Pierre Cottereau


Les Complices
Director of Photography
Max, a ruthless fifty-year-old hitman, discovers he has a problem: he now faints at the drop of blood. With his future in the profession in jeopardy, he's going to have to retrain... But not so simple when his only professional skill is to kill people... They are helped by a couple of young neighbors, Karim and Stéphanie, who do not imagine for a moment who they are dealing with... Max becomes attached, in spite of himself, to the young couple, until his past catches up with him.
Driving Madeleine
Director of Photography
A seemingly simple taxi ride across Paris evolves into a profound meditation on the realities of the driver, whose personal life is in shambles, and his fare, an elderly woman whose warmth belies her shocking past.
Caixa Preta
Director of Photography
O que aconteceu a bordo do voo Dubai-Paris antes de bater no maciço alpino? Técnico na BEA, autoridade responsável pelas investigações de segurança na aviação civil, Mathieu Vasseur é o investigador principal desse desastre aéreo sem precedentes. Teria sido um erro do piloto? Falha técnica? Ato terrorista? A análise minuciosa das caixas pretas fará com que Mathieu conduza secretamente a sua própria investigação. Ele ainda não sabe até onde vai a sua busca pela verdade.
Third Grade
Director of Photography
After being constantly bullied at school by her classmate Kevin, 8-year-old Claire discovers that the boy who is giving her hard time is also suffering and might need her help…
Man Up!
Director of Photography
Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?
Alerta Lobo
Director of Photography
Um jovem que está a bordo de um submarino nuclear da França é reconhecido como "ouvido de ouro". Esse apelido é devido ao seu raro dom de conseguir identificar qualquer tipo de som e, justamente por isso, ele carrega muita responsabilidade sobre suas funções. Certa vez, o jovem acaba cometendo um erro gravíssimo e acaba perdendo a confiança dos demais integrantes do submarino, além de colocar a vida de todos em um risco nuclear.
Director of Photography
Ever since she served on the jury during his trial, Nora has been convinced that Jacques Viguier is innocent, despite him being accused of murdering his wife. Following an appeal by the public prosecutor’s office, and fearing a miscarriage of justice, she convinces a leading lawyer to defend him during his second trial, on appeal. Together, they will put up a tenacious fight against injustice.
Uma Pequena Mentira
Director of Photography
Theo é um miúdo de 12 anos cheio de talento que joga num clube de futebol local. Tem grandes hipóteses de vir a ser profissional, mas também tem um pai que entrou numa espiral de autodestruição desde que se divorciou e começou a beber, o que o deixa ansioso e impotente. Theo recusa-se a desistir dele e quando chama a atenção de um olheiro de um clube inglês importante, vê aí uma oportunidade de dar um objetivo e alguma esperança ao pai. No entanto, e apesar do esforço, Theo não é selecionado o que o leva a mentir ao pai, na esperança de o deixar feliz e orgulhoso, o que, de facto, acontece. Empenhado em ajudar o filho a agarrar “uma oportunidade única”, Laurent recupera o gosto pela vida e passa a acreditar no futuro feliz. Mas a mentira atinge proporções demasiado grandes e Theo perde o seu controlo…
Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti
Director of Photography
No ano de 1891, Gauguin se exila no Taiti. Ele quer reencontrar sua pintura livre, selvagem, longe dos códigos morais, políticos e estéticos da Europa civilizada. Ele se infiltra na selva, encarando a solidão, a pobreza, a doença. Lá, Gauguin conhece Tehura, que se tornará sua esposa e tema das suas telas mais importantes.
Só Para Ter Certeza
Director of Photography
Erwan, a strapping Breton who clears mines for a living, is shaken when he discovers that his father is not his father. Despite his affection for the man who raised him, he quietly sets out to find his biological father, and succeeds in locating Joseph, an endearing old codger he takes a liking to. Just when things look settled, another unexpected “bomb” hits Erwan in the form of Anna, an elusive nymph.
A Viagem de Fanny
Director of Photography
A trama conta a história de Fanny Ben Ami, menina que vive escondida com suas duas irmãs em um internato, longe de seus pais, um local considerado seguro para crianças judias em uma zona neutra da França. Após alguns acontecimentos, o lugar é denunciado e Fanny precisa fugir com as outras crianças para a Suíça e enfrenta diversos medos e apuros, aprendendo o significado de independência.
