Francis Renaud

Francis Renaud

Nascimento : 1967-09-27, Thionville, Moselle, France


Francis Renaud, (born 27 September 1967 in Thionville, Moselle), is a French film and television actor. Following his experience of a festival dedicated to sick children at Metzervisse (Moselle) he became a patron of the Association Anim'Metzervisse. Description above from the Wikipedia article Francis Renaud (actor), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Francis Renaud


The Soul Eater
Brigadier-Chef Marcelin
When the disappearance of children and bloody murders multiply in a small mountain village, an old legend shrouded in sulphur reappears… Commander Guardiano and Captain of the Gendarmerie De Rolan are forced to join forces to uncover the truth.
Vaincre ou mourir
Jacques Maupillier
1793, French Revolution. For three years now, Charette, a young man retired from the Royal Navy, has been back home. In the country, the anger of the peasants rumbles: they call on the young retiree to take command of the rebellion. In a few months, the idle sailor becomes a charismatic leader and a shrewd strategist, bringing in his wake peasants, deserters, women, old people and children, of which he makes a formidable army. The fight for freedom has only just begun.
Willy De Berg
A capitã Sara Bellaiche, da Polícia de Toulouse, investiga uma transação de tráfico de drogas ligada ao assassinato de dois adolescentes, investigação liderada por Richard Cross da Criminal de Paris. Forçados a colaborar para encontrar o assassino e impedir a corrida sangrenta, Sara e Richard, apesar de seus métodos opostos, são lançados numa corrida frenética nas estradas da Espanha e da França.
Rogue City
Franck Nadal
Em meio a gangues e corrupções no submundo de Marselha, um policial decide fazer justiça com as próprias mãos para proteger sua equipe.
Copy Cat
Philippe Leprince
Newly promoted Lieutenant Valentine Ventura finds herself working with famous Captain Antoine Thomas who just came back from his medical leave after the tragedy he lived a few months ago : victim of a car crash that killed both his wife and the child she was bearing, Antoine Thomas spent several months in the hospital, and is now back in a wheelchair after losing function of his legs. Working on the case of a murdered young journalist, the two detectives succeed in arresting her colleague, whose guilt is undeniable. Multiple elements even indicate that they just caught a serial killer; although he admits he killed the young journalist, their suspect didn't commit these other murders, and seems to be the victim of a manipulation.
Papi Sitter
Franck and Karine are offered a job on a cruise ship they can’t refuse. The only problem: their daughter Camille has to study for her finals but has other ideas of fun in mind instead… No problem! To straighten his daughter out and set her to work, Franck calls on his father André, a retired captain from the national police, hopelessly uptight and rigid. With military discipline, Camille’s finals will be a success! But this is the moment when the second grandfather Teddy, an eccentric and wild former nightclub manager and the total opposite of the strict André, chooses to return after many years abroad... Living together promises to be complicated…
Le premier oublié
For years, Axel has cut off ties with his family, devastated by a tragedy for which he was made to bear responsibility. When the freighter on which he was cook stopped in his hometown, he decided to visit his mother, Françoise. It's a shock: she no longer recognizes him. Having Alzheimer's disease, Françoise now forgets whole sections of her life. Axel is the first of the siblings to disappear from his memory. Why him? What is he hiding behind this oversight? And while Ivan and Lucie have agreed to have her admitted in the center, Axel opposes it frontally and delays her departure to take care of her, despite the tensions. Between the mother and the son opens the face-to-face so long feared and yet necessary.
Le maire
After five years of graduate studies, Red is always in search of a job and fight every day against the exclusion. Slowly, he is moving away from Anna, the love of his life. As a result of a letter to him meaning its cancellation, he makes it to the Agency for the employment, where he refuses an appointment. Having nothing more to lose, he then takes hostage the staff and the public. As a final appeal to the help, he is decided to save what remains of its dignity.
Murder In Brocéliande
Mathieu Le Guennec
A charred body is found in Brocéliande Forest with a shocked and speechless 13-year-old boy next to it. What is he doing there? How is he involved? Two gendarmes and an unconventional child psychiatrist try to clear up the mystery.
