Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Although he'd starred in just three films before his untimely death at age 24, James Dean cast a long shadow that came to define cool. Using excerpts from Dean's personal diaries, found footage from screen and wardrobe tests and interviews with those who knew him best (including Dennis Hopper, Dick Van Patten, Graham Nash and Rod Steiger), this fascinating documentary explores the screen icon's lingering mystique.
Daniel Anker’s 90-minute documentary takes on over 60 years of a very complex subject: Hollywood’s complicated, often contradictory relationship with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The questions it raises go right the very nature of how film functions in our culture, and while hardly exhaustive, Anker’s film makes for a good, thought provoking starting point.
Pvt. O'Meara (archive footage)
Samuel Fuller discusses his career as a filmmaker, illustrated by plenty of clips.
A retired pool hustler is forced to pick up the stick again when his brother starts a game he can't finish.
"This is a kid who just said it. I'm the greatest - and he said it with poetry. And I don't mean just the poems that he wrote but with the poetic energy, the poetic spirit" - James Earl Jones. Through the eys of the world is a unique account of one of the great icons of the 20th century, told by family, friends and fans from all over the world.
An in-depth analysis and celebration of the famous "I coulda been a contender" scene between Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger in the 1954 film "On the Waterfront".
Floyd Benson
Three washed-up actors must deliver the most convincing performances of their lives as part of a dangerous plot designed to finance their triumphant comeback.
Charley McCabe
The story of a teenage girl who kidnaps her grandfather to keep him from being placed in a nursing home. The getaway turns into a quest to locate a son who vanished many years before.
Sean (Eric Roberts, de “O Especialista”) não fala desde que era pequeno, quando viu seus pais morrerem, depois de uma grave discussão. Já adulto, o rapaz segue atormentado pela morte da mãe. Sean transforma-se num brilhante artista e seus quadros chama a atenção de uma jovem dona de galeria, Lacy (Catherine Oxenberg, de “Assassinos de Aluguel”). Ela decide, então, ir para uma pequena e sombria cidade na costa do Maine, onde mora Sean, para convencê-lo sobre uma exposição de sua obra. Os dois se encontram, se apaixonam, enquanto coisas estranhas passam a acontecer na cidade, envolvendo um velho amigo do artista, Ben (Rod Steiger, de “No Calor da Noite”). As investigações do xerife local vão, aos poucos, desvendando os mistérios. Mistérios que acabam trazendo de volta o passado e seus fantasmas. Fantasmas que todos gostariam de esquecer.
A short documentary based on Sergio Leone's life and career, and the making of the film "Once Upon a Time in America."
Johnny Ticotin
Charlie Davis, an ambitious small-town boxer with dreams of making it as a professional, travels to Reno with his unwavering friend Tiny. On his climb to the top, he loses himself and the people he cares for most.
Sheri Ganse
An old-time mogul struggles to reenter the club where power and money make the rules.
Father Kovak
Jericho Cane é um amargurado guarda-costas que perdeu a mulher e a filha em um ataque terrorista. Nos últimos dias de 1999 um de seus clientes, um banqueiro, sofre uma emboscada. Na investigação que se segue, Cane descobre a macabra trama de uma seita que espera pela chegada de satã e escolheu Christine York para gerar o filho das trevas. Ele agora deve fazer de tudo para protegê-la e evitar o fim dos tempos.
Judge Louis Mead
Durante o verão de 1965, em Alabama, a excêntrica Lucille Vinson, que sempre foi maltratada pelo marido, resolve matá-lo e fugir para Hollywood em busca de fama. Logo depois, o sobrinho de Lucille, Peejoe, assiste o assassinato de um negro e acaba se envolvendo na luta dos direitos civis.
Judge Sarokin
Em junho de 1966, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter era um forte candidato ao título mundial de boxe. Entretanto, os sonhos de Carter vão por água abaixo quando três pessoas são assassinadas num bar em Nova Jersey. Indo para casa em seu carro e passando perto do local do crime, Carter é erroneamente preso como um dos assassinos e condenado à prisão perpétua. Anos mais tarde, Carter publica um memorial, chamado "The 16th round", em que conta todo o caso. O livro inspira um adolescente do Brooklyn e três ativistas canadenses a juntarem forças com Carter para lutar por sua inocência.
Woodrow McCammon
Reeling from the news of his sister's suicide, Beau McCammon returns home to his family after a long absence. His father, who has just barely won another term as senator, doesn't take things well when Beau approaches him with the sinking suspicion that the suicide may have actually been a murder. Determined to solve the mystery, Beau uncovers a plethora of family secrets, deception, and implications of unspeakable political wrongdoings.
