Guillaume Verdier

Guillaume Verdier


Guillaume Verdier


Other People's Children
Le père de Dylan
Rachel loves her life, her students, her friends, her ex, her guitar lessons. When she falls in love with Ali, she grows close to his 4-year-old daughter, Leila. She tucks her in, looks after her, and loves her like a mother... which she isn’t. Not yet. Rachel is 40. The desire for a family of her own is growing stronger, and the clock is ticking. Is it too late?
Don Juan
Deuxième barman
Jilted on his wedding day, Laurent, a stage actor playing the role of the famous seducer Don Juan, cannot help but see his ex-fiancée in every women he meets. In an attempt to mend his broken heart and ego, he tries to seduce them all but none are receptive to his elaborate (and musical) advances. Meanwhile, at the theater, the leading lady quits and the production brings in Laurent’s ex-fiancée as the replacement.
Inimigos Íntimos
Jean-Marc Furlan
Manuel e Driss são amigos de infância que acabaram seguindo caminhos opostos: o primeiro adotou a vida do crime, enquanto o segundo se tornou policial. Quando um dos trabalhos mais importantes de Manuel vai por água abaixo, os dois homens se reencontram e acabam precisando um do outro para sobreviver.
Paris Pigalle - O Amor é uma Festa
Paris, 1982. Frank e Serge são detetives de polícia encarregados de investigar a indústria pornográfica parisiense em um bairro decadente onde traficantes de drogas rivais competem entre si. Para se infiltrar na máfia, eles assumem um peep show endividado. E, na tentativa de impulsionar o negócio, eles começam a produzir curtas-metragens pornôs. Um terreno perigoso que vai muito além do que eles poderiam imaginar.
Mrs. Hyde
Le stagiaire (The Trainee)
Mrs. Géquil is an eccentric teacher despised by her colleagues and students. On a stormy night, she is struck by lightning and faints. When she wakes up, she feels different. Will she now be able to keep the powerful and dangerous Mrs. Hyde contained?
Lila and Mo meet at a bus stop. Lila has a paralyzing speech impediment. Mo is chatty and exuberant. Lila is preparing for her exams. Mo illegally races cars for a living. Opposites attract, and they fall in love. But Mo carries a secret burden…
Dark Diamond
Pier Ulmann lives from hand-to-mouth in Paris, between construction work and petty theft that he commits on behalf of Rachid, his only “family”. But life catches up with him the day his father is found dead in the street after a long decline. The black sheep of a rich Antwerp family who deals in diamonds, he has left his son nothing, apart from the story of his banishment from the Ulmann family and a thirst for revenge.
Saint Laurent
Un légionnaire
Entre os anos 1967 e 1976, o estilista Yves Saint-Laurent (Gaspard Ulliel) reinou sozinho no mundo da alta costura francesa. Esta biografia mostra o seu processo criativo, as fotografias e entrevistas polêmicas, a relação com o marido e empresário Pierre Berger (Jérémie Renier), os casos amorosos extra-conjugais e a relação com o álcool e as drogas, que quase destruíram o império da marca YSL.
Grand Central
Gary é um jovem que aprende rápido, sempre mudando de um trabalho para outro. Após ser contratado em uma usina nuclear, ele encontra tudo o que sempre procurou: dinheiro, uma equipe e uma família. No meio dos reatores, ele se apaixona pela mulher de um colega, e logo é ameaçado por esse amor proibido e pela constante contaminação radioativa.
Le Rêveur et les Truands
Two thugs are waiting in an old Lada, in the middle of a deserted street. Their accomplices robbed an armored van and hid in the sewers. The two men, responsible for recovering them by car, have the simplest task: wait...
Pissing Territories
Complet 6 pièces
The server
"Complet 6 pièces" takes place in Paris in some couture workshops. It is a film made up of sketches, where by six times, working situations slip.
L'Apollonide: Os Amores da Casa de Tolerância
No início do século XX, num bordel parisiense, uma prostituta com o rosto marcado por uma cicatriz ostenta um sorriso trágico. Em torno da mulher que ri, a vida das outras que trabalham no bordel, as suas rivalidades, as suas angústias, as suas dores do mundo exterior, não se sabe nada porque a casa está fechada, mas dentro das suas paredes tudo é possível.
La Planque
Sobre o Amor e a Água Fresca
Disney Employee
Julie Bataille, com 23 anos, está formada e nao quer pegar pequenos trabalhos. Procura um emprego de verdade. Em uma entrevista conhece Ben, que escolheu viver o dia-a-dia com sua inventiva e pequenos contrabandos. Ele lhe propõe passar o verão no Sul com ele. Julie se recusa mas um dia, num impulso, larga tudo e vai atrás dele.
The Wolberg Family
