Marie Richardson

Marie Richardson

Nascimento : 1959-06-06, Ljusdal, Gävleborgs län, Sweden


Marie Elisabet Richardson is a Swedish stage and screen actress. She graduated from the Swedish National Academy of Acting, Stockholm, in 1985, and has since been a member of the ensemble at The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm.


Marie Richardson
Marie Richardson


Tuesday Club
A sudden change forces Karin to re-evaluate her life. With the help of friends, food and passion she refuses to accept that life has an expiration date and takes the second chance she is given.
Um Pedaço do Meu Coração
Isabella é uma mulher de negócios motivada e uma verdadeira estrela no mundo financeiro. Quando ela retorna à sua pequena cidade natal para comemorar o aniversário do pai, se sente uma vencedora em comparação com seus antigos colegas de classe. Porém, sua confiança fica abalada ao descobrir que uma antiga paixão vai se casar com uma de suas amigas de infância.
The story of Leon Vitali, who surrendered his promising acting career to become Stanley Kubrick's devoted right-hand man.
Förbjuden kärlek
Drottning Victoria (voice)
A documentary about Victoria, queen of Sweden, and her relationship with her doctor, Axel Munthe.
Johan Falk: O Último Ato
Helén Falk
Todos os tópicos se juntam neste filme final do GSI. Johan Falk tenta resolver o problema com a mafia de Kavkaz que está ameaçando sua família. Seus colegas apreendem alguns documentos que são críticos em sua investigação de uma grande rede criminosa multinacional.
Johan Falk: Bloqueio Total
Helén Falk
Um ataque ocorre dentro da principal delegacia de Gotemburgo e o prédio fecha imediatamente, para que ninguém possa entrar ou sair. Ao mesmo tempo, um grande julgamento começa no prédio ao lado, onde Vijay Khan, arqui-inimigo de Seth Rydell, está apelando de seu veredicto, já que o GSI costumava usar métodos ilegais.
Johan Falk: Diamantes de Sangue
Helén Falk
O GSI segue uma trilha de armas que as leva diretamente para a sede da máfia Kavkaz, na costa oeste. Um membro do GSI, Niklas Saxlid, é enviado como um agente secreto para descobrir o que estám fazendo. Mas a mafia percebe um traidor no meio e Niklas desaparece. Enquanto isso, Johan Falk confronta uma mulher misteriosa que ameaça sua família.
Johan Falk: Diplomacia Silenciosa
Helén Falk
Quando Johan e seus colegas espionam a gangue de Seth, eles descobrem um caso grande e complexo. Eles observam que Seth está vendendo armas para terroristas dentro de um carro com um ex-parceira de Johan - Pernilla. Johan deve descobrir por que seu parceira está envolvida nisso. Por outro lado, Jack, outro membro da gangue, começa a suspeitar que Seth está trabalhando com a polícia.
Johan Falk: De Mal a Pior
Helén Falk
Johan Falk viaja para Letônia. O que ele encontra em Riga e escandaloso pra ele e pra uma nova chefe da unidade especial da polícia de Gotemburgo, Sophie Nordh e ex-chefe Patrik Agrell: um grupo da máfia letã está coletando camihnao militares soviéticos escondidos com armas de fogo. E tudo vai para a Suécia
Stockholm Stories
The lives of five seemingly unrelated lost souls intertwine in Sweden’s chilly capital in this delicate and wryly funny ensemble film. A precocious yet untalented young writer, a friendless advertising genius, a tight-lipped workaholic, a shy upper-class boy with a secret crush, and a recently dumped young woman all come to realize hard truths about love and life over the course of several days.
Shed No Tears
Pål dreams about becoming successful with his music, but he has one major obstacle: himself. He's a diamond in the rough, and the only things greater than his musical talent are his obsessions, which constantly get him into trouble. We follow Pål on an emotional journey one summer in Gothenburg where he is thrown between passion and deceit; love, reconciliation and deliverance.
Johan Falk: Codinome Lisa
Helén Falk
Frank Wagner está dormindo com sua família no apartamento em Gotemburgo. Todos os seus pertences pessoais são descompactados as caixas. O contrato era o sonho de sua vida, o bistrô na costa francesa, encontra-se na mesa da cozinha junto com a mochila com todo o dinheiro que ele salvou-se ao longo dos anos como disfarçado para a polícia. De repente, a quebra de um grupo de homens fortemente armados dentro do apartamento. Frank reagir rapidamente e conseguem fugir com sua família, casa para a única pessoa que ele pode confiar: Johan Falk. Enquanto se perguntando se pode ser tão ruim que o pior pesadelo agora está aqui, Frank cooperação com a polícia finalmente revelado, como é mais ataques em Gotemburgo contra chefes tanto o crime e policiais.
