Pieter Kuijpers
Nascimento : 1968-07-30, Tegelen, Limburg, Netherlands
Jay has spent fourteen years ignoring the thing that has been tearing up her marriage. Jay's husband cheated on her and had a daughter with someone else. And now, this girl, Stacey, is at their doorstep - wanting to get to know him.
Lockdown is a comic thriller about living in quarantine. The Netherlands is hit hard by the corona crisis. This goes for Theater Group Maastricht as well. If all theaters close their doors on government orders, bankruptcy is imminent. Artistic leader Michel is very concerned. He worries about the future of his company, but also about his own health. He has asthma and belongs to the so-called risk groups. Nor does his hypochondria help. Fortunately, good friend and companion Servé comes up with a solution. What if they play the Oresteia, the play with which they would premiere soon, via the internet? Just from their living rooms? In this way they can still attract a bit of public interest and possibly close the highest financial need pending help from the government.
A fragmented portrayal of three homeless young adults who are heading to southern Europe in search of money, love and happiness.
When the bored out philosopher Maarten Moreau gets caught up in a robbery, he accidentally gets hold of the weapon. Seized by a renewed appetite for life, Maarten decides to keep the gun. A true romance blossoms between the boy and the gun, not without consequences.
No começo da vida adulta, Alma deixa a casa da mãe na Holanda e viaja para sua terra natal, a Bósnia, para encontrar o pai que nunca conheceu. Mas desde o início, nada corre como planejado. Seu primo Emir não é receptivo e zomba da vida fácil da jovem no Ocidente. Ao mesmo tempo, uma forte atração sexual leva a jovem a se relacionar com o melhor amigo de Emir, o problemático Denis. À medida que os obstáculos aumentam, Alma segue determinada a achar o pai. Ela só precisará conhecer a si mesma antes.
A successful but dejected ventriloquist decides to break with his bold-as-brass, out-of-control dummy — only to find going his own way easier said than done.
A verdadeira história sobre o maior criminoso de guerra da Holanda durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Andries Riphagen. Ele chantageava judeus escondidos e foi responsável por centenas de mortes.
Creative Producer
A verdadeira história sobre o maior criminoso de guerra da Holanda durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Andries Riphagen. Ele chantageava judeus escondidos e foi responsável por centenas de mortes.
A verdadeira história sobre o maior criminoso de guerra da Holanda durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Andries Riphagen. Ele chantageava judeus escondidos e foi responsável por centenas de mortes.
To celebrate their anniversary, a young urban couple spends a weekend on a rural island, only to find its locals don't take too kindly to strangers.
A 30-something slacker finds his carefree life turned upside down when he falls for his sister's teenage babysitter.
Sieger, um garoto tímido de 15 anos, está treinando para o campeonato nacional de revezamento, onde conhece o intrigante e imprevisível Marc. Eles desenvolvem uma amizade que parece ser nada fora do comum, mas Sieger secretamente cultiva sentimentos mais fortes por Marc. Ele inicia uma luta solitária consigo mesmo, quando descobre que Marc também é apaixonado por ele.
Love is the Word is a moving, romantic and funny coming-of-age drama about the magic of first love and the misery of first lost, set in 1978: the year 'Grease' hit the big screen.
Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.
Five best friends, all married, decide to share a loft apartment. In this loft they meet their mistresses and conquests. Everything seems perfect, until one morning the body of an unknown young woman is found in the loft. The group of friends begin to suspect each other and it soon becomes clear that they know far less about each other than they had initially thought. Dutch remake of the Flemish movie Loft (2008).
Belle 19 anos, é uma violinista que vive em uma pequena aldeia na Holanda. Todos ao seu redor parecem obcecados com o sexo: o namorado, a irmã e especialmente sua mãe. Mas o que interessa para Belle é unicamente seu violino e ela irá em busca de seu sonho. Mas para alcança-lo ela terá que derrubar algumas barreiras.
Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.
A man convicted of killing his own father and sister escapes from a long-stay criminal hospital to track down his estranged mother, whom he believes can prove his innocence.
