Nakia Burrise

Nakia Burrise

Nascimento : 1974-10-21, San Diego, California, USA


Nakia Burrise (born October 21, 1974 in San Diego, CA) is an American voice actress, singer and actress.


Nakia Burrise


Back to Bridgewood
Liz Johnson
Back to Bridgewood, is an inspirational comedy centered around entitled television star Liz Johnson, whose life takes a tail spin when an accident leaves her in the hospital unconscious for days. When she wakes, she discovers she has lost everything, and now has to take refuge on (her childhood friend) Anne's coach in the small town of Bridgewood. Attempting to get back on her feet she finds herself back at Duke Ellington Academy as a one on one teacher for the misunderstood teen, Paul. Yet, Paul's mysterious wisdom at such a young age takes Liz on a journey, challenging her to face her past issues with her estranged mother, find her true self, and purpose in life.
Back to Bridgewood
Back to Bridgewood, is an inspirational comedy centered around entitled television star Liz Johnson, whose life takes a tail spin when an accident leaves her in the hospital unconscious for days. When she wakes, she discovers she has lost everything, and now has to take refuge on (her childhood friend) Anne's coach in the small town of Bridgewood. Attempting to get back on her feet she finds herself back at Duke Ellington Academy as a one on one teacher for the misunderstood teen, Paul. Yet, Paul's mysterious wisdom at such a young age takes Liz on a journey, challenging her to face her past issues with her estranged mother, find her true self, and purpose in life.
Class Dismissed
Class Dismissed is a hilarious new comedy web series centered around three grade school friends - Liz, the sassy television extra turned teacher's aide, Anne, the easy going, free spirited first grade teacher who, uses yoga and ti chi to teach her students Math and English, and BJ, the loud-mouthed PE teacher/failed comedian. After years apart, these laughable characters find themselves reunited back at the same elementary school... only this time they're in charge. What happens in the teachers lounge, stays in the teachers lounge.
Class Dismissed
Class Dismissed is a hilarious new comedy web series centered around three grade school friends - Liz, the sassy television extra turned teacher's aide, Anne, the easy going, free spirited first grade teacher who, uses yoga and ti chi to teach her students Math and English, and BJ, the loud-mouthed PE teacher/failed comedian. After years apart, these laughable characters find themselves reunited back at the same elementary school... only this time they're in charge. What happens in the teachers lounge, stays in the teachers lounge.
Uma Festa de Arromba
Estudante do ensino médio decide entrar em uma festa exclusiva na casa de seu amigo, que se transforma em uma noite selvagem de hip-hop, dança e diversão.
For the Love of Christmas
Caryln Griffin
Rashad is faced with the pressures of making a career choice and getting married all before Christmas day. His friend Faye is faced with the difficult dilemma that Lauren, Rashad's fiance, and her intentions are not what they appear to be.
Barbie & Chelsea: O Aniversário Perdido
"Barbie & Chelsea The Lost Birthday" conta a história de Chelsea, a irmã mais nova da Barbie, em companhia da família Roberts que partem para uma aventura em um cruzeiro, onde pretendem comemorar o aniversário de sete anos da Chelsea. Quando o cruzeiro atravessa a Linha Internacional De Mudança de Data, Chelsea acredita ter perdido o dia do seu aniverário, então ela embarca em uma jornada através das florestas de uma ilha mágica para salvar o seu dia especial.
She's the One for Me
Alex, a fun-loving parking valet who uses customer's cars and writes poetry to impress the ladies, gets caught up between two women.
Barbie Aventura da Princesa
Principal Miller (voice)
Nesta aventura musical em que conhece novas amigas num reino novo, Barbie aprende o que significa ser ela mesma quando troca de lugar com uma sósia da realeza.
Crazy Wonderful
A family learns how to put up with a dad who has mental illness
The Order
