Frank De Kova

Frank De Kova

Nascimento : 1910-03-17, New York, USA

Morte : 1981-10-15


Frank DeKova parlayed a sinister scowl, piercing eyes and an all-around menacing attitude into a long career of playing cold-blooded trigger-men, rampaging Indian chiefs, brutal Mexican army officers and the like. So it would probably come as a shock to those who know his work to discover that, before he became an actor, he was--of all things--a schoolteacher. Born in New York in 1910, DeKova gave up teaching for the stage, and played in many Shakespearean productions before getting work on Broadway. One of his first starring roles was in the classic detective play "Detective Story", which got him noticed and brought to Hollywood. He debuted in Viva Zapata! (1952) as the devious Mexican colonel who sets up Zapata's assassination. For the next several years he played an assortment of gangsters, killers, gunfighters and Indians--with time out to play a prehistoric patriarch in Roger Corman's campy Teenage Cave Man (1958)--and did much television work, including a standout job as a Mafia hit-man assigned to kill Elliot Ness in Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse: The Untouchables: Part 1 (1959). The role for which he will be most remembered, however, is probably the one that was his most atypical: the scheming, somewhat untrustworthy but very funny Hekawi Chief Wild Eagle, the partner to Forrest Tucker's Sgt. O'Rourke in O'Rourke's various schemes to make money, in the western comedy series F Troop (1965). He showed a previously unknown talent for comedy and managed to steal most of the scenes he was in from such veterans as Tucker and Larry Storch. He died in his sleep in 1981.


Frank De Kova


Hey Good Lookin'
Old Vinnie (voice)
An outrageous, affectionate look at coming of age in the Eisenhower era in Brooklyn.
American Pop
Crisco (voice)
No filme online American Pop, O diretor colocou quatro gerações de músicos (cada período no seu contexto histórico e social) enquanto cada um procura a fama com a mudança das eras musicais. Começando no começo do século, depois os movimentos do jazz, a música-popular, os anos 60 e o punk, através dos arranjos de Lee Holdridge, numa produção de Martin Rondshoff – um dos mais famosos produtores independentes de Hollywood.
Mafia on the Bounty
A Mafia don concocts a scheme to convince several Mobsters to meet abroad a bomb strapped yacht. There, they encounter a crew of gay men (including a man (played by Jackie Gayle) who's seizures make him believe he's the Captain) and an eager female crew member who mistaken them for movie producers.
Cat in the Cage
Rachid Khan
A young man returns to his rich family's estate after a stay in a mental hospital. He finds that his father has married his deceased wife's nurse, who is secretly plotting with her lover
Managan (voice) / Ruby (voice)
Brother Rabbit, Brother Bear, and Preacher Fox rise to the top of the crime ranks in Harlem by going up against a con-man, a racist cop, and the Mafia.
Johnny Firecloud
White Eagle
An American Indian war veteran avenges the hanging of his grandfather by local thugs.
Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes
Big Tony (as Frank deKova)
In 1950s Harlem a vicious Italian gangster (Frank deKova) tries to muscle in on a black racketeer's (Paul Harris) numbers game.
The Don Is Dead
After his mistress is murdered, a Mafia leader goes after the killer with a bloody vengeance. Soon after the hunt begins, a gang war ensues.
The Slams
Rival prison factions surround a Los Angeles convict who has $1.5 million stashed on the outside.
Heavy Traffic
Angelo "Angie" Corleone
An "underground" cartoonist contends with life in the inner city, where various unsavory characters serve as inspiration for his artwork.
Assassino a Preço Fixo
The Man
Arthur Bishop é um assassino de elite com um código restrito e um talento único para eliminar alvos. Quando seu mentor e amigo Harry é assassinado, Bishop decide matar aqueles responsáveis pela sua morte. Tudo se complica quando o filho de Harry se aproxima com o mesmo desejo de vingança e disposto a aprender as técnicas de Bishop. Enquanto uma aliança mortal nasce, Bishop enfrenta traições e decepções enquanto aqueles que foram contratados para resolver o problema se tornam o próprio problema.
A Vida É Um Desafio
Two Dog
Expulsos de seu confortável lar em Pennsylvania, James e Kate Tanner, junto com seus filhos Virgil e Andy embarcam numa jornada para a região agreste de Wyoming na década de 1890 para se tornarem fazendeiros. Logo eles ficam cara a cara com tornados, ursos, e lobos. Para completar, um pecuarista local fará de tudo para expulsá-los de volta.