Johan Falk: Organização Karajan
Helén Andersson
A enteada de Johan Falk, Nina, decide passar mais tempo com Orjan. Orjan está usando os serviços ilegais oferecidos a ele por uma desonesta empresa de construção. Quando ele se vê incapaz de pagar pelos serviços, ele coloca Nina em perigo ocasionando seu sequestro. Para achar Nina, Johan envolve o GSI, criando uma bola de neve que os leva à máfia mais perigosa da Europa, a Karayan.
Johan Falk: Regras Do Jogo
Helén Andersson
Já se passaram dois anos desde que Johan Falk (Jakob Eklund) e Frank Wagner (Joel Kinnaman) quebrou sua cooperação e Frank terminou como disfarçado para a polícia. Frank acaba tinha nyinvigning do seu bar quando a sua ex-namorada do irmão de Kevin entrar em apuros por causa de dívidas de jogo. Ao mesmo tempo, John e GSI Group, em conjunto com a polícia alemã, para explodir uma gangue extraordinariamente cruel vendendo um novo tipo de droga que é difícil para os jovens. Pesquisa de Frank para Kevin cruzes Johan investigação e abre-se uma nova colaboração entre eles - com a grande diferença de que desta vez é pessoal para Frank.Det Logo Frank acaba mais profunda do que nunca para o crime organizado.
Den girige
Filmed stage production of Molière's comedic play The Miser about the dangers of greed.
Somewhere Else
Alongside a tranquil road somewhere in Sweden live a number of people who are pretty much like people in general. When a highly improbable and catastrophic chain of events besets them, it leads to break up and change. A tragicomic story that feels both familiar and alien at the same time.
Johan Falk: The Outlaws
Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.
Johan Falk: Operation Näktergal
Johan Falk and his colleagues at the GSI go after sex traffickers importing young women from the East and forcing them into prostitution.
Johan Falk: Leo Gaut
Helén Andersson
A car explodes in front of a primary school where GSI boss Patrick Agrell has just left his children. The event reunites Johan Falk with Leo Gaut, a former criminal restaurant owner who Johan put behind bars a decade ago.
Johan Falk: GSI - Gruppen för särskilda insatser
Helén Andersson
Johan works in tandem with the GSI organized crime unit to bring in a cadre of armored car robbers
The Pyramid
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
Maravilhosa e Amada por Todos
Marie Richardson
Bella (Martina Haag) é uma atriz auto-proclamada com uma grande cabeça, mas uma pequena lista de realizações. Ela está chegando aos quarenta, constantemente está em falência e tem muito pouco mais para mostrar. Para acabar com seu azar, ela decide tomar algumas "liberdades criativas" com seu CV, fingindo que ela tem desenvolvido habilidades de acrobata. Ela tem sorte: o lendário Ingmar Bergman está à procura de uma atriz com exatamente essas habilidades para realizar perigosas acrobacias em sua nova peça. Bella consegue o papel de sua vida, mas suas pequenas mentiras terão grandes consequências. - See more at:
Beck 19 - The Vulture
Annika Vedén
Swedish politician John Veden vanishes without a trace. There's no hint he's dead yet but Beck's team gets the case due to Police Chief Oberg's friendship with the man whom she dined with him the evening before he vanished. When they find out Veden was a gambler with heavy debts battling his addiction the case leads Martin Beck, Gunvald Larsson and freshly returned Lena Klingström into Sweden's illegal gambling scene. And Veden was planning to expose his own addiction and his party's huge financial profits from gambling in a confessional book - which his political allies got wind of via illegal data theft. With several people having an interest that Veden stays missing the team tries to find the politician and the true perpetrator while Beck is grappling privately with his ambivalent feelings about working with ex Lena again....
Wallander: Firewall
Kurt Wallander is thrown into a world he does not master - the computing world. An empty taxi found, heavily bloodstained and battered. Two young girls are taken in for questioning and admits murder of the taxi driver, but does not tell where the body is. The day after a man is found lying dead at an ATM with the bank statement in his hand. Two seemingly different cases, or do they have anything to do with each other? Kurt Wallander is trying to find answers, but he does not recognize himself - he feels unwell, dizzy and is forced to go to hospital.
