Jutta Krug


Propagandaschlacht um die Ukraine
Commissioning Editor
The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is not only waged with bombs, rockets and rocket-propelled grenades, but also in the media. It is a "propaganda battle" internally and externally. Russia spreads targeted disinformation in order to systematically devalue news. At the same time, their own population should be convinced that they want to liberate Ukraine from Nazis. Ukraine's narrative wants to emotionally mobilize its own population and strengthen resistance to the aggressor. Spindoctors are of particular importance in the propaganda battle over Ukraine. On the Ukrainian side, it's often influencers like Oleksiy Arestovych. On the Russian side, Vladimir Solovyov, Putin's snout, is supposed to sell the war to his own people with his daily TV talks. The documentary shows the new front lines of virtual warfare and provides insights into the populists' bag of tricks on social networks.
Der Fall Assange: Eine Chronik
Meu Nome é Greta
A história da adolescente ativista climática Greta Thunberg é contada por meio de cenas nunca antes vistas em um documentário íntimo do diretor sueco Nathan Grossman. Começando com a greve escolar em prol do meio ambiente, em que ela ficava sentada na frente do parlamento sueco, Grossman segue Greta - uma estudante tímida com Asperger - em sua ascensão ao reconhecimento, mostrando seu impacto global e a forma como impulsionou greves em escolas de todo o mundo. O filme culmina com a extraordinária viagem dela movida pelo vento através do Oceano Atlântico para falar na Cúpula do Clima da ONU, em Nova York.
Chained (Agora II)
For four and a half years, between 2015 – 2019, acclaimed filmmaker Yorgos Avgeropoulos observed Greek society on multiple levels. As well as having exclusive access to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, he followed others, including a refugee couple from Syria and a mother whose child was murdered by Golden Dawn. The result is a unique and multiple story-lined film: a tale which evolves and unfolds with the characters over time as they face difficult decisions, even to partially achieve their goals.
Island of the Hungry Ghosts
Executive Producer
Christmas Island, Australia is home to one of the largest land migrations on earth—that of forty million crabs journeying from jungle to sea. But the jungle holds another secret: a high-security facility that indefinitely detains individuals seeking asylum.
Tokyo Idols
Executive Producer
This exploration of Japan's fascination with girl bands and their music follows an aspiring pop singer and her fans, delving into the cultural obsession with young female sexuality and the growing disconnect between men and women in hypermodern societies.
Na Cave
O filme é sobre pessoas e caves e o que as pessoas fazem nas suas caves, no seu tempo livre. O filme é sobre obsessões. O filme é sobre música de fanfarra e árias de ópera, sobre mobília cara e piadas machistas baratas, sobre sexualidade e tiro, actividade física e fascismo, chicotes e bonecas.
Song from the Forest
25 years ago, Louis Sarno, an American, heard a song on the radio and followed its melody into the Central Africa Jungle and stayed. He than recorded over 1000 hours of original BaAka music. Now he is part of the BaAka community and raises his pygmy son, Samedi. Fulfilling an old promise, Louis takes Samedi to America. On this journey Louis realizes he is not part of this globalized world anymore but globalization has also arrived in the rainforest. The BaAka depend on Louis for their survival. Father and son return to the melodies of the jungle but the question remains: How much longer will the songs of the forest be heard?
El Bulli: Cooking in Progress
For six months of the year, renowned Spanish chef Ferran Adria closes his restaurant El Bulli -- repeatedly voted the world's best -- and works with his culinary team to prepare the menu for the next season. An elegant, detailed study of food as avant-garde art, EL BULLI: COOKING IN PROGRESS is a rare inside look at some of the world's most innovative and exciting cooking; as Adria himself puts it, "the more bewilderment, the better!"
Der lange Weg ans Licht