A covert group of vigilantes known as The Order dedicate their lives to eliminating violent threats and imminent disasters, but discover that one threat they face, is being lead by some of their very own.
Barbie Dreamtopia - Cabelos Mágicos
Nikki (voice) / Juniper (voice) / Amethyst (voice)
Com a ajuda de irmã mais velha, Barbie, Chelsea visita a terra de Dreamtopia onde ela aprende lições de vida valiosas.
The Perfect Boyfriend
A charming but devious man conspires to bilk a wealthy veterinarian of her money.
Barbie: Vida de Sereia 2
Fallon (voice)
Nesta nova aventura, Merliah aproveita sua vida de surfista nas ondas da Austrália, enquanto curte o fundo do mar como sereia. Até que uma rival muito competitiva ameaça a segurança do Oceano ao libertar a malvada Eris. Merliah precisará da ajuda de seus amigos e das sereias embaixadoras para tentar salvar o oceano e ganhar a competição de surfe. Será que ela conseguirá?
Barbie: Vida de Sereia
Fallon (voice)
Barbie é Merliah, uma campeã de surf de Malibu. Em um momento ela é uma adolescente, e no outro descobre um chocante segredo de família: ela é uma sereia! Merliah e seu amigo golfinho, Zuma, partem para uma aventura no fundo do mar para resgatar sua mãe, a rainha de Oceana. Com ajuda das suas amigas sereias, Merliah salva o reino do mar. No final ela descobre que o que faz de você ser diferente, pode ser sua maior virtude.
Between Kings and Queens
Between Kings and Queens is the story of a prince from Africa, who seeks to escape his royal duties by fleeing to America. Torn between new love and free will, his immigrant experience in the land of liberty quickly unravels as he finds himself running for his life.
Uma Noite Mágica
Bank customer (uncredited)
Jack Frost (Michael Keaton) é um cantor que sempre está viajando, assim ele não pode passar muito tempo com Charlie Frost (Joseph Cross), seu filho. Ironicamente quando Jack decide não ir fazer um teste, que poderia resultar em contrato com uma gravadora, para se encontrar com Gabby Frost (Kelly Preston), sua mulher, e Charlie e passarem o Natal juntos, Jack morre em um acidente de carro. Charlie fica bastante triste, mas um ano depois Jack retorna como um boneco de neve. Agora pai e filho podem fazer tudo que tinham perdido quando Jack era um humano, mas as pessoas estão começando a reparar que Charlie sempre conversa com seu boneco de neve. Além disto o tempo está esquentando, o que certamente derreterá o "corpo" que Jack agora habita.
Um Amor de Múmia
Uma comédia-aventura em que três crianças de doze anos têm um encontro próximo com uma múmia de 3.000 anos. Marshall, Gilbert e Amy acidentalmente libertam a múmia, mas se não o levarem de volta ao seu local de descanso à meia-noite no Halloween, ele se transformará em pó e perderá sua única chance de se reunir com seu amor há muito perdido.
Turbo: Power Rangers 2
Tanya Sloan / Yellow Ranger
Uma nova geração dos Power Rangers, agora ainda mais poderosos, deve deter a perigosa Divatox. A maligna pirata espacial está prestes a libertar Maligore, preso há tempos num vulcão isolado, mas para isso precisa do auxílio do mago Lerigot, que decide buscar a proteção dos nossos heróis.
One of Us Tripped
The trail of a client's unfaithful lover takes two young detectives down a road of danger and murder.
Power Rangers Zeo: Zeo Quest
Tanya Sloan
For all that is good, there exists a dark opposite, an enemy with the will to destroy with awesome fury. Despite these adversaries, peace and harmony prevail... all because of six exceptional teenagers who have been uniquely empowered to defend against evil. This is the story of THE POWER RANGERS... in their greatest challenge yet! The evil LORD ZEDD and his wife, RITA REPULSA, in the ultimate attempt to render our heroes powerless, have turned The Power Rangers into children. Now their leader, ZORDON, has no choice but to send them to undercover the power of the ZEO Crystal. It is a mission known as "The ZEO Quest." With great courage, the young voyagers embark on a remarkable journey to their ancestry. Only through the revitalizing powers of the ZEO Crystal can our heroes save themselves and in turn... all of mankind.