Anette Reuther


Production Design
On the day of his wife's funeral, Patrick intends to take his own life. But suddenly Malte shows up at his home, his best friend from his youth, whom he hasn't seen in over 30 years. While Malte apparently wants to seamlessly continue the old friendship, Patrick remains distant at first and reproaches the unexpected visitor for his disappearance from the small town and out of his life at the time. He wonders what Malte wants from him and why he's back now of all times. Over the course of a day and night they spend at Patrick's parents' house, the scene of their youth, it turns out that Malte hasn't turned up again by accident. Things are said that were previously unsaid. The next morning, both men see their lives in a completely new light and nothing is the same anymore.
Only God Can Judge Me
Production Design
Ricky spent years behind bars after taking the rap for his brother Rafael and his buddy Latif after a failed robbery. Now, Latif wants to express gratitude by letting Ricky in on a coup that will bring lots of money. After some hesitation, Ricky agrees, and gets his brother Rafael on board. Everything runs smoothly, until police officer Diana turns up on the scene. A nerve-wracking cat and mouse game is set in motion. Director Özgür Yildirim’s most recent film offers insight into Frankfurt’s gangster world. As before in CHIKO – which also starred Moritz Bleibtreu – he portrays the daily life of the criminal underground scene in a large German city.
Öl - Die Wahrheit über den Untergang der DDR
Set Designer
Os Reformados
Production Design
Um menino encontra um soldado nazista morto em uma cidade da Romênia e os alemães querem culpá-lo. Por medo, as autoridades locais forçam um homem a se declarar culpado, sem imaginar as consequências.
Sobrevivendo Com Lobos
Production Design
1942. Bruxelas. A menina Misha, de sete anos de idade, começa uma viagem desesperada para escapar dos nazistas e encontrar seus pais. Sozinha, traumatizada, terrivelmente vulnerável, sua salvação chega na forma de uma família de lobos, que a adota. Um amor único e poderoso se desenvolve gradualmente entre a menina e seus protetores. Misha passa por muitos episódios – alguns trágicos, alguns engraçados – mas todos intensamente comoventes. Os lobos vão ajudar a menina a sobreviver e dar-lhe forças para continuar sua missão.
Blindes Vertrauen
Production Design