Dr. Frederick Van Helsing
A vampire hunter in southern California discovers that his son has been murdered by a gang of the undead and thus goes on a quest for revenge.
A photojournalist deported from a war zone in Asia meets up with a woman who is looking for her father. He offers to help her...
In 1995, Chasen's closed its doors after 60 years of serving chili to movie stars and visiting dignitaries, Presidents and the Pope. During its two final weeks, Chasen regulars (actors and producers), staff, and management sat for interviews. There's an Oscar party for 1500, footage and photos of famous diners, and time with Tommy Gallagher, the ebullient head waiter until retirement in 1994, his son Patrick, catering head Raymond Bilbool, general manager Ronnie Clint, hat check girl Val Schwab, ladies' room attendant Onetta Johnson, and foreign- born waiters, including Jaime. When he started in 1970, like other Latins, he wasn't allowed out of the kitchen. It's a family farewell.
While looking for paradise, a cab driver suddenly falls in love.
Narrated by Rod Steiger, this documentary examines the frightful conventions from which the modern-day horror movie has evolved, featuring clips from classics like Dante's Inferno and Leaves from Satan's Book.
Milton A. Donovan
Harry Donovan, um falsificador que pinta Rembrandt, se apaixona por uma especialista em artes que seus clientes contratam para verificar o quadro que ele pintou. Enganado e acusado de assassinato, ele tenta provar sua inocência.
Tony Vago
O plano era muito simples: estragar um grande golpe de tráfico de droga, assaltar o chefe e fugir com o dinheiro.Muito simples... até um polícia secreto ser morto. Agora, quatro ladrões inexperientes, tentam escapar com uma mala cheia de cocaína, dois yuppies como reféns e muitos segredos para guardar.O primeiro filme de Kiefer Sutherland como realizador.
Harry Sloan
Jimmy Albright is a young athlete with a passion for boxing. His mentor, Harry Sloan, an aging trainer and former boxer, sees Jimmy's potential, not only as a boxer but as a young man. With Harry's guidance, Jimmy trains and fights his way to the top of his division. All things appear to be on track, except for one small twist: Jimmy's parents, Don and Doreen, don't know he's a boxer...
General Decker
Os marcianos invadem nosso planeta, matando e destruindo tudo no caminho, pois acham bem divertido e querem transformar a Terra em um "parque de diversões". Se ninguém achar uma maneira de detê-los, a raça humana está condenada ao extermínio.
The President
Three teenage boys inadvertently find themselves holding the adult world hostage in this in this wild comedy caper. When Slug, Mickey and Frank flee to a secret hideout to avoid their angry parents, they find an atomic bomb! Instead of turning it in, they call the President and demand that he... cancels school!
Doc Wallace
Marty Preston tem 11 anos e sua maior diversão é brincar nas colinas que ficam atrás da casa onde mora, em uma pacata cidade do interior dos Estados Unidos. Até que um dia, o garoto encontra um novo amigo que irá mudar sua vida para sempre: um pequeno cachorro, perdido a beira da estrada. Brincando com o animalzinho percebe-se que ele está sendo mal tratado. O pequenino segue Marty até sua casa, as os pais do menino decidem que ele deve devolve-lo ao verdadeiro...e cruel...dono. Só que Marty não vai desistir tão fácil e fará qualquer coisa para salvar seu companheiro Shiloh. Agora os dois estão prestes a enfrentar uma grande aventura.
A gathering of friends and parents the night before a wedding provides a very unexpected turn of events. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Mr. Hammerman
O publicitário Daniel Muller justamente no dia de uma importante apresentação no trabalho tem que levar os filhos e os colegas para a escola no rodízio de caronas. No meio do caminho, Frankie Lazslo (um dublê de bandido super atrapalhado que adora crianças) seqüestra o carro de Daniel com as crianças dentro. A polícia confundiu Franklin com um assaltante e o persegue por toda a cidade, proporcionando a garotada muita aventura e correria.
John Wesley Northridge II
The sweeping story of Dalva Northridge, a young woman of part-Sioux heritage from an old, landed family on the Nebraska plains, and of her lifelong yearning for the man she loved and the son she gave up.