The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle
Narrator (voice)
Eagles are the channel to the spirit world for a Hopi Indian boy who defies tribal law and frees a sacred, sacrificial eagle. He is banished from his village to the wilderness, but the eagle teaches him hunting skills and cares for him. He eventually returns, only to be bullied and taunted by the other village boys.
A Maior História de Todos os Tempos
The tormentor
A vida de Jesus de Nazaré (Max von Sydow). Seu nascimento, as pregações, milagres, julgamento, crucificação e ressurreição.
Somente os Fracos Se Rendem
História de Cam Calloway e sua família, que vive numa área densamente florestada em New England. Cam sonha em construir um santuário para os gansos que voam sob a área todos os anos, e ele tenta vários projetos de comprar um lago próximo para esse santuário. Todas as tentativas são frustradas, aparentemente; ele e o filho tentam conseguir peles o suficiente para conseguir o dinheiro, mas os preços caem no mercado de peles. Ele usa o pouco dinheiro que conseguem para pagar uma parcela do lago, assim perdendo a casa quando não conseguem pagar a hipoteca a tempo.
Em Cada Sonho um Amor
Jack (as Frank de Kova)
Quando o carro da família Kwimper fica sem gasolina em uma nova rodovia da Flórida e um oficioso supervisor do estado tenta expulsá-los, o chefe da família Pop Kwimper "bate o pé" e decide fazer uma pequena posse. Ele e seu filho Toby e seus filhos "adotados" - Holly, Ariadne e os gêmeos - começam sua própria pequena comunidade ao lado de uma pista da estrada. Neste filme, Elvis canta “Follow That Dream”, “What A Wonderful Life”, “I’m Not The Marring Kind” e várias outras.
Atlântida: O Continente Perdido
Sonoy the Astrologer
"Atlântida: O Continente Perdido" retorna à lenda do continente desaparecido de Atlântida ao contar a história do jovem Demétrio, um pescador grego que resgata a bela Antilia de um afogamento em mar aberto. A princesa da Atlântida então convence ao já apaixonado rapaz a retornar com ela ao seu estranho e glorioso reino. Lar de maravilhas e encantamentos, Atlântida também é um povo cheio de desejo e maldade, de ambições da conquistas ilimitadas e isto acaba por levar a cidade a sofrer a vingança furiosa da própria Terra, desaparecendo em um colapso que a enterrou em um local até hoje desconhecido para o homem.
The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond
Syndicate Chairman
Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewelry thieves. After a spell in jail, the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.
The Jayhawkers!
Before the U.S. Civil War rebel leader Luke Darcy sees himself as leader of a new independent Republic of Kansas but the military governor sends an ex-raider to capture Darcy.
Quadrilha Maldita
Denver, Bruhn's Gang
Fugindo com o saque de um assalto milionário, o implacável Jack Bruhn e seu bando de renegados dominam um remoto povoado do Oeste que está ilhado pela nevasca. Entre os moradores tomados como reféns está o rancheiro Blaise Starrett, que resolve usar de astúcia para enfrentar o bando de assassinos e salvar a cidade - e a mulher que ama.
O Poder da Vingança
Lugo (as Frank deKova)
Logan Cates sets out to rescue a white woman captured by Apache Indians and prevent a war. On the way he is joined by a few civilians and a small band of soldiers at a water hole. They are ambushed and laid siege to by Apache. As their food and water supplies dwindle a storm arrives which enables Cates to put an escape plan into action.
Teenage Cave Man
The Black-Bearded One
Roger Corman's post-holocaust quickie about an adolescent tribesman who dares to explore the feared "forbidden zone."
Dominados Pelo Ódio
George Kelly is angry at the world and scared to death of dying. A career bank robber, Kelly gets his confidence from his Thompson SMG and his girl Flo. After a botched robbery, Flo, Kelly and his gang try their hand at a more lucrative job: kidnapping.
Os Irmãos Karamazov
Capt. Vrublevski
Ryevsk, Russia, 1870. Tensions abound in the Karamazov family. Fyodor is a wealthy libertine who holds his purse strings tightly. His four grown sons include Dmitri, the eldest, an elegant officer, always broke and at odds with his father, betrothed to Katya, herself lovely and rich. The other brothers include a sterile aesthete, a factotum who is a bastard, and a monk. Family tensions erupt when Dmitri falls in love with one of his father's mistresses, the coquette Grushenka. Two brothers see Dmitri's jealousy of their father as an opportunity to inherit sooner. Acts of violence lead to the story's conclusion: trials of honor, conscience, forgiveness, and redemption.
