Sergio Bustamante

Nascimento : 1934-10-18, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Morte : 2014-05-22


Sergio Bustamante was a Mexican actor of telenovelas, cinema, dubbing and theater


Verões em Acapulco
Mariano has three reasons to invite Antonlín Fair to visit Acapulco since the last 50 years. The first one because they were his best friends during high school, the second one because he has serious intentions to find Carmen Madrigal, a woman from Acapulco who was the love of his youth, and the third one he rather not say, but it is the reason he carries a pistol and three bullets in his suitcase.
El mar muerto
There is a blackout in Mexico City. In the darkness some people are abandoned by God (their conscience) and commit a transgression (murder and infidelity). When the lights come on, conscious of what they have done, they must atone for their sin.
Pamela: secretos de una pasión
This is the story of the problems of a young 21-year-old woman who, in the context of modern Mexico, tries to escape reality with the false relief granted by drugs and casual sex. Pamela gets involved with an older man called Victor, in an unboundedly passionate relationship that leads them to invent a double life for themselves in order to cross over the boundaries and explore their deepest fantasies. They set off in the company of Miguel, a young and sensual Spaniard, on a trip to Pie de la Cuesta.
Forest Of Death
Silvia's Father
Three young couples go to a cabin in the middle of the woods, their guest has a little secret that she doesn't like talking about. The next day one of the guys goes swimming and disappears, another one goes looking for him and doesn't come back either. One couple goes loooking for the forest ranger but their car breaks down and at the cabin the other two girls are alone, who will be next to die?
Playa azul
A Guerra de Um Homem
Filme baseado na vida real do médico paraguaio Joel Filartiga (Anthony Hopkins de O Silêncio dos Inocentes), que ousou enfrentar o regime militar instaurado pelo violento general Alfredo Strossner no país. Acreditando em seus ideais humanitários, o médico desafia o regime ao oferecer tratamento gratuito aos pacientes pobres. Isso irrita os militares até que Joel tem o filho morto. Ele descobre sinais de tortura no corpo do jovem e passa a acreditar que na verdade ele foi assassinado pelo governo, e não foi vitima de um crime passional como o fizeram a acreditar no princípio. O filme ainda tem a participação da atriz brasileira Fernanda Torres (de Casa de Areia).
Jóvenes delincuentes
A group of young people lives in a world of drugs and crime, they wanna be free.
Hermenegildo Parra
A journalist Lorena and her friend photographer Raul decide to try to take an interview from influential politician Hermenegildo Parra. After several unsuccessful attempts they decide to break into his house and make some photos there but when they enter his cabinet they see him stabbed with the knife. The next day the newspaper announces his death and start to celebrate a big amount of sold copies but during the fiesta a phone calls and it was Mr.Parra "alive and kicking". After this scandal Lorena becomes pursued by some mysterious killers who want to take the negatives from her at any price. The solution of this mystery is very unexpected...
Con El Miedo En Las Venas
Compilation tape of Hora Marcada episodes.
Demons of the Desert
A backwoods biker cult plotting world domination stay busy kidnapping, robbing and murdering people.
The film narrates the discovery of the last great Mayan city, which occurred during the spring of 1946. It is the story of Charles Frey, a smuggler of archaeological pieces who upon hearing some legends about the immense riches that the jungle regions of southeastern Mexico keep, decides to go looking for him. After several months and a point of giving up, Frey detects some archaeological evidence of the Mayan culture, so he continues his explorations until he finds the majestic city of Bonampak.
Santa Sangre
Fênix é um rapaz que está internado em uma clínica psiquiátrica por achar que é uma ave. Dorme em uma árvore, come apenas peixe e sequer se comunica com as pessoas. Para entender Fênix, é necessário voltar a seu passado e conhecer a tragédia ocorrida com seus pais.
Ratas de vecindad
Mexican feature film
Eyes of the Dead
Mexican horror. No plot synopsis available.
Veneno Para As Fadas
As histórias de bruxaria que a cozinheira conta para a pequena Verônica lhe despertam a imaginação. A chegada de Flávia, uma nova colega de turma, faz com que Verônica se apresente à nova amiga como sendo ela mesma uma "bruxa". Diante da descrença de sua amiga, Verônica se aproveita de uma série de circunstâncias para a convencer de que ela tem feito bruxaria para causar as tais "situações". A inocência dessa brincadeira adquire uma ar macabro, quando Verônica insiste com Flávia para que ela a leve junto nas sua férias na fazenda da família, onde poderá preparar um veneno para as fadas. Aí é quando esta brincadeira se torna realmente perigosa.
Mientras México duerme
El rey de oros
Antonio Aguilar in this great movie starring the king of diamonds where the fairs were not fair if it was the king of diamonds.
The Glories of the Great Púas
Journalist becomes a member of a boxing champion's entourage to write a book about the boxer's career.
Mercenarios de la Muerte
The flying pony
Mythical and fantastic story on the wishes of a peasant boy, Diego, who become reality in the course of a day and a night. On the eve of his birthday, the child's godfather gives her a shot of cardboard. At night, the little dreams that is mounted on the horse and find a nymph that describes the exact location of much needed water does to your family.
Espejismo de la ciudad
Lorenzo Rojas
Family from a farming community move to the capital and lose their moral compass.
El principio
Don Pancho
Mexico is in the midst of Revolution when the protagonist returns after studying in Paris to find his native town in Chihuahua occupied by Francisco Villa’s revolutionary forces. He visits his deserted home and remembers people and events from his adolescence that provide glimpses of pre-Revolutionary society under dictatorship: his uncle, the chief of police; his sister’s involvement with a liberal political association; bathing with the girls from a local brothel; a labor strike that ended in a massacre. Returning to the present he discovers that his father has been assassinated and, in the company of his father’s former servant, joins the revolutionary movement.
La recta final
A jockey is pushed by his former trainer, in order to win one last race after his downfall into alcohol and depression.
El tejedor de milagros
Arnulfo is a man weaving baskets. Remedios has given birth in front of the house of a woman and her aid, but the village is spread the word that the child born as a child God and an atheist would think exploit to their advantage the "miracle ".
La tórtola del Ajusco
Vuelta al paraíso
All men who arrive on a small island fall in love with the daughters of an old fisherman who live there.
Lágrimas de amor
Love Your Neighbor
Ángel Martinelli / Soto
This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.
Una golfa
Trumpet-player in a club band falls for a streety young woman; she dumps him to become a kept woman... and his roommate the pianist is dealing weed... and...