Their plan was simple...Get the Cash. As Rupert, an ex-con, tries to go straight, his younger brother James pursues a life of delinquency. Days after being released from jail, James is gunned down and lies waiting in a hospital for a liver transplant. In a desperate attempt to save his brother's life, Rupert decides to execute a heist at a downtown club on New Year's Eve that will give him the money he needs. Rupert assembles an eclectic crew of ex-cons, including his best friend and his ex-girlfriend. Rupert and his gang converge on the nightclub for a climax that spins out of control. New Year's Eve has never been so explosive!
Col. Buck Gunner
A Pulitzer Prize winning photographer is fired from his job for not being sensationalistic enough. After he purchases an old camera at a yard sale, he discovers some undeveloped film in it, including photos of an apparent alien abduction. When he goes public with the photos, he garners the attention of his former boss, the government and a woman who thinks her father was the abductee.
Col. Owen Stuart
Após receberem ordem para matar 400 cavalos que não estavam mais servindo ao regimento, um tenente, um sargento e alguns soldados decidem desobedecer ao comando e soltam os animais. Passam, então, a ser perseguidos pelo exército.
Anthony Comstock
Nurse Margaret Sanger became a pioneering crusader for women's reproductive rights after she published a booklet on birth control techniques that flew in the face of a law established by Anthony Comstock forbidding the dissemination of information on contraception. Sanger later helped to establish America's first birth control clinic in 1916, and in 1925 was one of the founders of Planned Parenthood.
Paul Hood is the newly appointed director of the OP Center, a special agency gathering a wide variety of experts monitoring international crisis. On his first day on the job, nuclear missiles are stolen from the former Soviet Union by terrorists. The team must find out who did it, why, and most importantly, where they are heading so they can retrieve them
Dodo, a French man living in Florida, has one goal in life: Get by without working. Difficult to implement without the help of some women. Betty is one of them, and a gypsy's bride, who suddenly disappears, changing Dodo's life.
A documentary about James Dean. People who knew him or had worked with him reminisce.
Joe Leon
Mulher contrata um especialista em explosivos para realizar plano de vingança contra os gângsters que mataram seus pais. Ray Quick trabalhava para a C.I.A., mas largou tudo depois que uma operação fracassada contra um traficante de drogas provocou a morte de uma criança. Agora, o perito em explosivos que vive em Miami é persuadido por uma mulher obcecada que quer se vingar de uma poderosa família do crime organizado.
General Frank W. Zane
In 1943, U.S. marines are stationed near Wellington. One of them is murdered by the boss of the Hotel Workers Union, who is sitting pretty, exempt from military service and living it up on black market profits. Girls under the control of the union - of whom the victim's fiancee, Rose, is one - give sexual favours to the Americans, in return for information. The marine assigned to investigate the murder, tries to find Rose through a public health nurse who traces VD infections. However they discover there it more going on than they realized, involving a conspiracy amongst the Union, the government and the U.S. military.
Dr. Myron Hatch
A young couple, Mary and John, awaiting a baby is in search for a house when they decide to buy that lovely old villa they found by coincidence. What they both do not know is that Myron, the owner of that villa and their new neigbour, is a dangerous psychopath and that Mary reminds him of his dead mother. Mary begins to wonder about Myron's odd behaviour, but everybody thinks Mary's fears are due to her being pregnant.
In 1988, a Vietnamese-American woman returns to her homeland for the first time since childhood against the wishes of her anti-communist father and the US trade embargo.
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant (voice)
Famous actors read testimonies from people close to Lincoln about him and his actions during the Civil War.
A beautiful and disturbing film recounts America’s story from the environment’s point of view. From the arrival of Columbus to the simple wilderness living of the 16th and 17th centuries, through the agrarian lifestyle of the 18th century, the changes from the Industrial Revolution, to the 20th century when most of the planet’s resources have been depleted — this film examines the North American landscape and all the wildlife destruction, deforestation, soil depletion and pollution that have been wrought to make the American Dream come true.
Rod Steiger
Um executivo de estúdio pressionado por série de fracassos de bilheteria consecutivos começa a receber ameaças anônimas. Obcecado com as mensagens, ele mata o roteirista que acredita ser o responsável e tenta driblar as investigações policiais.
Thriller directed by Romolo Guerrieri and starring Fabio Testi, Michael Nuori, Burt Young and Philippe Leroy. David Sloan is 40 and is a Vietnam veteran unable to accept his violent past. Decides to consult a psychiatrist and gradually begins to understand that there are other things in life besides killing.
Richter Prescott
When entertainment lawyer Wolfgang Leighton decides to take a break from business for some fishing in Tennessee's backwoods, he ends up embroiled in a bank robbery and murder. Pursued by the killers, he's running from the police and a young hitchhiker appears to be his only friend.
