Michael Eckelt


Snow and the Bear
A young nurse starts a new assignment in a small isolated village in the farthest reaches of Turkey, a place that seems asleep in an endless winter. A thick layer of snow covers the souls as well as the lands. But under the snow, unspeakable secrets hibernate.
More Than I Deserve
Pinchas (12) and his mother Tamara (39) are new immigrants from Russia. Pinchas spends most of his time alone, while Tamara works hard to put food on the table. Pinhas learns that his classmates are preparing for their Bar Mitzvah ceremonies. He follows his religious neighbor, Shimon Amazaleg (36) and asks for his help to prepare for his Bar Mitzvah.
Eisland-Kollege #2
For Marko, life mainly consists of frozen pizzas and back pain. For almost 30 years, the widower has been hauling frozen goods for the company "Eisland" to the front doors of his mostly older customers. When Marko has to take early retirement due to illness, his life gets into imbalance. Thereby Marko has only one goal: his studying son should have it better one day. Lawyer or judge, that would be something. The main thing is no work where you have to wear a name tag. The decease of an old female customer unexpectedly opens up a whole new business model for Marko. Unfortunately, he reckoned without the nosy neighbors. To make matters worse, his own son also finds out about it. Marko's house of cards threatens to collapse. Then he meets his idol Roland Kaiser at the bar.
For Marko, life mainly consists of frozen pizzas and back pain. For almost 30 years, the widower has been hauling frozen goods for the company "Eisland" to the front doors of his mostly older customers. When Marko has to take early retirement due to illness, his life gets into imbalance. Thereby Marko has only one goal: his studying son should have it better one day. Lawyer or judge, that would be something. The main thing is no work where you have to wear a name tag. The decease of an old female customer unexpectedly opens up a whole new business model for Marko. Unfortunately, he reckoned without the nosy neighbors. To make matters worse, his own son also finds out about it. Marko's house of cards threatens to collapse. Then he meets his idol Roland Kaiser at the bar.
Bonnie and Bonnie
Shattering the patriarchal concept that a true crime duo requires a man, Bonnie and Bonnie showcases the development of true friendship between two strong and independent women, determined to make their mark on the world.
25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey’s Black Sea region. Sibel is a mute, but she communicates by using the ancestral whistled language of the area.
1918 Aufstand der Matrosen
Once Upon a Time in Indian Country
A wild genre mix between a boxer film, urban western, road movie and music video, set at end of the summer holidays in a drab neighborhood in the outskirts of Hamburg suburbia. Young boxing talent Mauser is preparing for a pivotal competition when his father kills his step-mother and flees. Trying to find his father, Mauser embarks on a journey through the world of music, psychedelia, violence, love and a biblical thunderstorm. And what is with the Native American? "Once upon a time in Indian country" is a story that radiates both, heat and poetry.
Os Iniciados
Xolani, um operário de fábrica solitário, junta-se aos homens de sua comunidade nas montanhas do Cabo Oriental para iniciar um grupo de rapazes adolescentes na masculinidade. Quando um iniciado da cidade descobre seu segredo mais íntimo, a vida de Xolani começa a ser desvendada.
Wellness für Paare
A wellness hotel in a small German castle specializes in well-off couples, offering a wide range of services, including one some partners feel trapped into : relational therapy. It's truth time, for some liberating, forcing others to face their secrets of dysfunctional relationship.
The Blue Wave
Deniz and her friends, who have been apart for the summer, have much to tell each other. While adults are busy with their professional lives, Deniz and her friends are still confused about their university plans. Through the worries of their daily routines, they make plans for the future, yet the challenges of teenage years/adolescence are burdensome. Deniz desires a life that is different than the ideals of her friends. A song nobody has heard of, a hopeless love, solitude. A different world, but where exactly?
An Enemy to Die For
Despite the threat of war in the fall of 1939, the Germans decide to launch a sea expedition in search of evidence for Pangaea. Although the multi national geologists embark enthusiastically on their research mission, the growing political tension between their countries soon affects their work. With Britain and France declaring war on Germany, the civilian scientists now find themselves mere pawns in a global power struggle.
Pecado da Carne
Aaron, um pilar da comunidade ortodoxa de Jerusalém, é respeitado por amigos e familiares. No entanto, quando ele contrata o bonito aluno fugitivo Ezri para ajudá-lo com seus negócios, as tensões sexuais se agitam e o casal embarca cautelosamente em um caso de amor. Enquanto isso, um comerciante vizinho persiste em ver um homem de sua própria escolha, mesmo que ela tenha sido prometida por seu pai a outro. À medida que as verdades proibidas vêm à tona, esses amantes são forçados a confrontar ou ceder diante de uma comunidade religiosa de séculos de idade, com resultados surpreendentes. Uma história de amor lindamente afetante que mereceu comparações com Brokeback Mountain, o conto potente e impecavelmente contido de Haim Tabakman ganhou prêmios e elogios em festivais de cinema em todo o mundo.
Ganz nah bei Dir
The lonely bank-employee Phillip follows a strict pattern of somewhat compulsive actions keeping his encounters with strangers to a minimum. When his home one day is robbed of all content and he later meets the enchanting blind cellist Lina, he finds, however, he needs to start improvising and taking chances.
Kleine Liebe
Salma é uma viúva palestina e ganha a vida com os limoeiros que tem no quintal. Quando menos espera o ministro da defesa de Israel se torna seu vizinho, e os agentes que fazem sua segurança declaram que os limoeiros são um perigo pois dificultam sua patrulha. A Força de Segurança ordena que os limoeiros sejam cortados, mas Salma leva o caso à Suprema Corte israelense.
Beautiful Bitch
The story opens with Bica, a solvent abusing waif, trying in vain to evade the Romanian police with her infant brother in tow. Separated from her sibling she is taken to Germany, concealed in the trunk of a car. There she is trained as a thief, picking the pockets of strangers to fill those of her patron. One of her victims is the separated father of Milka, a brat with razor sharp tongue. From this unlikely start a friendship forms and Bica gets a glimpse into a world of material security, if not emotional closeness...
A Nova Geração De Christiane F
Vinte cinco anos depois do polêmico filme Christiene F., o mesmo roteirista, Kai Herman, assina essa produção que segue um linha parecida e se passa no cenário underground da Alemanha dos dias de hoje, habitada por punks e drogados. O filme foca a ação em um jovem punk que está sempre com problemas com drogas. Certo dia ele conhece uma garota que tem vários problemas familiares. Ela decide sair de casa e viver nas ruas ao lado de seu jovem amigo. A relação entre os dois vai ganhando importância e a sobrevivência vai se tornando cada vez mais difícil já que é marcada por brigas, traições, tragédias e diversos excessos. Em meio a todos essas dificuldades, nasce uma criança que vai modificar para sempre o futuro desses dois jovens.