Erwann Kermorvant

Erwann Kermorvant

Nascimento : 1972-07-28, Lorient, Morbihan, France


Erwann Kermorvant


A capitã Sara Bellaiche, da Polícia de Toulouse, investiga uma transação de tráfico de drogas ligada ao assassinato de dois adolescentes, investigação liderada por Richard Cross da Criminal de Paris. Forçados a colaborar para encontrar o assassino e impedir a corrida sangrenta, Sara e Richard, apesar de seus métodos opostos, são lançados numa corrida frenética nas estradas da Espanha e da França.
Rogue City
Original Music Composer
Em meio a gangues e corrupções no submundo de Marselha, um policial decide fazer justiça com as próprias mãos para proteger sua equipe.
The Color of Kings
Original Music Composer
Adel is a young aircraft co-pilot. Following a assault he may lose is eye.
The Unexpected Child
Married and with a daughter, Johanna is happy, until the night she unexpectedly gives birth. In shock, she abandons the child. She is now accused of attempted infanticide. Johanna doesn't understand, adamant that she hadn't been pregnant.
Original Music Composer
Prestes a perder a empresa da família, um empreendedor inicia um esquema de imposto do carbono e se envolve em uma trama de criminosos, intriga e assassinato.
The Ordinary
A young man has overcome his battle against a dragon. While the beast goes out in agony, he dances to celebrate his victory.
A police superintendent, after 25 years of a flawless professional career, is arrested by internal affairs for 4 days, before being indicted for criminal conspiracy, drug trafficking, theft and embezzlement by the magistrate in charge.
The Clearstream Affair
Original Music Composer
Journalist Denis Robert sparked a storm in the world of European finance by denouncing the murky operations of banking firm Clearstream. His quest to reveal the truth behind a secret world of shadowy multinational banking puts him in contact with an ever-expanding anti-corruption investigation carried out by Judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke. Their paths will lead them to the heart of a political/financial intrigue, which will rock the foundations of Europe and the French government itself.
The story takes place in Carhaix, in the heart of Brittany. A small hospital, with a calm maternity clinic, where few births take place. Mathilde, a mid-wife, Firmine, a pediatric nurse, and Louise, the owner of the Carhaix bowling alley, are all friends and lead a happy existence. Catherine, director of the establishment's Human Resources, is sent to restructure the hospital and, most importantly, to eventually shut down the maternity clinic, which is losing money. Four women whose age, personalities, and origins are different, but who will form a quartet overflowing with humanity and humor as they join forces to save the clinic. Life, love, friendship, Brittany and... bowling.
My First Time
Original Music Composer
Zachary is 20 years old. Dark and independent, he collects amorous conquests and school failure. Sarah is 18 years old. First class, fragile, she fills her emotional gaps with perfect control of his life. Nothing should close and yet, the year of the tank, for six months, they will live a love against which nothing can be, the true, the big one that marks a life forever.
Pacto de Sangue
Original Music Composer
Depois de crescer em um acampamento de ciganos pobres, Edmond Vidal, vulgo Momon, manteve um sentimento de lealdade familiar, infalível e orgulho nas suas origens. Acima de tudo, ele manteve-se amigo de Serge Suttel, com quem primeiro descobriu a vida na prisão, por roubar cerejas. Os dois inevitavelmente se envolveram com o crime organizado. A equipe onde se formaram, a Gang Des Lyonnais, fez-lhes os mais notórios ladrões dos anos 1970, terminando em 1974 com uma prisão espetacular. Hoje, com quase 60 anos, Momon gostaria de esquecer essa parte de sua vida. Mas, então, Serge Suttel, que repudiou seu passado, volta para acertar contas do passado.
The First Star
Original Music Composer
A married father of three, lives in Créteil doing odd jobs and spends his time at the local PMU bar. One day, to please his daughter, he promises a little too quick to take the whole family on vacation to ski. The only problem: if he breaks his promise, his wife will divorce him.
Original Music Composer
Em Paris, por quase 18 meses um grupo de assaltantes provocou 9 mortes e roubou quase 2 milhões de euros. Robert Mancini, o diretor da polícia, que foi indicado para um importante cargo, decidiu que seu sucessor será um dos seus auxiliares mais diretos: Léo Vrinks, que é chefe da BRI, e Denis Klein, que comanda a BRB. Aquele que desbaratar esta quadrilha será seu substituto, se tornando o chefe da 36. Acontece que sempre houve uma rivalidade entre a BRI e a BRB, principalmente por causa de Klein, e dois policiais que já foram grandes amigos agora se tornaram rivais. Para vencer eles tentam controlar os fatos, mas às vezes os fatos os controlam.