Marlene Assmann


Radio Taxi
Mexico City celebrates 200 years of independence and 100 years of revolution. Two German film students try to portray the traces that Mexico’s turbulent history has left on the people. Where to begin? They get into a taxi and start filming.
Football Under Cover
David Asmmann's Football Under Cover documents the hard work involved in setting up an exhibition soccer match, known as a "friendly," between a German girls squad and Iranian women's team. In addition to showing how the two groups come from very different cultures, the documentary showcases what playing the game means to the members of both teams, and displays how passionate the fans of these two squads are.
A Supremacia Bourne
Post Production Assistant
Jason Bourne está vivendo na Índia quando é enquadrado por um agente russo, Kirill, pelo roubo de milhões da CIA. Kirill começa a perseguir Bourne com a intenção de assassiná-lo, mas, por engano, mata a namorada de Bourne, Marie. Jurando vingança, Bourne se propõe a provar sua inocência e trazer os culpados à justiça.