Rosalie Blum
Director of Photography
Vincent Machot knows his life by heart. He shares it between his hair dressing salon, his cousin, his cat, and his too-invasive mother. But life sometimes holds surprises, even for the most prudent of people... He crosses paths with Rosalie Blum by accident. She is a mysterious and solitary woman whom he is sure he has already met. But where? Intrigued, he decides to follow her everywhere, in the hope of knowing more about her.
Viva a França!
Director of Photography
Em maio de 1940 as tropas alemãs invadem a França. Assustados com o progresso do inimigo, os habitantes da pequena vila de Pas-de-Calais decidem sobre as recomendações da prefeitura, desistem de tudo e fogem para a costa. Entre eles há Paul, o prefeito da aldeia. Ele lidera o grupo e procura manter um mínimo de ordem e espírito republicano nesta vida nômade. Mado, sua esposa, toca música tentando manter a fragrância dos que tiveram lugar em seu café na aldeia. Música do filme - a obra-prima 'A la recherche de la paix' - composta, orquestrada e dirigida pelo ilustre compositor, arranjador e maestro italiano Ennio Morricone.
No One Will Be Any the Wiser
Director of Photography
Hired by a woman who thinks her husband cheated on her, a fumbling crook has to kidnap and punish the mistress in question. With one of his friends, he sets up a scheme to pocket the money easily. But the day of the confrontation, things take an unexpected turn.
Jovem Tigre
Director of Photography
Many, um garoto indiano de 17 anos de idade, recebe ajuda do governo francês desde que chegou a Paris vindo de Punjab, há dois anos. No caminho de uma integração exemplar, ele divide seu tempo entre a escola, amigos, a namorada, Elizabeth, e o templo Sikh que frequenta. Sua vida poderia ser como a de um adolescente comum se não sentisse a pressão de mandar dinheiro para os pais, que ficaram na Índia.
Director of Photography
O Vulcão
Director of Photography
The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull causes major disruptions to travelers' plans around the world. For Alain and Valérie, it's a catastrophe. Because to make it to the small Greek village in time for their daughter's wedding, this divorced couple, whose mutual hatred knows no bounds, will be obliged to set out on the road together.
Bad Seeds
Director of Photography
Quiet 16-year-old Louis, the high school headmaster’s son, has never been in trouble. His best friend, 18-year-old Greg, however, is his polar opposite: provocative, angry, violent, he has been kicked out of school for physically threatening young English teacher Camille. When Greg asks Louis to help him take revenge on Camille, Louis accepts, fascinated...
Café de Flore
Director of Photography
Numa montagem paralela, o filme conta duas histórias distintas, que se passam em cidades, países e épocas diferentes. Uma delas se passa em Paris, nos anos 60, e relata a relação quase doentia de uma mãe e de um filho portador da Síndrome de Down. A outra se passa em 2011 em Montreal, no Canadá, e conta a história de um homem divorciado que, acreditando ter achado o amor da sua vida enquanto ainda criança, se surpreende ao ser arrebatado por um novo louco amor sem muita explicação para acontecer.
Nobody Else But You
Director of Photography
The ambiguous suicide of a local beauty, weathergirl, cheese model, and Marilyn Monroe look-a-like finds an eager sleuth in David Rousseau, best-selling crime novelist. When Rousseau visits a remote Alps village for the reading of his friend's will he unwittingly, but irresistibly, gets caught in the tangled web of murder and small town politics in this off-beat mystery.
Beyond Suspicion
Director of Photography
Henri est convaincu que Lise, sa nouvelle et jeune femme, l’aime sincèrement. Henri est aussi convaincu que Sam, le témoin de leur mariage, est le frère de Lise. La machination est parfaite. Enfin presque...
Director of Photography
Algeria, 1960. A section of French paratroopers are sent in search of a missing aircraft in the Algerian desert. The wreckage of the plane is quickly located, but there are no survivors, just a suitcase stamped “Top Secret”. Stormed by enemy soldiers, the troops find refuge in a strange abandoned citadel. Despite warnings from the place’s Guardian to leave at once, they wake up the Djinns, the evil spirits of the desert .