Gordon Kahl
From the "In the Line of Duty" made-for-television movie series, Manhunt in the Dakotas is based on the true story of cop-killer/white supremacist Gordon Kahl.
Rod Steiger stars as a vigilante who with the aid of his helper, Isaac Hayes, captures men whom he considers evil and executes them in his homemade electric chair.
Rev. Willin
A small-town eccentric opens a café in her decaying home.
Charlie D'Amico
In this modern day version of Shakespeare's Macbeth, a hitman heeds a spiritualist's prophesies that he will rise to the head of his family. He starts his ascension by clandestinely executing the heads of the family and casting the blame on others. However, with power comes consequences that are also predicted by the seer.
Sir Harry Oakes
Sir Harry Oakes is a wealthy magnate, living amongst the British aristocrats who have made their home in the Bahamas just prior to World War II. Their small community is one of privilege and status and when Sir Harry's beloved daughter marries a handsome but penniless gigolo, Alfred De Marigny, Sir Harry is outraged by the union. But before Sir Harry can break up the marriage he is brutally and viciously murdered and his son-in-law is the prime suspect. Nothing is as it appears and Sir Harry's death soon points towards intrigue and deception on an international scale.
Mayor Eamon Flynn
Nick Starkey (Kevin Kline) é um ex-policial de Nova York, que agora é bombeiro por ter sido obrigado a se afastar devido a um escândalo. Nick é requisitado a voltar à ativa quando um serial killer mata sua décima primeira vítima na véspera do Ano Novo. Seu irmão (Harvey Keitel), que trabalha na polícia, não vê este retorno com bons olhos, principalmente pelo fato da sua mulher (Susan Sarandon) se sentir atraída pelo seu irmão. Porém Nick se envolve com a filha do prefeito e gradativamente descobre que os crimes são cometidos em datas e locais pré-determinados, seguindo um padrão específico. Assim ele acredita que possa estar no local do atentado antes do assassinato ser cometido, mas ninguém lhe dá crédito, com exceção da namorada e de um amigo que é pintor.
World War II finally reaches a Yugoslavian lake, where a lifeguard shelters a refugee and her son.
Silas Slaten
Duell McCall is an outlaw on the run for a crime he didn't commit. Captured by the law and coerced into helping rescue the daughter of the evil local land baron, he finds himself drawn into an ever-deepening web of lies that threatens to cost him his life.
Jason Hannibal
Gorgeous Checkers Goldberg, a police detective, goes undercover as a stripper in order to stop a ruthless kingpin who has been using unsuspecting starlets in order to smuggle drugs into the United States. With her hot looks, street smarts and martial arts prowess, Goldberg seems to have everything she needs to catch this violent criminal -- and will stop at nothing to get the job done.
When six friends fly off on a weekend getaway and are suddenly plagued by engine trouble, they're forced to land on a remote island. Looking for shelter, they're grateful to encounter Ma and Pa and their children - an eccentric family living in the island's backwoods. But what begins as simple hospitality turns into a terrifying race for survival as the friends start disappearing one by one ... and turning up dead.
Dr. Phillip Lloyd
Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes etc. from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mother's biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but none are prepared for what they find there.
Mordechai Samuels
Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes.
Lieutenant McGreary
O assassinato de vários médicos coloca em evidência um psiquiatra, tanto como suspeito quanto vítima, despertando seu interesse em solucionar o caso.
Robert E. Peary
Cook and Peary: The Race to the Pole is an unabashedly biased recreation of the controversy concerning the "conquering" of the North Pole. Robert E. Peary (Rod Steiger), a US Navy commander and shameless self-promoter, sets out through Arctic wastes in 1909 to discover the Pole, an expedition that many others have attempted but failed to complete. His principal rival is Dr. Frederick A. Cook (Richard Chamberlain), who insists that he'd already reached the Pole in 1908. Though the experts (and the US Congress) conclude that Perry was first, public opinion is firmly in Cook's corner--as is this TV movie.
A look back at the first 21 years of Britain's most successful film series.
Mynher Peperkorn
Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for years. During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini, a secular humanist, and Naphta, a totalitarian Jesuit. And to fall in love with the beautiful but enigmatic Clawdia Chauchat. When he is finally discharged in 1914 - along with all the other patients - it is only to plunge into the horrors of World War I.
Reb Saunders
In a 1940s New York, two Jewish teenage boys are determined to remain friends despite the deep differences between their two families.