Stavisky, l'escroc du siècle
Pierre Bony
The story of the rise of Alexander Stravisky, a brilliant and seductive crook, in Paris of the roaring twenties. But unchecked greed and corruption does not go unpunished. The political decadence he feeds off will also cause his downfall.
Disappeared in Winter
Daniel is a former police officer turned debt collector. Now in his late fifties, he goes about his "dirty job" without emotion or sympathy. One winter's day, he stops at a roadside parking lot and is approached by Laura, an 18-year-old young woman who asks him to drive her home. He accepts, and on the way, she offers him "her services" in exchange for money. Daniel is furious, and throws her out of his car. But his feelings of remorse and the violence of his reaction lead him to turn around and retrace his steps, only to discover that Laura has disappeared...
Un si joli mensonge
Bruno, simpático quarentão, apaixona-se por Christine, uma bonita dermatologista de 42 anos. Desta relação apaixonada, ele quer um filho, logo. Mas Christine mentiu: tirando partido de sua beleza quase intacta, ela lhe disse ter 42 anos, mas ela já chegou aos cinquenta...
Among the Living
Isaac Faucheur
Three teenagers skip school in order to explore an abandoned film studio lot where they catch sight of a woman being dragged by a masked man.
Vingança em Paris
Incapaz de pagar suas dívidas, Milan e Victor, melhores amigos e proprietários de uma casa noturna de Paris acabam se envolvendo com o tráfico de drogas. A transação dá errado e eles são presos. Torturados pela polícia, eles negociam sua liberdade contra o testemunho esmagador de um psicopata. Seis anos depois, o pesadelo dos homens começa outra vez quando é concedida a liberdade ao psicopata. Agora, depois de não se falarem durante anos, os velhos amigos se unem novamente para tentar sobreviver.
Atirador de Elite
When police is about to apprehend a famous gang of bank robbers, an elite sniper opens fire from a roof, thus facilitating the flee of his accomplices. However, one of them is seriously injured, which compromises the plans of the thieves.
La Ballade de Kouski
Paris Under Watch
An anonymous hacker has hacked all of Paris' cameras and observes the city unbeknownst to its inhabitants. Petty crimes and moments of stolen intimacy, he sees everything. Until the day that an explosion lays waste to the Gare d'Austerlitz. The police starts tracking down an Al Queda satellite group. The hacker succeeds in finding images of the explosion and discovers that it was a young couple who planted the bomb. Using the city's cameras, he decides to hunt down the criminals.
Pacto de Sangue
Depois de crescer em um acampamento de ciganos pobres, Edmond Vidal, vulgo Momon, manteve um sentimento de lealdade familiar, infalível e orgulho nas suas origens. Acima de tudo, ele manteve-se amigo de Serge Suttel, com quem primeiro descobriu a vida na prisão, por roubar cerejas. Os dois inevitavelmente se envolveram com o crime organizado. A equipe onde se formaram, a Gang Des Lyonnais, fez-lhes os mais notórios ladrões dos anos 1970, terminando em 1974 com uma prisão espetacular. Hoje, com quase 60 anos, Momon gostaria de esquecer essa parte de sua vida. Mas, então, Serge Suttel, que repudiou seu passado, volta para acertar contas do passado.
The Devil in the Skin
The father
Coming-of-age drama telling the story of the strong bond between Xavier and his little brother Jacques and their struggle to remain together despite all odds. Over the course of a summer vacation, both brothers struggle with the harsh reality that Jacques will be sent to a school for children with special needs when a new term begins.
Une nouvelle vie
Longue Peine
Maurice Levoyer
Frase longa é um filme de televisão francês dirigido por Christian Bonnet e transmito 27 de maio de 2011 em France 2.
Demain, je me marie
Je, François Villon, voleur, assassin, poète
François Villon
Separated at the birth of his mother who has only time to entrust to a member of his family, Guillaume de Villon, when he should have been killed, François will as well go to the ill-known taverns of the Latin Quarter that the Court of the Duke of Orleans, passing by the benches of the university. This marvelous poet at the same time as a scoundrel of morality will have a life where fights, robberies, imprisonments and final banishment will be linked. Leaving Paris, Villon will disappear.
