Ken Blakey

Ken Blakey


Ken Blakey


Wild League
Director of Photography
Varlam decides to leave his home and life as a peasant in order to be with his beloved one. To get some money, he tries himself as a street fighter and is noticed by an Englishman and an avid gambler Parker. The latter gives him a chance to become a professional soccer player in 1909 Russia. Now, Varlam has to not just break all the boundaries but to save his true love.
A Casa dos Mortos
Second Unit Cinematographer
Um massacre acontece numa casa abandonada deixando cinco estudantes mortos. Um policial (Frank Grillo) e uma psicóloga (Maria Bello) vão investigar o caso., que ocorreu enquanto os jovens tentavam evocar fantasmas.
Jessabelle: O Passado Nunca Morre
Second Unit Cinematographer
Após sofrer um terrível acidente, Jessie é forçada a retornar para a casa do pai, onde tenta lidar com suas pernas imobilizadas. Ela ainda terá de enfrentar a fúria de um espírito, chamado Jessabelle, que pode ter relação com as circunstâncias misteriosas de seu nascimento.
The Way Home
Director of Photography
Belle 19 anos, é uma violinista que vive em uma pequena aldeia na Holanda. Todos ao seu redor parecem obcecados com o sexo: o namorado, a irmã e especialmente sua mãe. Mas o que interessa para Belle é unicamente seu violino e ela irá em busca de seu sonho. Mas para alcança-lo ela terá que derrubar algumas barreiras.
A Raiz do Mal
Director of Photography
O aventureiro Darren McCall e sua equipe partiram em uma missão dentro da selva para recuperar uma adaga lendária de um antigo cemitério. O grupo acha que está em um local tranquilo e cheio de riquezas, mas quando um deles puxa a adaga de seu lugar, uma criatura terrível ganha vida. Metade planta e metade animal, a Mandrake desperta... Sedenta por sangue humano. Agora, existem poucas esperanças de sobrevivência e fuga.
Fire from Below
Director of Photography
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.
Director of Photography
After moving to the country to start life anew after their child's death, photographer Shawn Burnett and his wife, Helen, begin to suspect that a ramshackle cabin on their property is haunted by the malevolent spirit of a long-dead witch who once lived there.
Christmas Do-Over
Director of Photography
A ne'er do well father and ex-husband who always raced his way through the holidays is forced to relive Christmas Day time and again until he gets it right in this family oriented fantasy comedy starring Jay Mohr. It's Christmas time once again, and as usual Kevin (Moore) is scrambling to get his son Ben a last minute gift before stopping by his ex-wife Jill's house for a quick swig of eggnog. Ben can't stand Jill's impossibly perfect new boyfriend, and the prospect of spending the entire evening with his former inlaws is nearly too painful to ponder. But this Christmas things are going to be different, because this Christmas might just last forever. At first Kevin resists the curious development by simply reverting to his childish ways, though he is about to find out that sometimes in order to build a better future one must finally make amends with the past. ~ Jason Buchanan
A.I. Assault
Director of Photography
When a plane carrying a pair of top secret military robots crashes on a deserted Pacific island, a team of Navy seals must find them and turn them off as soon as possible for the longer they are activated, the smarter they become.
Presos... Mas Nem Tanto
Director of Photography
The warden of a small, rundown, minimum-security prison plots revenge against the the prison's dishonest owner by having four inmates break out and plan a department store robbery to spruce up the prison's faculties.
Director of Photography
Claudia Wagner dreams of being a lawyer and, along with her boyfriend Sonny, must put all her knowledge into use when, one by one, her girlfriends become victim to a serial killer. Can she uncover his identity before she becomes the next victim?
White Rush
A group of young tourist couples comes across a drug deal gone bad while on vacation.
Earth vs. the Spider
Camera Operator
A shy comic book fan is injected with an experimental serum and starts turning into a spider. When web covered bodies start appearing a policeman starts to investigate the strange case.
Savage Season
Director of Photography
Tricia Stevens, a young and beautiful woman, has a normal life. Suddenly, she finds herself in a world where there is no sense. The deceptions that are not related to real life, the extremity of sexual freedom, the most dangerous of all danger ... all shake Tricia's life. Life is different now.
Extreme Honor
Director of Photography
A highly decorated Navy Seal is forced out of retirement in order to save his son's life and bring justice to the man who destroyed his career.