In nineteenth century Oklahoma, two teen girls, fans of stories about outlaws, are on a quest to meet and join up with them. They find a shadow of a former gang and although disappointed, still try to help them escape from a vigorous Marshal.
Benito Mussolini
Em 1922, com a ascenção de Mussolini e dos fascismo, a Itália como as outras potências européias, procuram aumentar suas zonas de comércio e exploração na África. A Itália volta os olhos para a Libia, onde iniciam uma grande guerra contra o povo local que resiste bravamente contra as forças modernas italianas. Os beduinos comandados pelo lider local Omar Mukhtar iniciam uma grande batalha pra expulsar as tropas italianas, que cada vez mais investem em armas e massacram o povo libiano. A intenção de Mussolini é dominar o Norte da África, porém ele encontra um grande obstáculo no líder da rebelião beduína Omar Mukhtar / Quinn. A única solução para garantir a vitória no combate é enviar um destemido general, que organiza uma operação violenta e sanguinária. Filme fidelíssimo à História, que mostra a determinação do povo com as medidas imperialistas dos colonizadores italianos. Com um elenco perfeito, Akkad dirige as cenas de guerra com forte realismo. Um filme de guerra fantástico.
Colonel Gluck
In the war-torn Netherlands, a local Jewish boy has vivid escapist fantasies of being in a Hollywood western where good always triumphs.
War veterans visit a lakeside cabin for a week of shooting, drinking, etc. but find the cabin being looked after by a young caretaker named David. When David's status as a war deserter is revealed, all hell breaks loose.
Soapy Smith
This movie chronicles Jack London's epic journey from San Francisco to the Klondike gold fields in 1898.
Father Delaney
Horror em Amityville: Após se mudarem para uma casa onde aconteceram terríveis assassinatos de uma mesma família, George, Kathy e seus filhos passam a viver uma forte experiência sobrenatural. As forças diabólicas que ali habitam perturbam toda a família durante 28 dias. No 28° dia, eles decidem tomar uma atitude.
Max Andreotti
A professional hitman is hired to kill a brain surgeon. However, it turns out that not only are he and the surgeon old friends, but they are both in love with the same woman.
Joe Bomposa
Charlie Congers é um policial escolhido pelo governo dos Estados Unidos para ir até a Suíça capturar a bela amante de um chefão do crime. Mas seus planos começam a sair errado quando, durante sua fuga, uma forte atração começa a tomar conta deles, criando laços que irão atrapalhar a missão. Perseguidos por toda a Europa, eles terão que fugir de redes de intrigas políticas e de várias outras ameaças.
General Webster
No final de maio de 1944, durante a retirada alemã na Frente Oriental, o capitão Stransky (Helmut Griem) ordena ao sargento Steiner (Richard Burton) que exploda um túnel ferroviário para impedir que as forças russas o usem. O pelotão de Steiner falha em sua missão ao se deparar com um tanque russo. Steiner então tira uma licença para Paris no momento em que os Aliados lançam sua invasão da Normandia.
Sen. Andrew Madison
Em Cleveland, nos anos 1930, um empregado de uma fábrica rebela-se contra o trabalho escravo e se filia ao sindicato dos motoristas de caminhão (F.I.S.T.). Ao longo de 30 anos, ele se tornará um poderoso sindicalista, envolvendo-se com o crime organizado. Dramático retrato de uma parte do sindicalismo pioneiro americano, em biografia não muito disfarçada do poderoso pelego Jimmy Hoffa, que desapareceu sem deixar rastros.
W. C. Fields
In 1920s New York City, W. C. Fields is a successful headlining entertainer, but when his girlfriend leaves him and his broker loses his money, Fields begins anew in California. Working at a wax museum, Fields eventually lands a film role that ascends him to stardom. Back in the limelight and palling around with John Barrymore and the like, Fields meets an aspiring actress Carlotta Monti at a party, with whom he forms a rocky relationship.
Niall Hennessy
Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overwhelmed with rage and hunted by a Scotland Yard inspector, Niall heads to London to exact his deadly revenge.
Louis Wormser
Saint Tropez, 1975. Julie Wormser e seu amante, escritor e vizinho Jeff Marle, planejam o assassinato de seu rico marido Louis, um impotente que bebe muito. Ela bate nele, e deixa o resto da tarefa para Jeff. Julie se vê sozinha no dia seguinte, e portanto, torna-se a principal suspeita. Onde está o corpo de Luís? Onde está o Jeff? Existe algum segredo por trás das portas?
