Nadia Rona


2149: The Aftermath
Casting Associate
In a future society, a young man named Darwin lives, like everyone else; in a small cement module with little more than a computer. One night, during a violent storm, lightning hits Darwin’s module and knocks out his computer, forcing him to venture outside. He is surprised to come across a beautiful young woman, living with her family in the woods, who teach him how to speak and show him the value of human contact. Meanwhile, the security forces have sent drones to search for and recapture him.
Melanie is married to Tom, a controlling, cold and self-centered man who happens to be a prison warden. He finds her to be a liability to his career aspirations and secretly plans to have her kidnapped and killed, by Jack, a dangerous inmate.
Meu Ano em Nova York
Casting Director
Uma recém graduada na faculdade aceita um emprego administrativo trabalhando para o agente literário do renomado e recluso escritor J.D. Salinger.
Cadeado do Amor
Lindsey Wilson encontrou amor pela primeira vez, na romântica cidade de Paris, quando estudava artes. Agora, vinte anos mais tarde, ela está voltando para a Cidade da Luz, numa aventura com sua filha. Lindsay é uma pintora talentosa, porém, depois de uma promessa quebrada por uma antiga paixão, ela acabou em Nova York, não como artista, mas como editora de uma revista de arte. Lindsay só não imaginaria que sua viagem à Paris com sua filha, geraria um reencontro com seu ex-namorado e a aventura se tornaria um belo romance.
2149: The Aftermath
Casting Associate
In an oppressive future, where everyone's only contact is their computer, one lonely young man is forced to venture forth in search of human contact.
Traição em Família
The Good Sister follows a couple who is working to put their crumbling marriage back together, when the wife receives a letter informing her that she has a long-lost twin sister. First thinking that the new family member will bring the couple closer together, the husband then begins an affair with the sister and discovers that she is treacherous and dangerous.
Stealing Paradise
Amanda, a brilliant aeronautical engineer, is enraged when her breakthrough design is stolen and patented by her colleague Brendan. When he is found murdered, she becomes the prime suspect and soon finds she is not only fighting for her design - but fight for her life - as someone out there is determined to silence her protest for good.
Esperança Mortal
Joane é uma obstetra que teve a vida atrapalhada após o homicídio de seu amigo de profissão. Ela ajudou uma clínica de fertilidade por dois anos e, nesse tempo, conheceu Michael, que foi executado também. Agora, ela precisa provar sua inocência, já que todos a consideram a principal suspeita.
Do No Harm
Emily Edmunds has a great job and a great guy, Mark. But when Mark is killed in a plane crash, a distraught Emily attempts suicide.
Look Again
Just as her life is coming together, Allison experiences a terrible tragedy when her boyfriend is murdered by an intruder from whom the woman herself barely escapes. The police capture a man they believe to be the killer, but Allison, still unsettled, has her doubts. Things take a frightening turn when she meets her friend's new boyfriend and suspects him to be the killer.
Wandering Eye
Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons. Charming as he is, she realizes she can't go through with the affair. When he is found brutally murdered in their hotel room, infidelity is the least of Maren's worries as she finds herself in the cross-hairs of a serial killer who uses the website to trawl for his next victims. Written by Incendo Media
Nunca se Renda
Depois de ser abusada por seu namorado, Amélia Davis (Mena Suvari) conseguiu dar a volta por cima, colocou-o na cadeia e resolveu manter um blog para ajudar mulheres a se defenderem de relacionamentos violentos. A ideia lhe trouxe fama, fortuna e a possibilidade de auxiliar novas pessoas. Só que agora alguém está tentando matá-la, e a polícia ainda não descobriu quem é. Entre os suspeitos estão o atual namorado italiano dela, o ex que inspirou o blog e que está em liberdade condicional, e um fã perturbado. Amélia vai fugir ou tentará descobrir quem está atrás dela?
Forbidden Secrets
While going through a difficult divorce from her domineering, businessman husband, Alexandra moves back into her old childhood brownstone home, where she sets out to uncover dark family secrets from when she was a young girl, involving her Aunt Judith's murder and her mother's descent into insanity. The only clue is a key to a mysterious secret room that lies within the house. As a series of bizarre and unsettling incidents prod Alexandra to investigate her past, she finds herself wandering deeper into danger as her past comes back to haunt her.
Fatal Trust
Depois do pai do seu filho Sam ser assesinado por um paciente psiquiátrico que consegue escapar, Kate decide que esta na hora de um novo capítulo na sua vida. Ela muda para a cidade onde seu ex-amante Tom vive e trabalha agora no departamento do xerife, e lentamente recomeça novamente com ele. Profissionalmente, ela torna-se a secretária do respeitado Dr. Mark Lucas, o médico local. Com o tempo ela começa a tomar como sérios os avisos de um velho contra o médico, começa a acreditar que ele pode ter sistematicamente interferido na morte de um número de pacientes idosos que morrem logo após o contato com ele e tenta provar sua teoria ...
