Smallpox plagues Chief Winterhawk's tribe. He seeks cure from the white men, who in turn, in fear of getting the smallpox, kill two of his companions. Winterhawk comes back to kidnap a girl and her brother from the white men's settlement, and thus begins the chase...
Uncle Jesse Hagg
Grady and Bobby Lee run moonshine for Uncle Jesse, who prides himself on his old-school moonshining methods, and refuses to buckle in to the 'big business moonshine' of Jake, who controls these parts for New York mobsters
A crusty old rancher hires three young women to pose as his daughters. However, the real father of one of the daughters finds out about it, and kidnaps her to hold her for ransom--which the rancher can't pay.
Wade Carlton
Após utilizar todos os meios legais Harry Combes (Art Carney), um professor aposentado com 70 anos, é forçado a deixar seu velho apartamento em Manhattan, que é demolido para dar lugar para um estacionamento. Harry sente muito isto, pois foi lá que, com sua falecida esposa, criou seus filhos e viveu toda sua vida. Acompanhado por Tonto, seu gato de estimação, ele inicia uma viagem após sentir que é um estorvo para sua enteada. Tenta viajar de avião, mas não embarca por causa de Tonto. Ao viajar de ônibus para Chicago tem de abandonar o veículo por causa do seu mascote, assim compra um carro. Harry acaba dando carona para Ginger (Melanie Mayron), uma jovem de 16 anos que acaba se envolvendo com Norman (Josh Mostel), o neto de Harry.
Kid White
After escaping home, three young friends form a dynamic alliance of untamed youth. They meet an old man named Spikes with the experience only a master gunfighter can offer. The gang of men go on a crime spree and are converted to outlaws with a price on their heads.
Walt Putney
The girlfriend of the Sundance Kid is on the run, with a price on her head, when she hears rumors that Sundance may still be alive.
Sheriff Elisha Cooper has to work with New York City officer Nelson after his son is taken hostage by a fugitive who is hiding out on California's Mount Shasta.
Kinkaid is a rugged, hard-driving bounty hunter, determined to find outlaw Billy Riddle. He tracks Billy, takes him captive, and starts the long trek to justice. However, this journey may lead him to dire consequences... a gang of cut-throats headed by Angus Keough is pursuing them, after the bounty for themselves.
Free State
Vaqueiro vê a família ser massacrada por bando de índios e ladrões de cavalos, liderados por dois homens brancos, que fogem para o México e escapam da polícia americana. O vaqueiro arregimenta seis fugitivos da prisão e parte para a vingança.
Ben Vogel
Um rancheiro volta para casa e descobre que seu filho foi assassinado e sua filha raptada. Ele contrata um rastreador para encontrar sua filha e consequentemente a gangue responsável pelos crimes.
Homer Page
Clay Lomax (Gregory Peck) é um assaltante de banco que foi traído e ferido por seu parceiro, e por isso foi condenado a oito anos de prisão. Ao sair, ele vai atrás de Sam Foley (James Gregory) para vingar-se. Para por seu plano em prática, Clay procura uma antiga namorada para receber dela uma quantia em dinheiro, mas descobre que a mulher esta morta e deixou uma filha de oito anos para trás. Com pena da menina e diante da possibilidade de ser pai dela, Clay a leva com ele. Enquanto isso, sabendo que seu ex-parceiro foi solto, Foley contrata três cruéis pistoleiros para seguirem Clay.
Mr. Purdham
A esposa de um cientista fracassado e endividado vive fazendo maravilhosos quitutes pra vender. Sua especialidade é uma espécie de torta de maçã. Certo dia, uma pata "passeava" pelo laboratório do cientista e "prova" o tal doce de maçã e, misteriosamente, começa a botar ovos de ouro.
Bull Harris
Na cidade de El Dorado, xerife bêbado e sem dignidade é ajudado por um pistoleiro, um jovem que prefere facas a revólveres e um veterano combatente da guerra contra os índios, a se recuperar na luta contra um fazendeiro inescrupuloso. El Dorado é o segundo filme da trilogia do diretor Howard Hawks que enfoca xerifes enfrentando situações de grande perigo. Os outros são Rio Bravo (1959) e Rio Lobo (1970), todos estrelados por John Wayne.
Bill Gibson
Various stage coach passengers and outlaws travelling through Indian country are forced to join forces against the Apaches.
Butch Cassidy
A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects.
Frank Lewis
Um tigre escapa de um caminhão de circo enquanto passa por uma cidadezinha, e esconde-se na floresta que a cerca. Isso causa pânico na cidade e todos querem que o animal seja morto imediatamente, exceto pela filha do xerife. Ela quer capturar o tigre e colocá-lo num zoológico, salvando sua vida. Sua determinação inicia uma campanha nacional entre crianças para juntar dinheiro e comprar o tigre do circo, mas antes, ela, seu pai e um domador de tigres indiano precisam achar o animal antes que Guarda Nacional siga a ordem de matá-lo.