Christoffer's mother
A blackmail drama, a power-game amongst three adolescents who use manipulation, dominance and sexuality as weapons to achieve what they want. About getting a pass or fail in today's society, about how far people are prepared to go and about which limits they are prepared to go beyond in order to reach their goals.
Anna's Best Friend
Anna is a primary school girl who goes her own way, against her mother's and her teachers' will.
Mouth to Mouth
The teenage girl Vera left her family after an incident at home, and is now living with a middle-aged drug addict, Morgan, who is using her as a prostitute to get money for drugs and debts. Meanwhile, the rest of her family is falling apart, and her father, Mats, is trying to figure out how to get her back before it's too late.
One Step Behind
Shortly after police discovers the murder of three friends, police inspector Wallander finds his friend and colleague Svedberg dead. First, it is believed that Svedberg killed himself but Wallander soon discovers links between Svedberg, the three friends and a fourth person, a young woman in a mental hospital.
The Fish
A small group of people who, in intimate ways, explores a relationship that is exposed to stress.
Sweden, shortly before Christmas. Surgeon Rickard is told the job he expected goes to a Dane, because of his substance abuse. It's too late to cancel dinner with his in-laws. The guest couple announces their in-vitro is a success. Then Richard's wife learns he cheated her with Sofie. Meanwhile ugly hag Anita trades drugs to afford a taser to use on her ex Olof and his former physiotherapist. Workaholic builder Anders is disgusted by his grieve-deranged client Knut's plan and decides to spend time on his family, not just money.
Garras da Corrupção
Helén Andersson
Na Europa, em Haag, está assumindo um novo chefe, o superintendente da polícia sueca Ola Sellberg, que pretende investir pesado contra o crime organizado que ataca agora as grandes instituições capitalistas e que por hora sobrevive incólume diante de um sistema judiciário ineficiente. Enquanto isso, em Londres, a corretora Rebecca Akerstm, descobre que seu noivo, Phoeniz Kane, um gênio das finanças, está seriamente envolvido com o crime. Temendo por sua vida, ela reúne provas das ações ilegais de Kane e procura por proteção. E num encontro entre amigos, Falk testemunha o assassinato a sangue frio de seu mentor Selberg, tornando-se a questão agora de ordem pessoal.
Evil - Raízes do mal
Fru Ponti, Eriks mor
Erik Ponti (Andreas Wilson) é um adolescente de 16 anos que tem uma vida em meio à violência. Acostumado a tratar todos com brutalidade, devido aos maus tratos de seu padastro, é expulso da escola onde estudava e transferido para Stjärnberg, um famoso colégio privado. Sabendo que pode ser sua última oportunidade, Erik tenta mudar seu estilo de vida e enfrentar as novas opressões que começam a sofrer na nova escola.
Emma och Daniel - Mötet
Everyone Loves Alice
A love triangle between a man, two women and three children. When love suddenly explodes in these people's everyday lives, it creates a pressure wave that changes the lives of everyone.
Executive Protection
Helén Andersson
After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy into a private investigation agency. Another friend of Falk's, Sven, purchased a business in Estonia, and when local gangsters attempted to pressure him into paying protection money, Sven retained the services of Nikolaus Lehmann, a burly private eye, to throw them off his trail. However, Lehmann does his job all too well, murdering the racketeers, and then threatening Sven and his family. With no where else to turn, Sven asks Falk to help him deal with the crazed Lehmann; Falk agrees, but soon realizes he's dealing with a more dangerous man than he imagined when Lehmann kidnaps Falk's wife Jeanette, and then releases her with a time bomb locked around her neck, demanding that Falk hand over ownership of his detective agency to Lehmann.
Cecilia Falck
Ten actresses test films for the title role of a remake of "Queen Christina".
Anna Berg
Um drama sobre um triângulo amoroso, a deslealdade consciente e suas conseqüências. Marianne (Lena Endre) é casada com o regente Markus (Thomas Hanzon), com quem tem uma filha. Tudo vai bem no casamento até que numa noite, David (Krister Henriksson), o melhor amigo do marido, faz uma visita. A partir desse encontro, ela o vê de forma diferente e fica atraída por David. Assim que surge a oportunidade, a paixão desata e os dois começam a ter um caso. Mas Markus descobre, iniciando um jogo de trágicas e inesperadas conseqüências. Os segredos são revelados, mostrando que todos são infiéis. Ingmar Bergman se inspirou em uma experiência própria para escrever o roteiro.