Thrill of the Kill
Haunted by her sister's suspicious death, Kelly Holden enlists the help of murder-mystery novelist Graydon Jennings to help solve the crime. Together they discover that Kelly's sibling was living quite the double life -- sleeping with a congressman and fending off a scorned ex-lover! As this salacious story unfolds, Kelly discovers that truth isn't just stranger than fiction -- it can be more evil too!
Circle of Friends
Maggie returns to her hometown to dedicate a scholarship in her late husband's name. While there, she reconnects with old friends and comes to believe that her husband's death is tied to the mysterious deaths of several old classmates..
Enganando o Perigo
A lawyer begins a sordid fling with an attractive young woman whom he slowly begins to suspect to be a serial killer of men.
Morando com o Inimigo
A jovem e atraente Allison Connor participa de uma reunião de negócios entre sua chefe e o bilionário Philip Lauder e para a sua surpresa, após poucos dias de namoro, eles se casam. A adaptação na nova vida de casada é difícil, uma ves que cercas altas e seguranças a rodeiam todo o tempo. Impedida de sair da propriedade, ela passa a fazer equitação e acaba ouvidno rumores sobre a morte da primeira esposa do seu atual marido. E de outros crumes ligados a ele. Com medo, ela decide sair de casa, sem saber que outros dentro da casa planejam tirar proveito das aparências sinistras da situação.
Anjo de Vidro
É Natal em Nova York. As ruas estão cobertas de neve, músicas natalinas estão por toda parte e as pessoas andam apressadas em direção às lojas, para comprar os presentes de última hora. Porém um grupo de pessoas está completamente à parte deste clima. Alguns deles são Rose (Susan Sarandon), uma mulher emocionalmente frágil cuja mãe está no hospital, e Mike (Paul Walker), um policial que briga com um homem mais velho (Alan Arkin). Porém alguns encontros na véspera de Natal fazem com que eles repensem a vida.
False Pretenses
Falling victim to a glib con artist named Michael (Stewart Bick), Texas housewife Diane (Peta Wilson) loses all her money, a disaster that drives her husband Randal (Anthony Lemke) to suicide. Unable to get justice through the official channels, Diane mounts her own plan of revenge. This involves assuming a new identity, trading in her blonde tresses for a redheaded "do", moving to a small town, and systematically seducing the man who ruined her life. One of six "no frills" TV movies produced in Canada for the Lifetime cable network at a flat cost of 2 million each,
Deadly Betrayal
Donna is married to a workaholic who travels frequently for his job. When he takes a long term assignment overseas, Donna feels abandoned and turns to her daughter’s schoolteacher for companionship. She is unaware that he is a dangerous murderer and thief who preys on lonely married women. When her husband returns she is forced to deal with her betrayal and bring him to justice.
Wall Of Secrets
A young lovely moves to Chicago to be with her husband. They are both amazed at the terrific apartment they obtained for very little rent. Unfortunately this apartment comes with an unsavory history. As if that isn't bad enough, there are sounds and noises in the walls!
Plano Doentio
Um jovem volta para casa para encontrar seu pai que casou-se novamente, até o assassinato repentino dele que deixa suspeito todos.
Recently widowed Shelby Naylor (Sherilyn Fenn) listening to her husbands police scanner overhears a husband and wife arguing on the phone. The wife ends up dead and Widow Naylor points the finger endangering herself.
Erin, a struggling actress, has little faith in men. She works for a detective agency, her job is to seduce married men and let their wives catch them in the act. But lately, Erin is been getting threatening phone calls and someone is trying to hurt her. Is it her boss, who's in-love with her? or is it a former "client" trying to get back at her? or maybe, this new man she's been seeing?
The Rendering
Ten years after being molested in art school by habitual rapist Theodore Gray, who is serving 25 years but eligible for parole, Sarah Reynolds leads a happy life in a gallery and with her handsome husband, lawyer Michael Reynolds, and helps police detective Nick Sousa, who put Grat away, as sketch-artist. Then new cases following Gray's MO occur, and a victim who got away gives a description Sara hesitates to confide to paper: it fits Michael scarily. She turns it in, yet once he's behind bars searches in and is blackmailed to plead Gray's paroling or his crime cahoots will torture Michael to death.
Island of the Dead
Stranded on a deserted island, a group of people struggle to survive against a swarm of supernatural flies.