A Casa do Terror Tract
Um corretor tenta desesperadamente vender um imóvel para um casal, mas parece que cada casa que ele mostra tem uma terrível história sobre os antigos proprietários. Na primeira, um homem de negócios descobre que sua mulher o está enganando somente para ser assassinada por ele. Na segunda, o crescente medo e paranoia de um pacato homem de família cuja jovem filha encontra e adota um macaco abandonado. Na terceira, um problemático adolescente com habilidades psíquicas, visita uma terapeuta para alertá-la que ela será a próxima vítima de um assassino serial.
Rangers: Força de Ataque
Usando armas e tecnologia de ponta um grupo de Rangers, militares de elite altamente treinados, se movimenta pela escuridão de uma cidade em ruínas para capturar Hassim Al Hadad, um perigoso terrorista. Mossad, o líder de exército terrorista quer sua ajuda para recuperar Al Hadad e lhe oferece 5 milhões de dólares. Mas, para isso, ele terá que matar seus ex-companheiros. Tanques, helicópteros, combates de fogo cerrado, fantásticas explosões sacodem as ruas de Atlanta enquanto dois ex-amigos se enfrentam numa luta de vida ou morte.
Agente Vermelho
Director of Photography
Matt Hendricks is the US Navy's top Marine Special Operations Commander and is facing his toughest challenge yet - escorting the deadliest viral weapon on the planet back to a secure storage facility.
The Stray
Director of Photography
Afetada pela morte do pai, uma mulher atropela um vagabundo sem querer. Ela o leva para casa a fim de ajuda-lo a se recuperar e acaba se apaixonando por ele. Os dois começam um romance, mas rapidamente ela descobre que ele esconde um enorme segredo.
Final Voyage
Director of Photography
This is the story of a modern day pirate mad man and his crew of eight, searching for fortune on a cruise ship but a small group of passengers fight back.
Hot Boyz
Director of Photography
Injustice begets a criminal. Kool is an artist without prospects, a black belt in karate, and in love with LaShawna, poised and college bound. One night she witnesses a stabbing and discovers the victim is a cop as he dies in her arms. She's jailed for murder by the infamous Ramparts Division of the LAPD. Kool wants to prove her innocence, and Tully, the cynical detective in charge, ignores LaShawna's case but uses Kool to break up an incipient crime operation. She's in danger because the guilty parties fear that the officer talked before he died. While in jail awaiting a hearing and legal help, she's beaten to death by a rogue cop. Kool vows revenge: the Hot Boyz are born.
Sem Amanhã
Director of Photography
Quando o criminoso mais famoso do mundo se alia a um funcionário sênior de uma grande empresa de navegação, um acordo letal é fechado para garantir uma transação multimilionária de armas. À medida que a notícia do sinistro negócio se espalha pelo submundo, um mafioso de uma grande cidade, uma milícia extrema e o FBI entram na mistura clandestina, confundindo os limites da lealdade e da confiança.
Ameaça Vermelha
Director of Photography
Afastado dos anos de guerra, Gregori refez sua vida na Califórnia. Quando seu passado na elite do exército soviético parece enterrado, chega uma ordem ameaçadora de um antigo comandante para que ele assassine alguns traficantes de armas.
Director of Photography
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Morte Sobre Trilhos
Director of Photography
When Redwood Federal Penitentiary closes, there are going to be several hundred prisoners looking for a new home. Several of the most dangerous, all killers, will be transported by train to Santa Ana, a new high tech prison for the worst of the worst. Included in this transfer are: -Ian Kelly, explosions expert who has set off terrorist bombings worldwide. -Lorenzo "Enzo" Martini, a mafia kingpin who enjoyed nationwide fame before finally being put away. -Karl "The Killer" Miller, a serial killer with absolutely no conscience and an unquenchable thirst for blood. -Tommy "Zimm" Zimmer, a man who's serving life for killing his wife and her lover. -Luke Sinclair, who's finishing up the last nine months of a fifteen-year sentence for killing the man who murdered his wife. When the prisoners, under heavy security, board the last car of the train, it quickly becomes clear that an escape plan has been hatched
Alvo Executivo
Director of Photography
His wife held hostage, a stunt driver is forced to drive a getaway car in a plot to kidnap the President from a motorcade.
Bikini Summer III: South Beach Heat
Jamie is a makeup artist for a local bikini contest on the beautiful South Beach of Miami. Her life appears to be falling apart when her boyfriend leaves her in a jealous rage. Her wild and gorgeous friends, Dev and Bink, convince her to be a contestant in the contest while her ex-boyfriend's bumbling private detective hilariously tries to track her. In a transformation of innocence to high-profile model, Jamie heats up Miami at South Beach.
