Timo Berndt


Sarah Kohr - Irrlichter
Jana und der Buschpilot - Einsame Entscheidung
Die Legende der Maske
Katie Fforde - Das Meer in dir
Katie Fforde - An deiner Seite
New York lawyer Alicia Charles faces a challenge: to help penniless globetrotter Will in a custody battle over his godchild Linus. The nine-year-old Linus lost his parents in a car accident. Will wants custody of his godchild, although as a poor globetrotter he has little chance. He is not even related to the boy. He cannot present more than a snippet from a family video that identifies him as a godfather.
Katie Fforde - Ein Teil von dir
Johanna und der Buschpilot - Der Weg nach Afrika
Katie Fforde - Leuchtturm mit Aussicht
Katie Fforde - Diagnose Liebe
Beate Uhse - das Recht auf Liebe
Beate Uhse was a German pilot and entrepreneur. The only female stunt pilot in Germany in the 1930s, after World War II she started the first sex shop in the world. The company she started, Beate Uhse AG, is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and is the world leader in sales of sexual aids. The company also started a television channel on the Premiere network of television channels.
O Campeão de Hitler
Max Schmeling, um boxeador talentoso, inicialmente coopera com o regime nazista, mas acaba arriscando sua vida para desafiar Hitler.
Westflug - Entführung aus Liebe
1978. In a desperate act of love, a plane is hijacked in East Germany and forced to land in the American Sector of West Berlin, triggering a Cold War crisis and forcing 60 hapless passengers to decide in minutes whether to give up everything and stay in the West...
O Código da Bíblia
1998: Um homem foge pelo deserto de Negev. Sem saída, seus perseguidores, homens da igreja, o capturam e o executam. Em munique, nos dias de hoje, um pesquisador especializado na bíblia morre em misteriosas circunstâncias. Sua filha Johanna é uma jovem policial que descobre que seu pai deixou para trás um manuscrito misterioso contendo profecias amaldiçoadas. Quando essas previsões começam a se tornar verdadeiras, Johanna - com a ajuda de Simon, um especialista em textos religiosos, começa a seguir uma série de pistas. Ela finalmente descobre o que seu pai havia encontrado em segredo: ele estava tentando decifrar um código secreto, escondido há milhares de anos, e queria alertar a humanidade sobre os riscos decorrentes de forças obscuras. Sua tentativa de decifrar tais códigos conduzem Johanna e Simon para Israel e depois para a França, diretamente para as mãos de seus inimigos, uma ordem religiosa que vem tentando há séculos ganhar o controle do Vaticano e dominar a raça humana.
Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet
Podiak marriage are on vacation in a cruise. Suzanne, who is fed up of her husband mistreatment, decides to get out through overboard, leaving a goodbye lettre, but during her funeral her husband discover that she is not death.
Claudia, with her son and his new partner, undertake an idyllic holiday in the Greek islands. Ominous clouds the relationship of the couple when, after an argument, he disappears into the night. Claudia then began a desperate search for her boyfriend ...
Mörder in Weiß - Der Tod lauert im OP
Der Clown - Tag der Vergeltung
Former secret government agent Max Hecker (Sven Martinek) disguises himself with a clown mask in order to fight international crime. He hangs up his mask when one of his supporters, journalist Claudia (Diana Frank), is murdered. Four years later, he must put it back on as Claudia's sister Leah (Eva Habermann) is kidnapped by the same people that killed Claudia.
Wilde Engel
Caçada na Neve
In an idyllic town, one bloody crime joins the next: six women fall victim to a ruthless murderer. The alleged perpetrator was arrested at the scene right next to the last victim, but he managed to escape. Policewoman Leah Sanders takes up the persecution. The chase leads into the mountains up to a hut. A sudden accident causes far-reaching consequences. A warning shot from Leah's pistol triggers an avalanche. She spills the policewoman together with the suspect in the hut. But there are already two other people in this weekend home.
Biikenbrennen - Der Fluch des Meeres
Ein Mann wie eine Waffe
Gefangen im Jemen
Der Erlkönig - Auf der Jagd nach dem Auto von morgen
Die Jagd nach dem Tod