby' by having her fetus brought to full term in a glass jar in a laboratory.
Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb
Field Marshal Abehata
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
Takeo Chisato
Lee Cantrell, a young San Francisco attorney by day, at night becomes a samurai warrior, and battles a crazed multi-millionaire who is planning to destroy the city with an earthquake machine.
A Batalha de Midway
Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo
A batalha de Midway ocorreu em junho de 1942, apenas seis meses depois do fatídico ataque japonês a Pearl Harbor. Midway mostra as histórias dramáticas dos homens que lutaram bravamente na batalha dando suas vidas por sua pátria. O elenco estrelado por Charlton Heston (Ben-Hur) e Henry Fonda (Era uma vez no Oeste) é garantia de muita emoção e talento em cena. Imperdível.
The Killer Who Wouldn't Die
David Lao
After his wife is killed in a mysterious bomb explosion, a cop leaves the department and starts a charter boat service. When an undercover agent who is a close friend is killed, he is asked to look into it, and discovers a web of espionage and murder.
Matt Helm
Tom McCauley
In this pilot film for the later series, a former secret agent, now a private investigator, is hired to protect a beautiful film star and gets involved with black marketeers and gun runners.
Operação Yakuza
Homem volta ao Japão para tentar resgatar a filha de um amigo, que foi sequestrada pela máfia Yakuza. Lá, reencontra uma amante que teve no passado e pede ajuda ao irmão dela para enfrentar a organização.
Projeto Questor
Dr. Chen
Project Questor is brainchild of the genius Dr. Vaslovik: he developed plans to build an android super-human. Although he's disappeared and half of his programming tape was erased in the attempt to decode it, his former colleagues continue the project and finally succeed. But Vaslovik seems to have installed a secret program in Questor's brain: He flees and starts to search for Vaslovik. Since half of his knowledge is missing, he needs the help of Jerry Robinson, who's now under suspect of having stolen the android.
Horizonte Perdido
Brother To-Lenn
Durante uma tempestade, um avião cai em algum lugar do Himalaia. Em busca de ajuda, os sobreviventes acabam encontrando um mundo estranho e maravilhoso chamado Shangri-la, onde existe a eterna juventude e a felicidade plena.
The Young Lawyers
Lee Ahn
TV-pilot that was an ABC Movie of the Week in October of 1969 and then became a TV-series as part of the 1970-71 season.
Operation Heartbeat
Chief Resident
Lawsuits fly when a widow believes a gifted surgeon allowed her husband to die so his heart could be transplanted into the doctor's ailing mentor and friend. Operation Heartbeat was the pilot movie for the TV series Medical Center.
Escape to Mindanao
Lt. Takahashi
Two American POWs break out of a Japanese jungle prison camp with their captors' secret decoding device and try to reach freedom despite being slowed by an opportunistic sea captain, his pretty daughter, and a black marketeer.
Manila, Open City
Captain Murakami
War drama set in the closing stages of World War Two. As Allied Forces are nearing the defeat of the Japanese Army in Manila, the Japanese Empire's soldiers begin attacking innocent civilians. A brutal month-long battle ensues.
Ninguém é Perfeito
Diver Toshi O'Hara
This military service comedy chronicles the misadventures of the U.S.S. Bustard in Japan. The crew has stolen a Buddha statue from a Japanese village, which if discovered missing would threaten Japanese/American relations. Doc Willoughby is the ship's petty officer, whose antics are constantly getting him into trouble with his captain. On shore leave, Willoughby falls for a seemingly demure Japanese girl in a kimono shop, who actually turns out to be a Japanese/American nurse in the US Navy, Lt. Tomiko Momoyama. However, it turns out she was betrothed as a child to a traditional Japanese man named Toshi, who fully intends on enforcing tradition. Willoughby divides his time between trying to return the Buddha statue back to the Japanese village it rightfully belongs to, and trying to woo Tomiko from the traditional Japanese man she rightfully belongs to.
The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Chinese Junk
George Ti Ming
The Hardy Boys become owners of the Chinese junk Hai Hau. They head to New York City and go spelunking to break up a gang of criminals.
Death Walks in Laredo
Lester Koto
Whitaker Selby, Lester Kato, and Etienne Devereaux, three eccentric gunmen, discover they are brothers. Their father left them all a mine located in Laredo, Texas. But they discover that Julius Caesar Fuller, the town's greedy landowner (who fancies himself Caesar) has taken control of their mine. They band together to fight Caesar and his black clad gunmen to repossess their mine and avenge their father. Source: SWDB http://www.spaghetti-western.net
No Paraíso do Havaí
Danny Kohana
Após ser demitido de empresas aéreas por ser muito namorador, um jovem piloto (Elvis Presley) se associa a um amigo inaugurando um serviço de charter no Havaí, para levar os turistas aos lugares mais belos. Lá ele aproveita para namorar algumas das beldades locais, que passam a lhe fornecer uma boa clientela. Mas tudo pode ir por água abaixo quando ele, ao transportar os cães de uma milionária, acaba quase provocando um acidente com o chefe da Agência de Aviação Federal.
Carol for Another Christmas
Japanese Doctor
Daniel Grudge, a wealthy industrialist and fierce isolationist long embittered by the loss of his son in World War II, is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who lead him to reconsider his attitude toward his fellow man.
Flower Drum Song
Wang Ta
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
Bridge to the Sun
Hidenari Terasaki
Tells the true story of Gwen Terasaki, who falls in love with, then marries a Japanese diplomat. When war breaks out they find animosity and trouble from both sides.
Cry for Happy
Army photographers on leave in Japan take over a geisha house.
Comprei Uma Escrava
Cheng Lu
California, 1870s. The cowboy Lincoln 'Linc' Bartlett finds out there's a slave auction of Chinese women in San Francisco and he intervenes and purchases the Chinese Kim Sung from the auction with the intent of setting her free. But it doesn't occur to Linc that setting her free isn't enough. Where is she going to go? Kim doesn't speak English and she's just going to be exploited by somebody else. Linc takes Kim home to serve as a housekeeper. Ma Bartlett Linc's mother, is not happy that a Chinese girl is living in her home, and even less happy when Kim and her son fall in love. Their affair also arouses the jealousy of Cheng Lu, a Chinese immigrant.
O Quimono Escarlate
Detective Joe Kojaku
Os detetives Charlie Bancroft (Glenn Corbett) e Joe Kojaku (James Shigeta) combateram juntos na Guerra da Coréia e desenvolveram uma forte amizade. Agora, a dupla trabalha na divisão de homicídios da polícia de Los Angeles e tem um caso complicado para investigar: O assassinato de uma dançarina. Enquanto tentam solucionar o caso, os dois acabam se envolvendo em um perigoso triângulo amoroso com uma sedutora e misteriosa mulher.