Um jovem padre católico de Boston enfrenta o fanatismo, o nazismo e seus próprios conflitos pessoais ao subir ao cargo de cardeal. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Cool Man
Rider Kelly Cobb travels to county rodeos to win money so he can buy a patch of land he wants to call his own. He rescues trick rider Jackie Adams from the clutches of an amorous sports ...
Ed Rintoon
Após perder seu cavalo em uma aposta, o solitário cowboy Pat Brennan pega carona em uma carruagem na qual viajam os recém-casados Willard e Doretta Mims. Mas eles acabam caindo nas mãos de bandidos que, ao descobrirem que Doretta é filha de um homem rico, decidem sequestrá-los e cobrar resgate. A tensão crescerá nas 24 horas seguintes, principalmente quando os sequestradores deixam transparecer que não irão libertar as vítimas mesmo com o pagamento do resgate.
Sedgewick Kettle
Ma and the kids head out to help Pa's brother Sedgewick with the his farm in Mournful Hollow, Arkansas. Things get tighter when a couple of bootleggers rent Sedge's barn to manufacture moonshine. With Ma and the kids, the bootleggers get their pay.
Davy Crockett
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
Odie Chalmers
An heiress decides to pass out anonymous gifts in a small town.
'Waco' Mosby
Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
Frank Taggert
An outlaw woman helps one Arizona convict stop another with a Gatling gun.
Asa Tremaine
Escaped convicts hold hostages in a ghost town targeted for a nuclear bomb test.
Booker Davis
Retired rodeo champion Jeff McCloud agrees to mentor novice rodeo contestant Wes Merritt against the wishes of Merritt's wife who fears the dangers of this rough sport.
Zeb Calloway
Two tough Kentucky mountaineers join a trading expedition from St. Louis up the Missouri River to trade whisky for furs with the Blackfoot Indians. They soon discover that there is much more than the elements to contend with.
Depois de destruir um forte dos índios Seminole, soldados americanos e seus companheiros resgatados devem enfrentar os perigosos pântanos Everglades e os índios hostis para alcançar a segurança.
Bill Porter
Truncated adaptation of Stephen Crane's novel about a Civil War Union soldier who stuggles to find the courage to fight in the heat of battle.
Fly-Up-the-Creek Jones
The lawless west had never met a gun-throwing gent like...
Sgt. Pickens
No outono de 1864, remanescentes de um regimento confederado de cavalaria da Geórgia são prisioneiros da União em um campo em Rock Island, Illinois. Sob o comando do coronel Clay Tucker, muitos estão doentes e feridos. Percebem uma chance de escapar quando o capitão da União Mark Bradford lhes propõe liberdade em troca deles ajudarem as tropas da União a combaterem os Apaches no remoto Novo México. O major comandante do Forte Thorn, local aonde os confederados são levados, suspeita que os recem-chegados planejam escapar e os hostiliza. Quando tudo estava pronto para a deserção e fuga, o coronel (agora tenente) Tucker recebe ordens de agentes confederados para esperar, havendo informações sobre um plano para apoiarem a criação de uma nova frente da Guerra Civil no Oeste.
Cowhand (uncredited)
A New Mexico cattle man and his strong-willed daughter clash over the man's choice for a new bride. Things get worse when the elder man has his daughter's lover hanged. With the help of an old flame, a gambler, the daughter puts into motion a plan to drive her father from his estate.
Milt Duffield
Tom Jeffords tenta fazer a paz entre os colonos e os Apaches.
Em 1870, houve 10 anos de guerra cruel entre colonos e Apaches de Cochise. O ex-soldado Tom Jeffords salva a vida de um menino Apache e começa a se perguntar se os índios de fato não são humanos. Então ele resolve usar esta oportunidade de tornar-se um embaixador. Contra todas as probabilidades, a sua missão solitária na fortaleza de Cochise abre um diálogo. Oportunamente, o presidente envia o General Howard com ordens para concluir a paz. Mas, mesmo com a sorte de Jeffords, a queixa profunda e o ódio em ambos os lados fazem um trágico fracasso ser muito provável.
Sad Eyes
A cowboy is hired by a stagecoach boss to stop the railroad reaching his territory and putting him out of business. He uses everything from Indians to dancehall girls to try to thwart the plan. But the railroad workers, led by a female sharpshooter and an ambitious salesman, prove tough customers.
Chloroform Wiggins
The story of a young pastor coming to a small town in the United States to set up his ministry. The movie tells of the various relationships and struggles he goes through as he goes about raising his family and preaching to the community.
