Supervising Editor
17-year-old track star, John Owens, has never used any drug stronger than pot, until he meets an older woman who introduces him to crack cocaine. He quickly becomes addicted but is able to hide his problem from all except his best friend, Chris.
Supervising Film Editor
O filme tem foco em uma família suburbana americana com três filhos: um garotinho, Kevin, e duas garotas: Jennifer e Mary. A primeira, mais velha, morre em um acidente de carro. Uma tragédia que faz com que a família se mude para outro lugar. Todavia o fantasma da garotinha retorna e aparece para sua irmã Mary. Ela diz estar muito triste e irritada, já que seus pais, sua avó e seu irmão não se lembram mais dela e que apenas Mary ainda a ama. E pra demonstrar esse amor, Jennifer pede um favor para Mary para que só assim possam ficar juntas pra sempre.
The story of three Las Vegas showgirls, each at a different stage in her career.
Mickey Spillane's hard-hitting '50s private eye, Mike Hammer, returns to television in the guise of Kevin Dobson to track down the killer of his best friend who was driving Hammer's car. Joining in the hunt are the detective's Girl Friday, the ever-hopeful Velda, and his cop friend, Pat Chambers.
To the world Brian Roberts looks like a successful businessman, with a lovely wife and two children all living in a dream home. Nevertheless, he has really been working undercover for the Justice Department to snare a mob boss. When his cover is blown, he has to break the news to his family about the nature of his real job and, worse, that they are now in real danger! Consequently, they are forced into the federal government's Witness Relocation Program. However, the trauma to the family does not stop there, as the gangsters he double-crossed are determined he and his family shall not escape 'mob justice.'
This film describes Navy Commander Jeremiah Denton's 7-and-a-half years as a prisoner of war. Held in numerous, brutal POW camps, he faced starvation, torture and terrible living conditions brought on by his North Vietnamese captors in an effort to keep communication alive between the prisoners. His wife, Jane, is also arranging a POW wives league in the U.S. in order to popularize their plight.
During the Civil War, a self-centered, young Southern belle tries to hold onto the family estate when the Union Army takes over the area.
Eisenhower the military man is the focus of this mini-series, his relationships with the other wartime leaders, and, very discreetly, his personal relationship with his driver, Kay Summersby.
A second feature-length pilot film for the wish-fulfillment series sees six lucky people having their dreams fulfilled on the luxury resort island. Career woman Margo Dean's assistant, Lowell Benson, hopes to romance her; Brian and Lucy Faber want to see the daughter they gave up for adoption; Janet Fleming, who lost her memory on her honeymoon, wants to relive it to cure her amnesia.
A biography of the renowned escape artist Harry Houdini, examining his fascination with the occult and his promise to his wife on her deathbed that he would speak from the beyond.
Donna and Joel Gregory are staying at the estate of Lorna Love while researching a book about the long dead Hollywood goddess. Joel, whose father had a passionate affair with Lorna, becomes obsessed with her. His wife attempts to break the spell which threatens their marriage and their very lives.
Three young women who posed as the daughters of an elderly homesteader find out that he has been falsely accused of murder, convicted, and sentenced to hang. They hatch a plot to smuggle him out of prison.
Several couples are notified that they have won an ocean cruise, but they actually have been lured onto a ship so that they can be murdered.
Ben Campbell, a 22 year old gas station attendant in a small desert town, is looking to make some extra money. He is surprised when Madec, a wealthy lawyer, asks him to be his guide on a hunting trip in the desert. When Madec accidentally shoots a prospector, he is fearful of what it will do his reputation and decides to eliminate the only witness, Ben, who is forced to go on the run. In addition to being hunted by Madec, Ben must also contend with the harsh desert elements. But if he does make it back to town alive, will anyone believe his story?
So how can a swinging bachelor learn a lesson about love? As magazine publisher Michael Green celebrates his big 4-0, he finds a bikini-clad Sandy Benson wrapped in a big bow as a birthday present supposedly courtesy of his drinking buddies. After trading barbs with the former beauty pageant winner, they find they have an attraction of sorts and she sticks around. Romance abounds as this country girl goes looking for romance in the big city in a typical television romantic comedy fashion.
When his partner is killed, tough Irish detective Eddie Ryan vows to avenge the death, whatever the cost. As he begins unraveling clues, his behavior becomes so outrageous that he's obliged to turn in his badge, but the experience only emboldens him. Ryan eventually learns that his partner was caught up in a Puerto Rican gun-running scheme masterminded by a crook named Sweet Willie, who wants to foment revolutionary war.