In 1945, the dictator of fascist Italy and Hitler's close ally Benito Mussolini faces defeat. In a desperate attempt to avoid capture, he tries to flee the country with his lover Claretta Petacci, but Italian partisans are on their tail.
Gene Giannini
Lucky Luciano is one of the bosses of the Mafia. He orders the slaughter of 40 other responsibles, therefore becoming the only boss. But a few years later he is put into jail. In 1946, he got a pardon and is sent back to Sicilia. There, he begins becoming one of the chief of the Mafia. The US Army seems to refrain from interfering.
Guenther von Lutz
Four soldiers and a beautiful Greek nurse, thrown together in North Africa during World War II, team up to pull off a heist of two-million pounds in boxes marked "plasma."
Laban Feather
Laban Feather brews Tennessee moonshine with his sons Thrush, Zack, Hawk, and Finch. The chief rivals of the Feather Family in producing and selling illegal corn liquor are the Gutshalls, father Pap, and sons Ludie, Seb, and Villum. In addition to fighting over the white lightning market, the two families have also been feuding over some land that each believes is their property. As a prank, Ludie mails a postcard from a fictitious woman named Lolly-Madonna to the Feather household, in order to get the brothers squabbling over which son has attracted the mysterious admirer. But the joke has unexpected consequences when Thrush and Hawk kidnap a woman who was passing through town to meet her fiancée, assuming that she is Lolly Madonna.
Harold Ryan
A hunter back from years in the Amazon finds his wife and life changed.
Juan Miranda
No início da Revolução Mexicana em 1913, o bandido mexicano Juan Miranda e o idealista irlandês John H. Mallory, especialista em explosivos, se encontram com um grupo de revolucionários que estão planejando roubar um banco nacional. Quando se descobre que o governo vem usando o banco como esconderijo para presos políticos ilegalmente detidos, que são liberados pela explosão. Miranda se torna um herói revolucionário contra a sua vontade.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Épico histórico que conta a saga de Napoleão, na batalha de Waterloo. Em 1815, após escapar da Ilha de Elba, Napoleão organiza seu exército para participar da luta decisiva na Bélgica contra os exércitos da Inglaterra e da Prússia.
This film describes the 1960s drug culture. Addicts discuss their experiences in the United States and in Vietnam. Dr. Stanley Yolles, director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), talks about the drug culture and the NIMH role in prevention and treatment. The tape describes growth in the use of marijuana and heroin. In 1966, the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act is the first law to give the addict a choice of treatment or jail. Synanon in California is a private, self-help, residential community that helps people deal with their addictions. New York's Daytop Village works not only with addicts on addictions, but on developing a new lifestyle. Methadone, though still experimental, has proved to be an effective treatment for heroin addiction.
Steve Howard
Steve Howard, a British sales executive living in Manchester, England, begins an affair with a young hitchhiker, Elle Patterson, to emotionally get away from his marriage to his wife Francis. But when Elle moves into a room in Steve and Francis's house, he must keep the true nature of his relationship with Elle under wraps at all costs.
A man who has a body almost completely covered in tattoos is searching for the woman who cursed him with the "skin illustrations". Each tattoo reveals a bizarre story, which is experienced by staring at the scene depicted. When the illustrated man meets a fellow tramp on the road a strange voyage begins.
A behind-the-scenes look on the making of the movie "The Illustrated Man" featuring scenes from the movie and the design and application process of tattooing lead actor Rod Steiger by make-up artists.
MSgt. Albert Callan
THE SERGEANT is the story of the dark inner struggle of Master Sergeant Albert Callan to overcome the overwhelming attraction he feels for one of his charges. In the staid and stifling environment of a post-World War II army post in France, Callan's deeply repressed attraction to other men surfaces when he encounters handsome Private Swanson. Maintaining the rugged "man's man" image of a war hero, Callan barks orders to his underlings. Later, lonely in his solitude, he recalls the frightening experiences of war and the events that led to this crossroads. Filled with self-loathing and unable to act on the natural attraction he feels for Swanson, Callan's affection festers into antagonism. He pushes Swanson constantly with verbal assaults and undeserved punishments.
Christopher Gill
Christopher Gill is a psychotic killer who uses various disguises to trick and strangle his victims. Moe Brummel is a single and harassed New York City police detective who starts to get phone calls from the strangler and builds a strange alliance as a result. Kate Palmer is a swinging, hip tour guide who witnesses the strangler leaving her dead neighbor's apartment and sets her sights on the detective. Moe's live-in mother wishes her son would be a successful Jewish doctor like his big brother.
der General
A young woman and a soldier team up to deliver an Austrian General to Italian forces during World War I. Their quest for the 1,000 Lire reward changes their lives unexpectedly.