Shit Happens
A young couple, Sophia and Freddie has just got their first baby, but this little thing makes their lives way to complicated and difficult for them to handle. They both have jobs, Sophia is an actress and Freddie a balloon-flier, which makes it tough to be home with the baby and such. They also have to deal with Sophia´s family, which includes a depressed dad, a close to senile mother, and two eccentric sisters. The family life is nothing what Sophia and Freddie expected.
Zero Tolerance
Helén Andersson
Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.
De Olhos Bem Fechados
Marion Nathanson
Alice, uma curadora de arte, é casada com o doutor Bill Harford. Juntos formam um casal perfeito, porém depois de participarem de uma festa, Alice confessa ter tido atração e fantasias sexuais com outro homem, que também estava na festa. Os dois começam a discutir e Bill passa a se perguntar o porquê disto estar acontecendo com ele, então ele vai procurar seu amigo Nick Nightingale, que irá lhe mostrar um mundo de fantasias e jogos sexuais.
Na Presença de um Palhaço
Pauline Thibualt
Nos anos 20 em Uppsala na Suécia o inventor Carl Akerblom, obcecado admirador de Schubert, recebe alta do hospital, onde foi paciente psiquiátrico depois de ter tentado matar a sua namorada, e decide fazer um filme revolucionário. Um filme com som ao vivo, ou seja, com atores dando voz às personagens durante a projeção, sobre os últimos anos de vida de Schubert e de sua suposta relação amorosa com uma jovem condessa. A projeção corre de forma desastrosa e são os atores que acabam por salvar a situação lendo o texto à luz das velas.
Cheek to Cheek
The faded dragshow entertainer Ragnar Rönn is both broke and lonely. He is becoming extremely unpopular. Noone comes to his shows. Perhaps it might have to do with the fact that he is completely unruly and bitter. One day he runs into the middle-aged funeral entrepreneur Margaretha.
Onkel Vanja
A retired professor has returned to his estate to live with his beautiful young wife, Yelena. The estate originally belonged to his first wife, now deceased; her mother and brother still live there and manage the farm.
Rico's Mistress
David has just started working for a large pharmaceutical company and falls madly in love with a young and very beautiful colleague, Angelica.
Murder at the Savoy
Helena Hansson
A famous industrialist is murdered at a restaurant in Malmoe. Police inspector Martin Beck in Stockholm gets the case. The suspects lead to people involved in illegal arms deals. But who was the biggest criminal, the murderer or the industrialist?
Härifrån till Kim
Per is living in a small town and dreams of becoming a jazz musician in New York. As a first step he applies to a music high school in Stockholm and is - much to his surprise - accepted. Then a new chapter in his life begins when he falls in love with one of his fellow students, Kim.
The Telegraphist
Elise Mack
Set against the beautiful backdrop of northern Norway, this film tells the story of a telegraphist in a very small community at the turn of the century.
Sunday's Children
Little Pu spends a summer in Norrland with all his relatives. He and his brother get to hear the story about the watchmaker who hung himself, learns to shoot with a bow and follow his father on a bicycle trip.
As Melhores Intenções
Märta Werkelin
Em 1909, o estudante de teologia Henrik Bergman se apaixona por Anna Åkerbloom, jovem de uma família rica que é contra o namoro do casal. Anos mais tarde, eles se casam e se mudam para uma cidade onde terão que enfrentar suas diferenças.
A Marquesa de Sade
A theatre production of Yukio Mishima's play, filmed for Swedish television. It begins in France in 1772. Six Women, one of them Madame de Sade, discuss their views and feelings of the notorious sadist and sodomist Marquis de Sade.
A forty something man, Bosse, perpetually down on his luck but always optimistic, hopes to impress his new girlfriend by accepting a job as headwaiter at a remote boardinghouse.
Riktiga män bär alltid slips
A criminal in relapse is once again in prison. He wants to be reintegrated in society and build a future with his girlfriend. But first he wants revenge on the person who betrayed him - the rat rooster.
Lysande landning
Lilly Sternmark
Harry Friberg receives a photo assignment at Lindarängen's airport in Stockholm. The assignment turns into a nightmare when the photographer is invited to a crayfish party by the company's director.