Clayton Nordell
The story concerns two agents, one Mexican (PJF) and one American, who are tasked to stop the smuggling of Mexican migrant workers across the border to California. The two agents go undercover, one as a poor migrant.
Police Chief Anderson (uncredited)
Pinky, a light skinned black woman, returns to her grandmother's house in the South after graduating from a Northern nursing school. Pinky tells her grandmother that she has been "passing" for white while at school in the North. In addition, she has fallen in love with a young white doctor, who knows nothing about her black heritage.
Chet Williams
David Palmer, a young chemist, returns to his father's Indiana farm, to marry a local school teacher, Ruth Treadwell. David meets again his father's horse-trainer, Ben Lathrop, whose daughter, Cissy, has left high school to help her father. Palmer marries and becomes wealthy through an invention, and is able to indulge his socially-ambitious wife. His father dies and Palmer returns to Indiana, where his interest in harness-racing is rekindled, as is his interest in Cissy Lathrop.
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
Townsman (uncredited)
Pete Marshall is sent as a replacement to the mountain district town of Plainville when a public opinion surveyor who went there goes missing. Visiting the hillbilly family of Mamie Fleagle, Pete begins to suspect that she and her two sons have murdered the surveyor. Pete then believes that Mamie is slowly poisoning wealthy Grandma Fleagle, who has put a vital clue to her fortune in a nonsensical embroidered sampler.
Biff and Jeff, two American G.I.'s on furlough in Australia during The Second World War, are enjoying their time the way most soldiers on leave do. When they meet the beautiful Joyce, however, they both fall head over heels for her, and start competing for her attentions. As their R&R time begins to run out, the schemes they each come up with to win her affection and foil the other's plans to do the same become more and more outrageous.
Prof. Arkansas Higgins (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
Charles Starrett stars in the lightning-paced Columbia western Riding West. Somebody is planning to sabotage the new Pony Express mail service, and hard-ridin' Steve Jordan (Charles Starrett) aims to find out who.
Elwood "Tex" Stewart (Uncredited)
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Arkansas (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
In this western, fake settlers make themselves at home on an ex-ranger's ranch and drive him away. A shady newspaper publisher and a gambler then conspire to take over the land. Fortunately, another ranger endeavors to help his pal. Enlisting the aide of his fellow rangers, they get oust the homesteaders. The publisher and the gambler shoot each other and the retired ranger gets his ranch back.
Cagney is a human dynamo as a drifter who helps save ailing Grace George from losing her newspaper. The pace is fast, and audiences of all ages will be pleased. The supporting cast, have all the small-town characterizations down pat -- with Margaret Hamilton a standout. Cagney himself, had genuine affection for this film, and listed it among his top five movie-making experiences at a retrospective the year before he died.
Arkansas (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
Inasmuch as western star Charles Starrett gained screen fame as the Robin Hood-like "Durango Kid", it stands to reason that Starrett would head the cast of Robin Hood of the Range. The star plays Steve Marlowe, the foster son of railroad manager Henry Marlowe (Kenneth McDonald). When it becomes apparent that the railroad is using underhanded methods to drive local homesteaders off their land, Steve adopts the guise of "The Vulcan", a legendary champion of justice.
Arkansas (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
In this western, a decent Indian agent loses his job and his good name after someone steals the government money he was to deliver to a tribe. Because he cannot bear to see the people starve over the long winter, he begins searching for the robbers. He does so by looking for the unusual coins that had been included in the payroll.
Briefly switching gears in 1942 and 1943, western star Charles Starrett made a handful of "northerns" in which he played a Canadian mountie. In Law of the Northwest, Steve King (Starrett) supervises a road-construction project designed to transport war materials to the Aleutians. Problems arise when a crooked contractor decides that his interests are more important than the war effort.
Arkansas (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
In this western, a lonesome cowpoke trots into a town and helps clear his pardner's name. The trouble began when the friend was framed by the leader of the Cattlemen's association who made it seem like he was a rustler. Because the friend was an ex-con, the evidence against him seems airtight. The wandering hero must work extra hard to prove his friend's innocence.
Arkansas (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
In this western, a rancher is ambushed, killed, and robbed, but for some reason the killers through his money pouch in the bushes without opening it. Later a woman happens upon the cash and finds herself a prime suspect in the killing. Fortunately, a survey engineer proves her innocence, and they begin looking for the real villains.
Luke Hatfield
An Army sergeant's photographic memory puts him in conflict with a Nazi spy.
Newspaper Publisher Brett
A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.
Arkansas (as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicutt)
Riding Through Nevada is a western starring Charles Starrett
'Watchfob' Jones
Wildcatter Johnny Maverick and his pal go to a town in oil country offering $25,000 to the person who brings in the first well. They find oil on the outskirts but have to sell a share to a promoter who hires Johnny's old enemy.