Jürgen Herrmann


Lise Meitner - Die Mutter der Atombombe
Camera Operator
Journey Into the Unknown: William Bradford And The Pilgrim Fathers
Director of Photography
For many Americans, the journey of the Mayflower symbolizes the birth of their nation. To this day, the Pilgrim Fathers are a glorified symbol of American virtue. In search of autonomy and with the desire to preserve their cultural identity, a group of English Puritans left their Dutch refuge in 1620 to set off for the New World. That voyage is not just a tale of a religious community bravely going their own way; the events of those days would have a major impact on the course of modern history. The rules and regulations of the Mayflower Compact that the Pilgrim Fathers, religious sectarians, abided by, became the secular prototype for the constitution of the United States of America; a social contract that would serve as an example for many other national constitutions during the European age of civil society and thereafter.
Es muss Liebe sein
Director of Photography
Homens de verdade
Após ser expulso de casa pela namorada e encher a cara, Christoph (Christoph M. Ohrt), um típico policial machão acorda nu ao lado de Edgar (Tim Bergmann), mecânico gay que trabalha com restauração de carros roubados. Sem saber o que aconteceu e sem ter um lugar para ficar, Chistoph acaba aceitando a proposta de Edgar e passa a morar no quarto de hóspedes. Enquanto Edgar se apaixona por Christoph, esse revê seus conceitos, questionando seu próprio modo de viver. Com a chegada da mãe de Edgar, conturba ainda mais o relacionamento dúbio dos protagonistas... Uma comédia alemã sobre pré-conceitos e aceitação. Inofensiva sim, um pouco previsível, mas que diverte pelo simples fato de ser alemã, mesmo que dentro dos típicos padrões de Hollywood.
Das kalte Herz
Director of Photography