After a policeman is murdered in an ambush, rumors surface that he was on the take. His widow sets out to catch the killers and clear her husband's name.
An American lawyer on vacation in Europe is asked by a book publisher to stop by the Austrian town of Salzburg to see a photographer who's taking pictures for a book on picturesque Austrian lakes. Upon his arrival he senses that something is wrong when the photographer seems to have vanished, leaving a near panic-stricken wife and a sinister, secretive brother. Before he knows it, the lawyer finds himself mixed up with spies, assassins, and the hunt for a list made up by the Nazis during World War II of people who collaborated with them.
Michael Delaney (Steve McQueen) é um americano que é piloto de corridas. Ele retorna ao circuito de Le Mans, na França, determinado a vencer, a despeito de ter quase morrido um ano atrás. Lá sente-se atraído por Lisa Belgetti (Elga Andersen), a viúva de um piloto que morreu no mesmo acidente, sendo que há uma grande possibilidade de Delaney ter sido causador do trágico acidente.
Durante a Guerra de Secessão, coronel sai no encalço de dois traidores e é aprisionado pelos soldados sulistas que dele se servem para atravessar as linhas inimigas. Terminada a guerra, ele encontra os dois homens em Rio Lobo aterrorizando os habitantes da cidade.
An expedition into the interior of Papua New Guinea comes across a tribe of ape-like people who may or may not be ancestors of early man.
An expedition into the interior of Papua New Guinea comes across a tribe of ape-like people who may or may not be ancestors of early man.
Sam Whiskey is an all-round talent, but when the attractive widow Laura offers him a job, he hesitates: he shall salvage gold bars, which Laura's dead husband stole recently, from a sunken ship and secretly bring them back to the mint before they are missed. But how shall he manage to get several hundred pounds of gold into the mint without anyone noticing?
Forçado a trocar suas valiosas peles por um escravo bem-educado, um caçador robusto promete recuperar as peles dos índios e depois dos renegados que os mataram.
Na cidade de El Dorado, xerife bêbado e sem dignidade é ajudado por um pistoleiro, um jovem que prefere facas a revólveres e um veterano combatente da guerra contra os índios, a se recuperar na luta contra um fazendeiro inescrupuloso. El Dorado é o segundo filme da trilogia do diretor Howard Hawks que enfoca xerifes enfrentando situações de grande perigo. Os outros são Rio Bravo (1959) e Rio Lobo (1970), todos estrelados por John Wayne.
Donna Peyton (Donna Butterworth), uma órfã de nove anos, herda uma fortuna de 30 milhões de dólares, mas precisa escolher um "pai" entre seus seis tios para poder tomar posse da herança.
Jerome Littlefield, aspirante a médico, é auxiliar de serviços gerais numa clínica particular. Seu trabalho, no entanto, está em risco, já que Jerome está sempre causando problemas e desordens.
Um famoso comediante de um grupo de humor morre em um acidente de avião. Os membros do grupo precisam encontrar logo alguém que possa substituí-lo em um programa de TV, se não quiserem ser demitidos. O homem escolhido é ninguém menos que Stanley Belt (Jerry Lewis), um carregador de malas de hotel, desajeitado, que não consegue fazer nada direito.
Phoebe Tuttle (Agnes Moorehead) é a dona de uma cadeia de lojas de departamentos que descobre que Barbara Tuttle (Jill St. John), sua filha, está apaixonada por Norman Phiffier (Jerry Lewis), um rapaz pobre que ela não aprova. Phoebe decide então contratar o jovem para demonstrar que ele é um desmiolado, dando-lhe tarefas complicadas para humilha-lo, esperando assim que Barbara o deixe. Porém sua filha sai de casa, passando a trabalhar em uma das lojas da mãe usando o nome Fuller. Assim, Norman não imagina que se casará com uma rica herdeira, mas se souber disto desiste do casamento.
Um professor feio e desajeitado (Jerry Lewis) é ridicularizado por diversas pessoas, mas só após ele ser humilhado pelo treinador na frente de sua turma e de uma bela estudante é que ele decide criar uma poção que o transforma em um indivíduo atraente. Mas como os efeitos não são permanentes, ele se vê metidos em situações complicadas quando sua real aparência toma conta do seu corpo.
A celebrated actress discovers six runaway children living on her country property.
A sometimes uncomfortable marriage between fact and fiction, this film is part documentary and part drama, mixing actual war footage with reenactments in which real veterans of the Korean War portray members of a platoon sent out on a reconnaissance mission near the end of the conflict. Though peace is imminent, violence unexpectedly erupts. A day that begins with the calm and mundane is transformed into a heated battle that typifies the cruel and unpredictable nature of war.