Police Chief Bill Gillespie
Quando um rico empresário que planejava construir uma fábrica na cidade de Sparta, no estado do Mississipi, é encontrado assassinado em uma rua escura, o chefe de polícia Bill Gillespie pede a seus homens que procurem nas cercanias. O guarda Sam encontra o negro Virgil Tibbs na estação, esperando o trem das três da manhã para Memphis e suspeita dele. Ao revistá-lo e ver a carteira de Tibbs com muito dinheiro, Sam resolve levá-lo para a delegacia.
Viktor Komarovsky
Ambientado antes e durante a Revolução Bolchevique na Rússia, conheça a história do doutor Yury Zhivago, que em plena guerra se viu apaixonado pela bela Lara Antipova, o amor impossível que move toda a história. Baseado na obra de Boris Pasternak, vencedor de 5 Oscar, incluindo Fotografia e Roteiro Adaptado.
The Intermediary
Based on the diary Pope John XXIII kept between the ages of 14 and 18, his lifelong concern for tolerance, the underprivileged, and world peace is told. Rod Steiger, in the central role, acts as "intermediary" between the Pope and the audience, interpreting John's words, thoughts and actions. Steiger visits the actual places in which John lived, recreating the conditions, environment, and forces that affected his development. Through this unusual technique, we are brought close to an extraordinary man - one who's able to win the love of many people of all faiths.
Mr. Joyboy
Newly arrived in Hollywood from England, Dennis Barlow finds he has to arrange his uncle's interment at the highly-organised and very profitable Whispering Glades funeral parlour. His fancy is caught by one of their cosmeticians, Aimee Thanatogenos. But he has three problems - the strict rules of owner Blessed Reverand Glenworthy, the rivalry of embalmer Mr Joyboy, and the shame of now working himself at The Happy Hunting Ground pets' memorial home.
Sol Nazerman
Único da família a escapar de um campo de concentração nazista, o judeu Sol Nazerman (Rod Steiger) agora tenta reconstruir a vida nos EUA como comerciante. No entanto, mesmo 40 anos depois, as memórias traumáticas das atrocidades cometidas pelo regime nazista ainda o assombram. Dirigido por Sidney Lumet, o filme foi indicado ao Oscar de Melhor Ator e ao Urso de Ouro no Festival de Berlim.
A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.
A brief overview of stellar MGM releases from its first 40 years.
Edoardo Nottola
Eduardo Nottola é um personagem sem escrúpulos que desempenha um duplo papel: ele é ao mesmo tempo construtor e vereador da cidade em questão, e leva adiante seu plano de especulação imobiliária que mudará para sempre a face da cidade. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Destroyer Commander
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
After his death sentence is commuted to life in prison, John Resko is transferred from Sing-Sing to Dannemora where, with the help of a humane prison guard, he becomes a rehabilitated man and a successful painter.
Detective Sergeant Koleski
Walt Sherill is attacked and beat down by a group of juvenile delinquents on his way home from work one night. The boys who attacked him are not previously known by the police and are therefore hard to track down. As Sherill starts getting impatient he begins his own investigation. Meanwhile, Detective Sergeant Koleski does his best to track down the culprits.
Doctor McNally
A man who served prison time for intent to molest a child tries to build a new life with the help of a sympathetic psychiatrist.
Frank Morgan
An enigmatic woman recruits a gang of specialised criminals to rob a US Army payroll armoured truck bound for Marseilles. However, things don't go exactly as planned.
Paul Mason
Em Monte Carlo, Theo Wilkins recruta o seu jovem protegido Paul Mason - recem saído da prisão - para ajudá-lo a roubar US $ 4 milhões do famoso cassino. O plano é simples. Na noite do Baile do Governador, Theo irá criar uma distração no casino com um membro da equipe simulando um colapso que requer atenção médica urgente. Enquanto isso Paul e outro membro da equipe vão até o dinheiro do cofre. Quando a ambulância chegar, o dinheiro vai sair com o homem doente. O plano é uma boa, mas nem todos irão sobreviver ao assalto e ninguém vai ficar rico com isso.
Al Capone
In this unusually accurate biography, small-time hood Al Capone comes to Chicago at the dawn of Prohibition to be the bodyguard of racketeer Johnny Torrio. Capone's rise in Chicago gangdom is followed through murder, extortion, and political fraud. He becomes head of Chicago's biggest "business," but moves inexorably toward his downfall and ignominious end.