He can deliver a breathtaking speech on the American soul to flabbergasted schoolboys, get mixed up in the private lives of his citizens, and even get his 18-year-old daughter to swear that never, but never, would she leave home. Meet Simon Wolberg, mayor of a small provincial city, madly in love with his wife, an interfering father and provocative son. This man is driven by an obsession with his family. Which leads him to test the force and fragility of these bonds.
O Profeta
Mostra a dura trajetória de Malik, de dezenove anos, dentro do sistema carcerário. Ao chegar à prisão, ele é encurralado pelo líder da gangue dominante dos corsos e forçado a executar várias tarefas perigosas, inclusive tráfico de drogas e assassinatos brutais. Com o tempo, Malik ganha a confiança do líder da gangue e conquista posições privilegiadas dentro da prisão. Enquanto isso ele traça, secretamente, os seus próprios planos.
Like a Star Shining in the Night
A young couple finds out what love truly means when one of them has a brush with death. When Anne and Marc met, it was love at first sight, and the longer they were together, the more they realized they never wanted to be apart. But not long after they married, Marc's doctor discoveres some unexpected symptoms...
Les vacances de Clémence
Gérard Verdier
Cap Nord
A party, musical love stories: head North, on a Northern Soul rhythm.
Guillaume et les sortilèges
Contemporary Paris, mid-July. Guillaume arrives in the capital to caretake a large apartment until the end of the summer. Lucie, the apartment’s owner, and a friend of his mother’s, welcomes him… then suddenly disappears.
La France
Le cadet
During the First World War, Camille (Sylvie Testud), a young woman whose husband is away fighting at the front, receives a short letter of break-up from him. Distraught, she decides to go to join him, but is driven back by the rule of the time which forbids women to move around alone. She has no other recourse than to dress herself up as a man so as to be able to take to the road on foot. As she lives near the Western Fromt she hooks up with a passing group of French soldiers without too much trouble. But there's something a bit odd about these stragglers, and it's not just their habit of bursting into song at every opportunity.
Amar... Não Tem Preço
Le serveur à la piscine
A jovem e interesseira Irène (Audrey Tautou) está hospedada em um luxuoso hotel com seu amante rico, quando conhece o tímido garçom Jean (Elmaleh), surge uma atração entre os dois. Mas Irène confunde Jean com um ricaço e acha que pode unir o útil ao agradável. A partir daí começa uma sessão de encrencas e confusões, envolvendo identidades trocadas, e o esforço de Jean para manter sua farsa. Será que ele irá conseguir manter seu segredo, e se virar para sustentar os gostos caros da sua amada?
A college stands in the middle of verdant grounds. One day, Édouard, a student, suddenly falls sick. The college doctor is unable to diagnose the young man's illness. Anna, the college director, calls in Édouard's two brothers, professional soldiers, in the hope that they will help her discover what the mysterious illness is.
At the start of the new millennium, mysterious things are going on in Paris. People are disappearing, just like that, without explanation. They vanish into thin air and are never seen again.
Man's Gentle Love
This is the story of a young man at the dawn of the 21st century. He belongs to the most vulnerable, most futile and most appealing segment of society. Raoul flits from woman to woman, searching for seemingly unattainable love, until he meets Jeanne, who is fated to live freely and tragically.
O Pornógrafo
Jacques Laurent é um diretor de filmes pornográficos dos anos 70, que retorna à antiga atividade por questões financeiras. De volta aos sets de filmagens, Laurent não consegue mais encarar a vulgaridade dos filmes cuja única ambição é a simples exposição de órgãos sexuais. Enquanto Laurent procura uma maneira de redirecionar sua vida, seu filho Joseph, estudante universitário e ativista político, busca encontrar um sentido para a sua. Separados anos antes, quando o jovem se revoltou contra a imoralidade do verdadeiro trabalho do pai, eles se reencontram, agora, mais maduros para tentar resolver suas diferenças anteriores.
Neither Eve Nor Adam
The story of a young boy with learning difficulties who is forced to fend for himself on the streets.
Un monde violent
Les derniers hommes
March 1945. The Japanese army launches a sudden and extremely brutal assault against the French garrisons in the Far East. Thousands of civilians and soldiers were executed. Hunted by the Japanese enemy, a column of legionnaires already weakened by alcohol and disease decides to enter the jungle to try to reach China and the allied bases.