2000.1 - Um Maluco Perdido no Espaço
Após o presidente norte-americano ser sequestrado por aliens e substituído por um clone em suas funções na Terra, o Serviço Secreto convoca o agente Marshall Dix (Leslie Nielsen) para resgatá-lo. Ele então precisa partir rumo à Lua, já que o presidente vem sendo mantido como prisioneiro em uma base secreta internacional lá localizada.
Meu Vizinho Mafioso
Local Casting
Oz vive em Montreal e é um dentista acima de qualquer suspeita. Jimmy, seu vizinho, é um mafioso fugitivo. E alguém quer os dois mortos. Juntos, ajudam um ao outro bolando um plano para derrotar seus inimigos e salvar suas vidas.
Grey Owl
Archie Grey Owl is a trapper in Canada in the early 1930s when a young Iroquois woman from town asks him to teach her Indian ways. They live in the woods, where she is appalled at how trapped animals die. She adopts two orphaned beaver kits and helps Archie see his way to stop trapping. Instead, he works as a guide, a naturalist writer, and then the Canadian government hires him to save the beaver in a conserve by Lake Ajawaan in Prince Albert National Park. He writes a biography, which brings him attention in Canada and invitations to lecture in England. Before he leaves, he and Anahareo (Pony) marry. In England, his secret is revealed. Will Anahareo continue to love him?
Sedução Fatal
Tea Trolley Lady #2
“The Eye” é um agente da polícia secreta britânica, designado a espionar uma sedutora e enigmática mulher, Joanna Eris, suspeita de chantagear o filho de um funcionário oficial do Estado. Utilizando uma aparelhagem high-tech, “The Eye” desenvolve um jogo de voyeurismo e sedução com Joanna, alguém com quem nunca pode falar ou capturar, apenas observar.
A Maldição
Um professor de meia idade vai para a Irlanda em busca da verdade sobre seu pai. Lá ele acaba conhecendo uma vidente que lhe revela a trágica história ocorrida no passado, que foi capaz de amaldiçoar e modificar o futuro das gerações posteriores de sua família.
Escape from Wildcat Canyon
Before Pete Flint moves to New York with his family, he goes on one last embark with his grandfather. When their plane crashes in Wildcat Canyon, they are forced to survive in the dangerous and cold winter with only each other and a dog they find.
A Competição
David fica órfão e precisa passar o verão com seu desconhecido avô, um velho fazendeiro. Eles só têm uma coisa em comum: amam cachorros. O jovem logo começa uma amizade com uma garota local, mas seu avô se opõe.
Meu Amigo, o Unicórnio
Um garoto deficiente de 12 anos cujo pai faleceu recentemente vê sua vida mudar para sempre quando o pônei que ele salva dá à luz um unicórnio.
A Casa do Diabo
A group of young criminals accidentally shoot a police officer. To avoid being arrested they hide out in an abandoned house. When they realize that the house is haunted, they start to wish that they had turned themselves in when they had a chance.
Legendary actor Patrick McGoohan turns his famous character from THE PRISONER upside down as the psychiatrist in charge of an insane asylum. He has connected his inmates into a group mind where they share each other's psychoses, dreams and sexuality with all the scary and titillating implications imaginable! Like his highly acclaimed cult classic MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH, director Rene Daalders provocative excursion into sci fi-horror filmmaking looks at first glance like a classic grindhouse movie, but it is up to much more. In addition to its operatic mayhem, HYSTERIA is a mind-expanding reflection on individual vs. group consciousness, power, control, and freedom.
A man with an unknown disease travels to an island with his girlfriend where his relatives once lived, hoping to find a cure to his illness. Although his relatives were all thought to be dead, he finds them living underground.
Twists of Terror
Stuck in the attic, Phillip, (Joseph Ziegler) recounts several different tales to an unknown listener in order to explain the dangers of the world.
Natural Enemy
William McNamara plays a young man who was given away by his mother at birth, seeking revenge on her for abandoning him.
A lonely teenage horror-movie fan discovers a mysterious computer game that uses hypnosis to custom-tailor the game into the most terrifying experience imaginable. When he emerges from the hypnotic trance he is horrified to find evidence that the brutal murder depicted in the game actually happened -- and he's the killer.
Back Stab
A man is seduced by a stranger and awakens to a corpse.
Malarek is a film directed by Roger Cardinal in 1989. Ex-juvenile offender Victor Malarek catches a break when he's hired as a cub reporter for the Montreal Star. After witnessing a cop murder a street kid, Malarek dedicates himself to exposing corruption in the social welfare system.
Eternal Evil
A dissatisfied Montreal director of TV commercials is taught to astrally project himself by a mysterious woman. But soon he finds that he does it against his will when he sleeps, and while he does it, he commits savage acts against those in his life.