In Their Sleep
Director of Photography
Sarah's life is in pieces after the brutal death of her 18 year-old son. One night, her car accidentally hits Arthur, a young man the same age as her boy who is running from a burglar. Sarah sympathizes with him and takes him in, only to be tracked down by the burglar whose murderous rage towards Arthur forces her to take action.
Director of Photography
Lyon, France in 1970s, Sibylle, Corinne, and Georgette are sisters who share everything, as they live with their Italian mother. Sibylle is the only blonde in the family, except for their father who abandoned them, and she feels isolated. She dreams of meeting her French father one day.
Director of Photography
Mounir Mekbek lives with his family in a small village in the heart of the Algerian countryside. Very proud and sure of himself, he has only one dream- to finally be appreciated by his fellow villagers. Screwing up his carefully maintained image is his headstrong, narcoleptic sister Rym who falls asleep anywhere and whom the village is convinced will end up a spinster. One evening, Mounir returns from town drunk and announces that he's found a suitor for his sister. The fake story snowballs and snowballs until the suitor morphs into a rich, blonde Australian. The village begins preparing for the wedding in earnest - but without a bridegroom in sight.
Sobrevivendo Com Lobos
Director of Photography
1942. Bruxelas. A menina Misha, de sete anos de idade, começa uma viagem desesperada para escapar dos nazistas e encontrar seus pais. Sozinha, traumatizada, terrivelmente vulnerável, sua salvação chega na forma de uma família de lobos, que a adota. Um amor único e poderoso se desenvolve gradualmente entre a menina e seus protetores. Misha passa por muitos episódios – alguns trágicos, alguns engraçados – mas todos intensamente comoventes. Os lobos vão ajudar a menina a sobreviver e dar-lhe forças para continuar sua missão.
Teen Spirit
Director of Photography
A 30 ans, Bruno, rock-star has been, vit toujours aux crochets de sa petite amie. Les temps sont durs... surtout quand une ex ressurgit de nulle part pour lui apprendre qu'il est le père de Nancy, 13 ans, dont il n'a jamais soupçonné l'existence.
La part animale
Director of Photography
Arriving with a wife and child in the heart of the Ardèche, Étienne saw his life topple in the first days of his employment in an ultra modern turkey farm. In contact with Chaumier, his new boss, and the denatured beasts of the farm, Étienne gradually changes.
Fragments of Antonin
Director of Photography
A psychiatrist who probes the mind of traumatized soldiers attempts to unlock the secret that drove a gentle but deeply-disturbed World War I veteran to the edge of insanity.
Clara and Me
Director of Photography
Antoine has what every young single man could wish: a promising career, true and loyal friends, and an apartment of his own. However, he's a lonely man, until he meets Clara, a beautiful and exciting woman, and deeply falls in love with her. All his loneliness turns into joy... but then he learns something that makes it all extremely complicated.
A Common Thread
Director of Photography
French drama, the debut film from writer-director Eléonore Faucher. Teenager Claire (Lola Naymark) discovers she is pregnant and decides to keep it a secret. Abandoning her dead-end supermarket job, she is taken on as an apprentice by couturiere Madame Mélikian (Ariane Ascaride), who is grieving over the death of her own child. As the two women work together, they soon develop a supportive and fam
Le Puits
Ligações Perigosas
Assistant Camera
França, 1788. A Marquesa de Merteuil (Glenn Close) precisa de um favor do seu ex-amante, o Visconde de Valmont (John Malkovich), pois seu ex-marido está planejando se casar com uma jovem virgem e ela deseja que o Marquês, que é conhecido por sua vida devassa e suas conquistas amorosas, a seduza antes do dia do casamento. No entanto, ele tem outros planos, pois planeja conquistar uma bela mulher casada (Michelle Pfeiffer), que sempre se mostrou fiel ao marido e é religiosa. A Marquesa exige então uma prova escrita dos seus encontros amorosos e, se ele conseguir tal façanha, ela lhe promete como recompensa passarem uma noite juntos. Mas os jogos de sedução fogem do controle e os resultados são bem mais trágicos do que se podia imaginar.