Scenario Writer
A man convicted of killing his own father and sister escapes from a long-stay criminal hospital to track down his estranged mother, whom he believes can prove his innocence.
A man convicted of killing his own father and sister escapes from a long-stay criminal hospital to track down his estranged mother, whom he believes can prove his innocence.
Comedy inspired by the true story of Dennis P, who became Holland's biggest diamond thief, when he walked away with the entire 20 million euros stock of an international diamond trader, using a microwave oven as a swagbag.
Comedy inspired by the true story of Dennis P, who became Holland's biggest diamond thief, when he walked away with the entire 20 million euros stock of an international diamond trader, using a microwave oven as a swagbag.
Journalist Stella discovers the secrets of the Lotte de Heus Verolmen, the widow of the Dutch nazi-collaborator party NSB-frontman Ewald de Heus Verolmen.
Onnoval vive sendo incomodado na escola por Gino e seus amigos, mas se conforta em sua namorada Liselore. Ele costuma viajar para seu próprio mundo imaginário, escrevendo histórias de fantasmas e poemas românticos para expressar seus desejos. Quando Gino chantageia Liselore para que ela o beije, Onnoval acaba vendo a cena do beijo. Descontrolado, Onnoval se vinga de Gino e seus amigos inserindo-os em sua história de fantasmas na qual uma viagem escolar se torna fatal.
Onnoval vive sendo incomodado na escola por Gino e seus amigos, mas se conforta em sua namorada Liselore. Ele costuma viajar para seu próprio mundo imaginário, escrevendo histórias de fantasmas e poemas românticos para expressar seus desejos. Quando Gino chantageia Liselore para que ela o beije, Onnoval acaba vendo a cena do beijo. Descontrolado, Onnoval se vinga de Gino e seus amigos inserindo-os em sua história de fantasmas na qual uma viagem escolar se torna fatal.
Uma trama que a principio é esquisita, mas bem inventiva, é a chave de partida desse filme que mistura suspense e aventura policial. Um novo tipo de psicopata está solto nas ruas da Holanda. Um homem toma os empregados de uma torre como refém. Sua motivação é um tanto estranha: ele protesta contra os aparelhos de televisores widescreen porque acredita que as faixas negras superiores e inferiores que aparecem na imagem contém mensagens e códigos escondidos. Buscando compreender a loucura do homem, descobre-se que durante anos ele tentou lutar contra esse tipo de aparelho e outras várias tecnologias modernas. O clima está tenso e o dia avança para um final trágico nessa produção que reflete sobre as trágicas consequências da modernidade e da tecnologia.
Executive Producer
Two small town Dutch boys whose socially unnatural friendship is so close, they care nothing for human or divine rules and lose all grip on reality, sliding into violent crime.
Two small town Dutch boys whose socially unnatural friendship is so close, they care nothing for human or divine rules and lose all grip on reality, sliding into violent crime.
For Rose, who's 12 years old, things go bump in the night: are they real or a dream, benign or evil? After a halfhearted attempt to find a babysitter, Rachel and Paul go off to a party leaving Rose in her own care in a remote and rambling old house. She goes to bed after checking house and garden with her flashlight and not succeeding in finding her pet. When the front door bangs shut a couple of times and she hears footsteps, Rose grabs her hockey stick and hides in the closet. Someone is definitely in the house. Rose times her leap from the closet and the swing of her stick perfectly: pow! Has she saved herself? Or does fate have more in store?
For Rose, who's 12 years old, things go bump in the night: are they real or a dream, benign or evil? After a halfhearted attempt to find a babysitter, Rachel and Paul go off to a party leaving Rose in her own care in a remote and rambling old house. She goes to bed after checking house and garden with her flashlight and not succeeding in finding her pet. When the front door bangs shut a couple of times and she hears footsteps, Rose grabs her hockey stick and hides in the closet. Someone is definitely in the house. Rose times her leap from the closet and the swing of her stick perfectly: pow! Has she saved herself? Or does fate have more in store?