When Florence, his companion of five years, shocks him with the news that she's leaving him, moving to Miami and marrying another man, Arthur loses it. He follows Florence to all the way to Florida with plans to stop the wedding, which is set to take place in just a few days. Along the way, he crosses paths with Emilie, who is also heading to Miami, but unlike Arthur, is wanted by the police. As a result, Arthur gets stuck on an adventure he definitely never expected.
Hélène é uma empregada de Hotel que vive feliz numa pequena aldeia da Córsega com o marido Ange e a sua filha de 15 anos, Lisa. Uma mulher modesta e discreta, Hélène vive uma vida previsível e tranquila. Um dia, numa limpeza rotineira a um quarto, Hélène repara em duas pessoas a jogar xadrez e apaixona-se pelo jogo real. A sua curiosidade para com o xadrez rapidamente se torna numa obsessão em dominar as regras do jogo e em se tornar especialista. Para isso, ela utiliza a ajuda do Dr. Kröger, um dos habitantes mais misteriosos da aldeia. Mas essa metamorfose para uma nova vida também vai mudar o seu relacionamento com a sua família, amigos e toda a aldeia.
Num mundo devastado por um vírus pandêmico, um casal em fuga tenta encontrar o único lugar seguro para se refugiar: a base militar secreta “Noe”. Encurralados pelas criaturas sanguinárias, Marco e Sonia, grávida, terão que lutar pela sobrevivência.
Belleville Tour
MR 73 - A Última Missão
Desde a terrível morte de seus pais, Justine tem vivido a solidão daqueles que se tornaram virtualmente invisíveis. Mas a saída rápida do assassino da cadeia levanta medo e dor. Ela nunca teve sucesso na procura por ajuda e compaixão em Louis Schneider, um policial do Esquadrão do crime em Marseille, onde em particular assassinatos selvagens permanecem sem explicação, criando descrédito na policia. Scheneider, um individualista incorruptível, decide ficar contra a opinião de seus superiores e começa uma investigação que irá levá-lo às portas do inferno. Ajudar a Justine o levará, de alguma forma à redenção?
Chrysalis: Um Futuro Não Muito Distante
Quando o corpo de uma jovem imigrante ilegal é descoberto com estranhas feridas em volta dos seus olhos e com sua atividade cerebral completamente frita, o investigador e tenente Hoffman é eventualmente levado a uma clínica ultra-moderna de cirurgia plástica, a clínica do Professor Brügen. Mas para a surpresa de Hoffman, esta clínica não se preocupa apenas com as feridas sobre a carne dos pacientes, mas sim com o valioso produto que é a memória e a identidade pessoal de cada um.
Featuring a mix of Thai Boxing and Ultimate Fighting, SCORPION has been dubbed The French Fight Club. It stars Jerome Le Banner, who is also known as Hyper Battle Cyborg and The Bulldog of Paris, a true kickboxer, famous for his aggressive style - 43 of his 57 wins have come by knockout.
Titi Brasseur
Em Paris, por quase 18 meses um grupo de assaltantes provocou 9 mortes e roubou quase 2 milhões de euros. Robert Mancini, o diretor da polícia, que foi indicado para um importante cargo, decidiu que seu sucessor será um dos seus auxiliares mais diretos: Léo Vrinks, que é chefe da BRI, e Denis Klein, que comanda a BRB. Aquele que desbaratar esta quadrilha será seu substituto, se tornando o chefe da 36. Acontece que sempre houve uma rivalidade entre a BRI e a BRB, principalmente por causa de Klein, e dois policiais que já foram grandes amigos agora se tornaram rivais. Para vencer eles tentam controlar os fatos, mas às vezes os fatos os controlam.
