Alexandra Vandernoot

Alexandra Vandernoot

Nascimento : 1965-09-19, Brussels, Belgium


Alexandra Vandernoot is a Belgian actress.


Alexandra Vandernoot
Alexandra Vandernoot


Constance Ajard
Nicknamed "Condamnator", Antoine Bellefond is a great prosecutor who does not spare the criminals who cross his path. Until one of them, innocent, commits suicide in court. Shocked, Bellefond decides to put his career on hold - But his niece, whom he has not seen for years, calls him for help: her father, Antoine's brother-in-law, has been arrested for murder and refuses to defend himself even though she is convinced of his innocence. Bellefond returns to his native village, accompanied by three of his best students, to unravel the mystery, reconnect with his past and reconcile with his family.
Un week-end tranquille
Mother. Daughter. Killer.
Sandra Pantakidis
The kidnapping and murder of a young woman on France’s Mediterranean coast reawakens horrors of the past. Three years ago, criminologist Ariane’s cousin was killed and her mother, homicide inspector Sandra, was suspected to be involved in the case. When Sandra’s former boss invites her to help out on the new case, mother and daughter, who had a visceral falling-out over Elodie’s murder, have to join forces.
Cher Trésor
Une cible dans le dos
50 anos, cristão não tem mais interesse em qualquer coisa na vida. Viúvo desiludido e atormentado por cinismo, ele agora quer uma coisa: para acabar os seus dias. Faltando essa coragem definitiva lhe permitem agir, ele decidiu contratar um assassino profissional contratado. Pouco tempo suficiente, ele encontrou alguém que irá executar a tarefa fatal e designa-se como um alvo. Enquanto isso, o tiro que pôs fim à sua existência triste, Christian saborear o prazer de ter feito uma eleição - a primeira desde há muito. Foi quando ele conheceu Mona, uma mulher divorciada que se mostra mais agradável. Charmed, Christian se apaixona. Ele começou então a cancelar o contrato. É muito tarde? A máquina infernal está sendo executado ...
Le Président, sa femme et moi !
Sans rancune !
Isabelle Dunant
1955, un internat en Belgique. Laurent Matagne, 17 ans, croit discerner sous l'identité de son professeur de français surnommé "Vapeur", son père disparu lors d'un raid aérien pendant la guerre 40. Vapeur est excentrique, mystérieux, inquiétant, brillant, et il communique vite à Laurent sa passion pour la littérature, au point de susciter chez lui une vocation d'écrivain. Matagne et son ami Boulette décident de mener l'enquête. Alors qu'ils échafaudent un plan pour confondre Vapeur, Matagne s'attèle à son premier roman.
My Very Own Santa Claus
Convinced that Santa Claus exists, one little boy asks him for the greatest Christmas gift of all: a father.
The Crown Prince
Helene Vetsera
A great Empire, once famous for its enlightened traditions, is taken over by a ruthless political establishment. Religious fundamentalists and national separatists are tearing at the fabric of its liberal society. Under the influence of his conservative advisors, the Emperor fails to initiate the reforms that could save the Empire from annihilation. One man alone can avert the cataclysm to come. The year is 1888 and the 600-year-old Empire of Austria-Hungary is at a cross-road of history. Crown-Prince Rudolf, son of fabled Empress Sisi, the most beautiful woman of her time, is the man with the vision and the ability to lead his Empire into the 20th century. Yet his enemies, the all-powerful Prime Minister first and foremost, scheme to isolate Rudolf from his father and from access to power. Against the backdrop of one of the most dangerous, exciting and colorful periods in history, at the dawn of the modern age...
Jeune homme
Madleine Dumoulin
Finally adult and free? You wish! His father sees him as a future boss of the family-owned printing firm and his mother only wants the best for him. Sebastian can’t take it any more. On his eighteenth birthday he announces his departure to Geneva to work as an au pair in a family, looking after children and doing the household chores. To improve his French, of course! His father flips his lid, his mother is distraught. Only his sister Kathrin thinks her little brother is really cool… Very few men would be up to the challenge!
Le prix de l'honneur
A colonel of the French army is suspected of murder by a former student of the military school, now a police inspector.
As Cinco Obstruções
The Perfect Woman, Brussels