Harvey Denton
The weakling sheriff of a small southwestern town allows a Mexican teenager to be lynched by a local mob for a crime he may not have committed.
Paul Hoplin
A mad bomber holds an innocent family hostage.
Pvt. O'Meara
Depois de ser derrotado na guerra da secessão, por ódio aos yankes, um soldado vai para o Oeste e se integra aos índios Sioux. Ele acaba representando os índios em negociações com os homens brancos e, depois de desacertos, precisa decidir se fica a favor ou contra sua pátria.
Carl Schaffner
In Mexico, a financier on the run poses as a man he just murdered, only to find out that the man was also a murderer.
Paul Hochen
A woman marries a man for his wealth, then concocts a plan to kill him, take his money, and run off with her lover. Things go wrong when they accidentally kill the wrong person.
A South American plane loaded with an assortment of characters crash lands in a remote jungle area in the middle of a storm. The passengers then discover they are in an area inhabited by vicious cannibals and must escape before they are found. A remake of Five Came Back (1939).
Nick Benko
O desempregado jornalista desportivo Eddie Willis, é contratado pelo promotor de luta corrupto Nick Benko para promover seu atual protegido, um boxeador argentino desconhecido chamado Toro Moreno. Embora Moreno seja um gigante, suas chances de sucesso são prejudicadas por um soco fraco e um queixo de vidro. Explorando a reputação de Willis para melhorar sua posição na comunidade do boxe, Benko organiza uma série de lutas arranjadas que impulsionam o ingênuo Moreno a lutador número 1 para o campeonato. O campeão reinante, o sádico Buddy Brannen, guarda ressentimento pela publicidade que Toro recebeu e promete puni-lo violentamente no ringue. Eddie agora deve decidir se deve ou não contar ao ingênuo Toro a verdade. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Encontrado ferido pelo fazendeiro Shep Horgan, Jubal Troop aceita um emprego como peão e logo ganha a confiança de Shep. Mae Horgan, sentindo que está presa no casamento com Shep, dá bola para Jubal, embora ele esteja mais interessado em Naomi Hoktor que está viajando com uma carroça de pioneiro e está acampada nas terras de Shep. Pinky, que até então era o preferido e usava os favores de Mae, não gosta muito do novo arranjo e os problemas são inevitáveis. Um novo capataz rejeita os avanços sexuais da frustrada esposa de um fazendeiro, o que leva a conflitos que poderiam terminar em morte.
Maj. Allan Guillion
A dramatization of the American general and his court martial for publically complaining about High Command's dismissal and neglect of the aerial fighting forces.
Stanley Shriner Hoff
Movie star Charlie Castle draws the ire of Hollywood producer Stanley Hoff when he refuses to sign a new seven-year contract. Castle is sick of the low quality of the studio's films and wants to start a new life. While his estranged wife supports him in the decision, Castle's talent agent urges him to reconsider. When Castle continues to be uncooperative, Hoff resorts to blackmail in order to get his way.
Jud Fry
Ambientado na Oklahoma do início da década de 1900, "Oklahoma!" conta a história de Curly (Gordon MacRae), um rancheiro extrovertido e bem-humorado, e de Laurey Williams (Shirley Jones), a filha do fazendeiro e dona do coração de Curly. O problema é que também há o ameaçador Jud (Rod Steiger), que tenta impedir os apaixonados de ficarem juntos. Com coreografia de Agnes de Mille, a trilha sonora contém clássicos como "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning", "The Surrey With The Fringe On Top", "People Will Say We're In Love" e "Oklahoma!". Este é o primeiro trabalho conjunto de Rodgers e Hammerstein, dando origem à mais criativa parceria da história dos musicais de cinema.
Charlie Malloy
Terry Malloy sonha com as glórias do boxe, mas foi convencido pelo corrupto mafioso Johnny Friendly, para quem trabalha, a perder uma luta. Quando Terry presencia um assassinato cometido pelos capangas do chefe, ele se sente responsável pelo crime.
Marty Pilletti
Marty Pilletti is a 36-year-old butcher who lives with his mother, who is always asking him why he doesn't find a nice girl and get married. The truth is Marty is lonely and would like nothing better, but he has low self-esteem and admits to his mother that he's ugly and no one wants him. He's tired of going to the Saturday night dance with his buddies and then going home more depressed than he was when the evening started. But at one of those dances he meets Clara. They have a great deal in common but Marty will have to overcome peer pressure if he and Clara are to have a relationship.
An Italian war bride has problems dealing with her husband's possessive mother.