Rios Vermelhos 2 - Anjos do Apocalipse
un flic
O Comissário Niemans é designado para investigar uma estranha morte, de um homem que foi encontrado emparedado no Mosteiro de Lorraine e que possui sinais esotéricos por todo o corpo. Paralelamente o jovem capitão Reda encontra à porta de uma igreja um sósia agonizante de Jesus Cristo, que está de alguma forma ligado à morte investigada por Niemans. Com a ajuda de Marie, uma policial especializada em história da religião, Niemans e Reda descobrem que ambos os homens pertenciam a uma seita religiosa, cujos integrantes possuem os nomes e as profissões dos apóstolos de Cristo. É quando eles descobrem que a seita está atrás de um valioso tesouro do Vaticano, um livro sagrado escrito pela mão de Deus que pode ser o prenúncio do apocalipse, que foi roubado séculos atrás.
Feathers in My Head
Jean-Pierre Charlier
Jean-Pierre and his wife Blanche live a quiet but happy life in their small Belgian town. But their world is shattered when their young son goes missing. In the aftermath of the family tragedy, the couple's own relationship starts to deteriorate. As it gets worse, Blanche begins to lose touch with reality, believing that their son is still with them. Now Jean-Pierre must decide whether to let Blanche believe her fantasy, or bring her around to the horrible truth.
Contra o Tempo
Dris is an ex-con, living in the borderline between a decent and a criminal life. He has a regular and simple work and lives a simple life with his wife Lise and loves his family. However, his childhood friends from his Arab community, including his best friend Yanis, are mobsters and his brother is a small time delinquent. Yanis tries to bring Dris back to his gang, and uses his former lover Nina to seduce him, taking him to expensive places to feel the importance of big money. Dris fights against the temptation, but an event will route him back to Yanis' gang and in a fight between gangs with tragic consequences for the whole community.
Franck Chaievski and Nina Delgado are two undercover detectives of a French special force trying to identify two corrupts members of the Paris Police Force. Franck is pretending to be a gangster and Nina a prostitute living with him, and involved in a robbery of a fortune in diamonds, having seven deaths and some injured persons.
Mère en fuite
Marie, Nonna, la vierge et moi
In a mining valley in eastern France, three young people are looking to make a fortune to change their lives. Tonio, Jeff and Chico would like to organize rave parties. They find an ideal place, the disused factory of Céline's father, Tonio's ex-girlfriend. Tonio can't bring himself to ask anything of Celine because he is in love with Marie. They both dream of going away from this valley to start a family. However, Marie lives with her mother, Nonna, who spends her days listening to Slavic music.
Melody for a Hustler
Un flic
French novelist Vincent Ravalec made his directorial debut with this French drama about small-time crook Gaston (Yvan Attal) who poses as a millionaire after he picks up hitchhiking 16-year-old Marie-Pierre (Virginie Lanoue). Actually living in a seedy apartment, Gaston deals in stolen goods, but he soon climbs to bigger heists, including car thefts. Concealing his illegal activities, Gaston operates his company, Extramill, out of upscale, posh offices, while he and Marie-Pierre move into a sedate upper-middle-class neighborhood. Life is sweet, but the onset of paranoia, kinky sex activities, and police probes eventually culminate in violence.
Perfect Love
A teenage girl helps investigators reconstruct her mother's murder.
It's a grim world of prostitution, drug dens, transvestites, junkies and murderers. The seediest side of urban life is examined in this tragedy. The film follows the complex, interwoven lives of four characters as they live their harsh and gritty nocturnal lives on the city streets. The main characters are Fifi a pickpocket who is simultaneously involved with Divine, a transvestite hooker and Vera a peep show dancer who refuses to be a hooker. Vera lives with her would-be pimp Jesus le Gitan, a small-scale drug dealer. When the area riff-raff become embroiled in hostilities, two of main characters are slowly killed in horrible ways. Fifi is then left to avenge their deaths.
The Old Lady Who Walked in the Sea
A con artist couple takes a young, handsome petty thief under their wing, but jealousies flare when the woman develops an interest in him.
L'Invité surprise
During the broadcast of a live game show, a surprise guest is shot by an armed assassin.The victim, Martin Gaillard, recounts the bizarre series of events that led to this extraordinary denouement.
L'Araignée Rouge