Yangzom Brauen
Nascimento : 1980-04-18, Bern, Switzerland
Yangzom Brauen is a Swiss actress, fashion model, activist and writer. She is the daughter of Swiss ethnologist Martin Brauen and Tibetan artist Sonam Dolma Brauen.
A German girl comes to LA and triumph over robberies, betrayals and bad luck as she endures a series of misadventures on her way to see her idol... Willy.
The life of two desperate Swiss Expats who try to write their first script turns up side down when they discover a dead body on the street.
The life of two desperate Swiss Expats who try to write their first script turns up side down when they discover a dead body on the street.
On the roofs of a Tibetan monastery two boys let fly a kite, but suddenly a shot rips the relaxed silence, and one of the two guys gets shot, the "Golden Boy" which is the fictitious successor to the Dalai Lama. The monks act immediately and bring him out of Tibet to secure his body. In the meantime, the Berlinese mountaineer Johanna and her Swiss friend travel to the monastery to stay there for some days...
Schwester Jasmin
Miyuki Yoshida
O cargueiro do espaço Kassandra, está na rota para a distante Estação 42. Somente Laura, uma jovem médica, desperta a bordo. Seus companheiros de equipe estão todos dormindo, congelado. Quando a exploração do espaço por uma nave de carga fria dá errada, toda a tripulação deve ser congelada. Faltam mais quatro meses para que Laura chegue ao fim de sua missão. Durante a sua ronda de inspeção diária através da nave vazia e quieta, Laura tem um pressentimento de que não esta sozinha a bordo. Ao ouvir estranhos ruídos decide finalmente acordar o capitão Lacroix. Algo ou alguém parece estar escondido nos compartimentos de carga. Um jogo de gato e rato começa, em que nada é o que parece ser...
2nd Lieutenant (Team 4)
Em 500 anos a humanidade estará migrando do Planeta Terra pois ele estará morrendo. É quando dois homens acordam em uma nave espacial. Sem saber onde estão, o que estão fazendo lá e quanto tempo se passou uma sensação imediata de vazio é substituída pelo medo que logo se tornará algo inimaginável. Com as poucas lembranças de fatos passados nas suas vidas eles terão que lutar pela sobrevivência de toda a raça humana.
The reverse writing of "Medusa" indicates a surreal story of a woman (Yangzom Brauen) in the woods, where she meets Satan experiencing a heavenly vision after consuming hallucinating mushrooms.
Daqui a 400 anos no futuro, uma doença dizimou grande parte da população da Terra. A cidade de Bregna é povoada por sobreviventes e também por cientistas, que comandam o local. Lá também existe um grupo de rebeldes liderado por Handler (Frances McDormand) e que conta com a participação da justiceira Aeon Flux (Charlize Theron), que é enviada a uma missão em meio aos cientistas. É quando ela descobre os segredos guardados da atual realidade do planeta.
Anna has just buried her beloved aunt as California waits once more for the big quake to hit. Unsure of where she is going, she climbs into her old convertible for a trip through the desert. Along the way she meets a series of bizarre characters, including two dancing glitter girls, a crazy jogger and a heartbreaking crooner. Anna's friends and family also appear repeatedly to her in her car for imaginary conversations. The levels of time and perception, of the past and present, begin to merge and the trip increasingly becomes a journey into Anna's consciousness.
Thirty-five old Nikola comes back home after he had left a year ago, in a quarrel. His father Vlado and mother Anica came to Germany when they were young, looking for happiness.
Not knowing anything about love, Felix has become used to a 3months relationship cycle after which he is left in grief and misery on a regular basis. It doesn't affect him at length, knowing that he has his flatmates Moritz, Jan and his sister Regina to rely on. When Jan decides to move together with his bride to be and Regina cancels their long planned holiday Felix finds himself alone. Moritz of all people who's in constant trouble with his girlfriend Leandra wants to help Felix to find the right one: uncomplicated, forgiving and independent. The first try already has Felix end up in the arms of Maja. Although Maja is done with men and relationships she's OK with a little affair she doesn't tell Felix that she has a 7 year old boy at home. Against Moritz's strong advice Felix falls in love head over heels. But when he hears about Maja's son Paul he panicks. Only Paul knows his mom and her new boyfriend are made for each other...
Barmaid Lola
For Sandra, a woman in her late teens, life is wonderful. She has recently fallen in love with Daniel, a member of the group of young men she hangs around with frequently. Daniel is flattered by Sandra's affection for him and they begin to spend more time together, apart from the rest of the gang. Their relationship remains diffuse and directionless, provoking tension and threatening to cause a schism within the group.
Oneka, a former 12-year-old child soldier escapes into his own fantasy, a world far away from his nightmarish present. The life he seeks fades the tighter he grips. He must choose his path, no matter how painful and difficult, between life and death and family.