Em 1967, Jorgen Leth realizou um curta-metragem de 12 minutos chamado The Perfect Human. Fã incondicional desse curta, Lars Von Trier desafiou o veterano diretor a produzir cinco remakes desse mesmo filme. Sempre no comando da situação, Von Trier coloca todo tipo de obstáculo, com o intento deliberado de tornar as coisas difíceis, e num dos episódios ele manda o sexagenário Leth até Cuba, para filmar em condições muito adversas. Em outro momento, ele ordena que um dos remakes seja feito em desenho animado. Exercício de estilo e poder, o documentário tenta desvendar as concessões e as limitações que os realizadores enfrentam para viabilizarem suas produções.
Karine Bremen
Franck Chaievski and Nina Delgado are two undercover detectives of a French special force trying to identify two corrupts members of the Paris Police Force. Franck is pretending to be a gangster and Nina a prostitute living with him, and involved in a robbery of a fortune in diamonds, having seven deaths and some injured persons.
Charming Fellow
Octave and his friends, Achille and Hector, wander around at night in the grocery stores, the regulars' restaurants and the creepy bars. Octave meets Esther by chance. These two people have diametrically opposed characters. She is beautiful, cultured, free, creative, while he is rude, violent and whiny. The latter falls in love with her. The game is going to be difficult.
O Closet
François Pignon (Daniel Auteuil) é um homem que está divorciado há 2 anos, mas permanece apaixonado pela ex-mulher, que não quer mais falar com ele por considerá-lo chato. Seu filho também se mantém afastado por vontade própria e, para completar, Pignon está prestes a ser demitido. Deprimido com a vida, Pignon conhece seu novo vizinho, Belone (Michel Aumont), a quem conta sua atual situação. É quando Belone lhe propõe uma solução inusitada para salvar o emprego de Pignon: enviar ao seu chefe uma fotomontagem onde Pignon aparece com outros homens, o que faria assumir sua homossexualidade. De acordo com o plano de Belone, a empresa não demitirá mais Pignon por medo de que isto provoque o protesto da ala homossexual da sociedade, a quem os produtos da empresa também são voltados. Inicialmente relutante, já que não é homossexual, Pignon acaba aceitando o plano e vê sua vida modificar totalmente após as fotos se tornarem públicas.
Capt. Clochard
June, 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte, surrounded by enemies, is about to play his definitive part in history. He has spent his whole life creating a mystique, becoming synonymous with determination, strength and mystery. But, that whole super-leader trip is smothering him and he just can't stand it anymore. Meanwhile, one of his aides, le maréchal Hugo Armani, has only one dream: to emulate the man who is his idol, his emperor. Armani picks the battle of Waterloo as the moment for his borderline psychotic attack - the first case of Napoleonic delirium in modern psychiatry. Due to the shortage of maréchals at the moment, Napoleon's got no choice: he has to leave Armani in command. Unbalanced Armani, so unexpectedly promoted, now leads the troops of France.
La femme de mon mari
Four years ago, the French authorities officially declared the death of Diane, taken hostage during a trip to South America. Her husband, Bruno, is about to bury this painful past. He is going to marry Marie, with whom he has opened a hotel-restaurant. But suddenly, Diane reappears. After moments of stupor and emotion, Bruno is overwhelmed by these two women who attract him and want, each, to keep him.
An Angel for Chloé
An aircraft mechanic takes part in a ruby theft for debt repaying to keep his small factory, but his glide goes wrong on its way home and falls down in a zoo. Little girl Chloe finds him in mistake for an angel. He wants to find the ruby and keeps the children safe from harm, so he pretends to be an angel and lives with Chloe for days. They catch the criminals and return the ruby to police. The mechanic cures Chloe's friend with his own blood, and falls in love with her mother ultimately.
O Jantar dos Malas
Christine Brochant
Toda quarta-feira alguns caras participam juntos de um jantar que é chamado de "Un Dîner de Cons". Há um jogo juntamente com a refeição: cada um deles tem que trazer um "idiota". O jogo consiste em fazer os idiotas falarem sobre suas ideias e paixões de forma que os anfitriões possam dar uma boa gargalhada. No final eles vão escolher o "idiota da noite".
La fille des nuages
After breaking up with her fiancé, a young French engineer gets closer to a fellow agronomist with whom she had a brief affair ten years earlier.