Bikini Summer III: South Beach Heat
Jamie is a makeup artist for a local bikini contest on the beautiful South Beach of Miami. Her life appears to be falling apart when her boyfriend leaves her in a jealous rage. Her wild and gorgeous friends, Dev and Bink, convince her to be a contestant in the contest while her ex-boyfriend's bumbling private detective hilariously tries to track her. In a transformation of innocence to high-profile model, Jamie heats up Miami at South Beach.
Ruas Violentas
Director of Photography
O que acontece quando se coloca dois grandes astros do mundo da luta, o mestre em artes marciais Gary Daniels e o campeão de boxe Sugar Ray Leonard, num mesmo filme? Ação sem parar, é claro! Gary interpreta o agente SAS Shane Alcott, que, com a ajuda do Major Williams (Sugar Ray), combate não apenas as gangues das ruas de Las Vegas, mas também uma célula terrorista do IRA, que seqüestra a filha do embaixador britânico como isca para atrair e matar Shane.
Pure Danger
Director of Photography
A paroled short order cook and a waitress go on the run with a bag of diamonds that accidentally falls into their possession, prompting two warring gangs to come after them.
The Sweeper
Director of Photography
A young cop, haunted by the murder of his entire family years earlier, is recruited by a shadowy organization to hunt down criminals who are beyond the reach of the law.
The Silencers
Director of Photography
U.S. Senator is assassinated by Men in Black, mysterious organization which suppresses all knowledge about UFOs. Agent Rafferty from the U.S. Secret Service will confront them and discover the sinister truth. The only person that can help him comes from another world.
Domínio Alien
Director of Photography
Membro de programa espacial tem como missão encontrar e eliminar os tripulantes da nave que foi atacada por forma de vida alienígena, que se alojou em seus corpos, como primeiro passo para dominar o planeta Terra.
CyberTracker 2
A Secret Service agent (Wilson) battles an arms dealer who is creating a cyborg army.
Fúria Assassina
Professor leva uma vida simples e tranquila, até ser sequestrado e submetido a experiências perturbadoras por uma milícia clandestina, que decidiu que ele é o espécime ideal para ser clonado e servir de base para um exército de supersoldados.
Hologram Man
Director of Photography
Five years after the mad terrorist Slash Galagher was sentenced to holographic stasis, he is given a parole hearing. But an equipment failure engineered by his cronies transforms the criminal into a living hologram with god-like powers. Now, stopping him is up to Kurt Decoda, the man who as a police rookie was responsible for arresting Galagher.
A Dangerous Place
Director of Photography
When Ethan's older brother Greg is found dead, the police rule the case a suicide, but Ethan suspects foul play stemming from Greg's recent involvement with a martial arts team called the Scorpions. Ethan is also accomplished at martial arts, and he determines to join the Scorpions as a means of learning what really happened to Greg. - Written by Michelle Sturges
Last Man Standing
Director of Photography
A gang of bank robbers, led by the ultra-violent Snake Underwood, pull off a daring mid-day heist that leaves dozens of burning police cars and scores of innocent victims in its wake. Heading the investigation into the gang is the equally violent detective Kurt Bellmore and going by the book just isn't going to be enough...
Direct Hit
After informing his CIA handlers that his next hit will be his last, John Hatch discovers that his target isn't a criminal at all. Refusing to take the woman out, Hatch instead takes it upon himself to protect her and expose the web of corruption at work.
Força T - Esquadrão de Aço
Director of Photography
Num futuro não muito distante, uma elite de policiais cyborgs (a Força-T) lida com o crime nos Estados Unidos ao invés de policiais humanos. Porém tudo falha quando os andróides explodem um helicóptero terrorista sabendo que haviam reféns a bordo. Temendo pela segurança dos civis, oficiais decidem que a Força-T está extinta. No entanto, um dos cyborgs, em luta pela própria existência, passa a matar quem quer que se coloque em seu caminho. Agora, a esperança de toda a cidade e dos humanos está nas mãos do policial Jack floyd (Jack Scalia) e de Cain, um cyborg remanescente.