Como Nasce um Bravo
Frank Harris, funcionário de um hotel em Chicago, sonha com a vida de cowboy, e tem sua chance quando, abandonado pelo pai da mulher que ama, se junta a Tom Reece com sua roupa de vaqueiro. Logo, porém, o novato descobre que a vida nas trilhas de gado não é nem um pouco o que ele esperava e muito menos o que ele está em busca.
Ride Out for Revenge
Chief Yellow Wolf
When an Indian chief is murdered in a hateful town, a sympathizing ex marshal tries to stop the Indians from attacking for revenge.
Red Cloud (as Frank De Kova)
Depois de ser derrotado na guerra da secessão, por ódio aos yankes, um soldado vai para o Oeste e se integra aos índios Sioux. Ele acaba representando os índios em negociações com os homens brancos e, depois de desacertos, precisa decidir se fica a favor ou contra sua pátria.
Appointment with a Shadow
Dutch Hayden
George Nader plays a reporter whose career is ruined by liquor. A comeback opportunity presents itself when Nader is a bystander at the arrest of a well-known criminal.
Not One Shall Die
Egyptian Official
A short film by the United Jewish Appeal, directed by David Lowell Rich and starring Guy Madison, Felicia Farr and Agnes Moorehead, made by the core crew of many Columbia noirs, including cinematographer Burnett Guffey, art director Cary Odell, editor Al Clark, set decorator Frank Tuttle, and composer Morris Stoloff.
Charlie Washackle
New ranch owner Frank Madden, half Indian but posing as white, arrives just as an all white jury finds the three white Shipley brothers who lynched three Indians innocent. There is soon trouble between Frank and the Shipleys who are using Frank's land to graze their cattle. When the brother of one of the Indian victims kills a Shipley, Frank is accused and put in jail. The Shipleys then organize a lynch mob and head for the jail.
The White Squaw
Yellow Elk
A Swedish settler (David Brian) starts a war when he tries to drive Dakotas off their Wyoming reservation.
Os Dez Mandamentos
A épica vida de Moisés, desde recém-nascido, quando foi colocado nas águas em um cesto e acabou sendo adotado por uma princesa egípcia, até quando descobre sua real condição e decide liderar seu povo que, escravizado pelos egípcios, anseia pela liberdade.
Pillars of the Sky
First Sergeant Emmett Bell faces off with Apache chieftain Kamiakin in this nuanced portrayal of racial tensions between Native Americans and white settlers in 1860s Oregon Country.
Two American gun runners at odds with each other and looking to sell guns to the rebels during the Cuban War of Independence navigate a boat to Cuba. Along for the ride is a beautiful Cuban rebel in who both men are interested.
O Justiceiro Mascarado 1956
Chief Red Hawk
Aventura ambientada no velho oeste que traz o personagem do Cavaleiro Solitário (Clayton Moore) e seu amigo Tonto (Jay Silverheels). Juntos eles terão de enfrentar o inescrupuloso rancheiro Reece Kilgore (Lyle Bettger), que incentiva a guerra contra os índios para se tornar um grande proprietário de terras. O "Zorro" no título nacional é apenas um chamariz. O herói da história, Lone Ranger, foi criado numa série de rádio nos anos de 1930, criou o bordão "Hi Yo Silver!" e nada tem a ver com Don Diego Vega (nome verdadeiro de Zorro). Este é o quarto filme no cinema que apresenta Lone Ranger - a estréia do personagem se deu em 1938, num filme exibido em 15 capítulos, e chegou a ganhar uma série de TV em 1949 e outra em 1956. Depois desse foi lançado apenas mais um filme, "Zorro e a Cidade de Ouro Perdida".
Shack Out on 101
Prof. Claude Dillon
A greasy spoon diner provides a base for a spy smuggling nuclear secrets.
Hold Back Tomorrow
Suicidal hooker Cleo Moore agrees to spend the night with condemned prisoner John Agar in this Hugo Haas film noir.
Um Certo Capitão Lockhart
O misterioso Will Lockhart entrega suprimentos à lojista Barbara Waggoman em Coronado, uma cidade isolada em território Apache. Em pouco tempo, ele é confrontado por Dave Waggoman, o sádico filho do fazendeiro Alec e primo da bela Bárbara. Mas ele fica para a cidade, e sua presença é um catalisador de mudança na vida do povo, procurando alguém que não sabe quem ele é... mas que foi responsável pela venda de espingardas para os Apaches.