A shaman from the South American rain forest visits France for a public relations campaign. In a hotel's elevator in Paris he meets a French good-for-nothing named Perrin he's fascinated with. He follows Perrin to his flat and although Perrin is not very enthusiastic about so much interest in his person, he lets the shaman spend the night in his flat. After an official meeting on the next day being part of the PR campaign the shaman suffers from a heart attack. Hardly being able to speak and laying in a hospital bed he demands to see Perrin. The latter is not very interested in meeting the shaman again. However it looks like it is to late for animosities as the shaman and Perrin seem to be tied mentally somehow since they've met in the elevator.
Lucky Punch
Jimmy (James Nesbitt) e Rudy (Lennie James) planejam um amador assalto a banco, mas são presos em flagrante e mandados para uma prisão de segurança média. Lá engajam-se na realização de um musical, produzido pelo diretor da instituição, sendo que o espetáculo acaba se transformando no primeiro ato de um elaborado plano de fuga. Mas Jimmy não havia planejado se apaixonar pela coadjuvante do musical, Annabel Sweep (Olivia Williams), a bela conselheira do presídio. Com um pé quase do outro lado do muro da prisão, ele é levado a arquitetar um novo desfecho para quando as cortinas caírem.
Blood of the Hunter
Marie Thoreau
In this period thriller set near the turn of the century, Jan Thoreau is a Canadian trapper who lives with his wife Marie in a small community in the wilderness not far from Hudson Bay. Blake is a disturbed drifter who has murdered a man and has found a way to frame Jan for his crime. Jan is out tending to his traps when an Indian friend with psychic talents tells him Marie is in grave danger. Jan hurries back, but he has no idea just how serious matters are until he arrives home -- Jan is wanted by the law for a crime he didn't commit, while Blake is hiding out in his home, and has taken Marie hostage.
Sky TV Reporter
No mais importante desfile de moda do mundo, ocorre um assassinato. Agora todo mundo é suspeito, inclusive dois hóspedes que acabam compartilhando muito mais do que um quarto de hotel. Uma comédia que satiriza o mundo da moda.
Doomsday Gun
Dr Gerald Bull was a genius at designing and building superguns (very large long range guns capable of shooting at ranges more than 100 miles). When an operational plan by the CIA to export sanctioned arms to apartheid-South Africa through him was exposed, the CIA denied all knowledge and he went to jail. He was later released, and moved to Belgium to start a subsidiary, of which a major project was to help Saddam Hussein build a new supergun capable of firing over 500 miles.
A man who had everything taken away from him, including his family, by his brother teams up with a young card player in order to take revenge on the brother.
The Supper
La duchesse de Dino
France, 1815. After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon heads for exile. Royalists occupy Paris and attempt to restore the monarchy. However, the battle doesn't seem to be over. On July 6, Talleyrand, a shrewd politician of flexible convictions, invites chief of police and zealous revolutionary Fouché to supper and tries to convince him to serve the king. Over the meal they insult each other, accuse each other, and, at first sight, look like mortal enemies. But they definitely have one thing in common: they are both power-hungry.
A Lesson of Hope
Madame Lanoselle
The teacher Odile Langlois starts her new job in the elementary school of a small French town. She is elegant and mysterious - but most of all, she is very friendly to her new students, whose confidence she gains so quickly. On the contrary, however, Odile's unconventional, alternative way of teaching does not appeal to some colleagues and parents who do everything to get rid of the young teacher ...
Karen Vincke
She's a lawyer with a social conscience. He's a calculating industrialist who keeps many deals hidden from her. But when she discovers that her husband is involved in illegal arms traffic and is also having an affair with one of her colleagues, a direct confrontation ensues.
Hostel Party
Trouble in Paradise
In the harbor of Rotterdam, an action group called "Redpeace" discovers illegal weapon transports. Those are executed by shipping-trade Kusters Shipping Company. The discovery is annoying for Ann Kusters, the wife of Erik Kusters. She functions as a translator with the European parliament. It gets even worse when Ann is discovered and photographed while she's having an intimate rendez-vous with a french politician, whose investigating the illegal weapon transports. Short after, the man is found dead...
A Iniciação
O filme mostra a iniciação sexual de Roger um menino de 16 anos que passa férias em uma mansão cheia de mulheres.