Magic Kid II
Director of Photography
Kevin Ryan is Hollywood's leading teen heartthrob. He's the star of "Ninja Boy," a hot Martial Arts TV series. The trouble starts when Kevin decides he wants to leave the hit show, so that he can go to high school and lead a normal teenager's life. However, he is the Studio's biggest money maker and the unscrupulous executives are NOT going to let him leave. Their sinister plans involve a desirable young starlet, a muscle-bound mountain man, and an army of inept thugs trying to kill Kevin's loveable, but mixed-up manager, Uncle Bob.
Director of Photography
Eric is a secret agent currently working as security guard for senator Dilly. The senator is the main advocate for a new kind of police officer: the Tracker, a perfect and nearly invulnerable android. When Eric realizes that senator Dilly is playing dirty games, he does not only have Dilly's security chief Ross after him, but also those nearly undefeatable Trackers.
Director of Photography
A married couple of cat burglars scheme to rob a set of stolen diamonds from the local mafia only to be hampered by persistent police detectives, another scam artist, and a rival mob group.
Zero Tolerance
After surviving a sneak attack on himself and fellow agents Jimmy and Gene as they were transporting drug kingpin Raymond Manta out of a Mexican jail, FBI agent Jeff Douglas becomes an uwitting pawn of the White Hand drug cartel. Mistakenly told that his already murdered family is being held hostage, Jeff is forced to turn one-time courier for the White Hand, whose leaders are Manta and four others named Helmut Vitch, Milt Kowalski, Russ LaFleur, and Hansel Lee. After surviving a car-bombing in Las Vegas, Jeff learns the truth about his family being murdered, and he sets out to exterminate the White Hand cartel. Unofficially aided by an agent named Megan, whose mother was raped and murdered years ago, Jeff steals FBI files and begins his campaign of revenge on the White Hand cartel.
Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter
Director of Photography
When Cody gets lost while exploring in the woods, he finds a friend in the legendary creature, Bigfoot.
Dragões Ninja
Director of Photography
Quando um irmão e uma irmã vão para a Califórnia para visitar seu tio, eles logo descobrem que ele é um alcoólatra a correr da Máfia .
Firepower: Inferno em Los Angeles
Policiais de Los Angeles capturam Swordsman, líder do crime. Durante a noite, seus comparsas o libertam, matando os policiais de plantão. Daryn e Tony, dois tiras destemidos, perseguem os criminosos em busca de vingança.
Fist of Honor
Director of Photography
As two rival Godfathers view to take control of the city, a hot-tempered family member kills two relatives of the opposing family, breaking the "Truce of Honor". Now the war begins! As a young boxer seeks revenge for his fiancée's death, the streets become a real-life battlefield... to settle the score!
Alien Intruder
Second Unit Director of Photography
Set in the year 2022, a group of convicts sentenced to life in prison are led on a mission into uncharted deep space by Commander Skyler (Williams) to salvage a lost ship. As incentive to go on this dangerous mission, the convicts are given the opportunity to spend their weekends in a virtual reality world where they could live out their sexual fantasies with any woman they choose. However, a woman who is not part of the program appears in it (Scoggins), kills each virtual woman and seduces each convict. When she begins to appear outside the program, the men quickly turn on each other.
Força Máxima
Director of Photography
Three renegade cops team up to take on the corrupt chief of police and a crime lords hatchet-man.
Intent to Kill
Director of Photography
A young policewoman relentlessly tries to bring down a ruthless drug kingpin whom plots his own agenda for his drug distribution empire.
Verão Ardente 2
Director of Photography
A pair of rich daddy's girls discover a bum and take him home because he is starving. In return, the bum teaches them about the real world and helps them start a rock-and-roll band. Meanwhile, the rich family has problems: the husband likes S&M with women other than his wife, while the wife likes to watch a sexy home shopping TV channel. The comedy has a happy ending, of course, with the girls putting on a rock-and-roll concert at the beach. The movie has lots of girls running around in bikinis and French maid outfits.
A Time to Die
Director of Photography
A female photographer teams up with a policeman to try to bring down a corrupt police officer who framed her for drug possession and during her investigation, finds that not everything, or everyone, is what they appear to be.
Bikini Summer
Director of Photography
A group of friends are hired to redecorate a beach house while the elderly owners are out of town for the summer. Redecorating is the last thing on their minds, and a wild bikini filled summer is had by all. An imposter-photographer, a bikini designer, an all girl metal-band, and the token environmentalist all join forces in staging a riotous Bikini Contest... much to the consternation of the local D.A., and her loyal cadre of policemen.