Strange Lady in Town
Anse Hatlo
There's a new doctor in old Santa Fe, and it's Greer Garson. Director Mervyn LeRoy's 1955 western also stars Dana Andrews, Cameron Mitchell, Lois Smith, Walter Hampden, Pedro Gonzales-Gonzales, Earl Holliman, Adele Jergens, Robert Wilke, Frank DeKova, Nick Adams, Douglas Kennedy, Ralph Moody and Louise Lorimer.
Traição Heróica
Dr. Allen Seward is assigned to a western cavalry post where his predecessors had been drunks and slackers. The post doesn't take kindly to him either, especially after he disregards regulations and tends to sick Indians on the malaria-infested reservation. The Indians break away from the reservation to move to a healthier higher ground, and when they join with the Comanches to besiege the fort, Seward is branded as a "woodhawk", the bird that turns against its own. Donna Reed is present as the niece of the post commander; Phil Carey is a cavalry captain that believes the only good Indian is a dead Indian, and May Wynn is the white girl raised by the Indians and married to the chief's son.
Rajadas de Ódio
Modoc Jim
President Grant orders Indian fighter MacKay to negotiate with the Modocs of northern California and southern Oregon. On the way he must escort Nancy Meek to the home of her aunt and uncle. After Modoc renegade Captain Jack engages in ambush and other atrocities, MacKay must fight him one-on-one with guns, knives and fists.
Sob a Lei da Chibata
Martinez (as Frank de Kova)
In old Spanish California, dashing cattleman Juan Obregon returns to the rancho of his friend Gaspar Melo, to find he's fathered a son on Rosa, one of Gaspar's identical twin daughters. Overjoyed, he plans to formalize his "unofficial" marriage. But trouble brews; Melo's land is of unclear title and the new Don Domingo hopes to grab it for his own profit. Violence results. Without even knowing who survived, Juan (accompanied by Rosa's tomboy sister Tonya) rides for revenge, through spectacular pastoral and wilderness scenery.
King of the Khyber Rifles
Ali Nur
Freshly arrived Sandhurst-trained Captain Alan King, better versed in Pashtun then any of the veterans and born locally as army brat, survives an attack on his escort to his Northwest Frontier province garrison near the Khyber pass because of Ahmed, a native Afridi deserter from the Muslim fanatic rebel Karram Khan's forces. As soon as his fellow officers learn his mother was a native Muslim which got his parents disowned even by their own families, he falls prey to stubborn prejudiced discrimination, Lieutenant Geoffrey Heath even moves out of their quarters, except from half-Irish Lt. Ben Baird.
Fighter Attack
World War II film set in German occupied Italy. A US fighter pilot is shot down in enemy territory during a raid against a German supply depot. He receives from Italian partisans in laying the groundwork for a new attack by his squadron.
O Último Guerreiro
Chief Chattez
Director Charles Marquis Warren's 1953 western stars Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.
Canção do Sheik
Shiek Yousseff, poses as a friend of the French while secretly plotting to overthrow them. Apposing Yousseff are the Riffs, whose secret leader, The Red Shadow, is Paul Bonnard, a professor who is studying the desert, and whose attacks on the supply trains intended for Yousseff keep the Riff villages in food. Foreign Legion General Birabeau arrives to conduct an investigation, accompanied by his daughter, Margot. Birabeau hires Bonnard to tutor her, and she is attracted to a Legionaire captain, Claud Fontaine. While the general, Bonnard and Fontaine pay a visit to Yousseff, an American newspaper man, Benji Kidd, discovers a secret way in and out of Yousseff's palace, with the aid of Azuri, a dancing girl in love with Bonnard. The latter is forced to resume his role as the Riffs leader, and kidnap Margot until he can convince her of Yousseff's treachery. But Yousseff's men attack the Riff camp and take Margot prisoner.
Suplício de um Condenado
Escaped convicts hold hostages in a ghost town targeted for a nuclear bomb test.
Holiday for Sinners
The Wiry Man
Three old friends reunite during Mardi Gras and try to forget their problems.
Viva Zapata
Col. Guarjarado
Em 1909, no México, um grupo de lavradores vai até o presidente, afirmando que suas terras foram roubadas, e um deles deixa claro que o governo não pretende fazer nada por eles. Este lavrador acaba se tornando um guerrilheiro, que por vários anos teve importância política na vida do país.
O Beijo da Morte
Con Library (uncredited)
An ex-con trying to go straight must face a crazed criminal out for revenge.