Marie Gillain

Marie Gillain

Nascimento : 1975-06-18, Liège, Belgium


Revealed very young in the film "Mon père ce héros", the role earned her a nomination for the best upcoming actress césar. In 1995, her role in "L'Appât" is praised by public and critics, earning her the Golden Bear at Berlin the same year, along another nomination at the Césars for the best upcoming actress and the Romy-Schneider award in 1996. Also active in theater.


Marie Gillain
Marie Gillain


Le Petit Blond de la casbah
Quand tu seras grand
Yannick is a caregiver in a retirement home. Between permanent pressure and budget restrictions, he faces the lack of means with a contagious good mood. But when he is forced to share the dining room with a class of children, the situation becomes complicated. Their arrival, as well as that of his hostess, Aude, will shake up the daily life of everyone, especially the residents.
Les Choses simples
Vincent is a famous successful entrepreneur. One day, a car breakdown on a mountain road temporarily interrupts his frantic lifestyle. Pierre, who lives apart from the modern world in the middle of sublime nature, comes to his aid and offers him his hospitality. The meeting between these two men, who are opposites will upset their respective beliefs and they will find themselves laughing. The question is...deep down, are they really each living the lives they want to live?
Top Dogs
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
A la folie
Anna stabs her companion Damien. She is charged with attempted murder and does not deny the facts, but the case remains incomprehensible: Anna has no history of violence and gives no explanation for her actions.
Romy: 40 ans après, ultimes confidences
To honour the 40th anniversary of her death, multiple personalities share their feelings and thoughts about the life and career of the fabulous and bold actress Romy Schneider. Among them, Alain Delon, icon of French cinema and Romy's first great love, reads her the love letter which he wrote her forty years ago, the day after she passed away.
Patrick is a tenacious lawyer specializing in environmental law. France is a schoolteacher who becomes an activist after her husband develops cancer from exposure to a pesticide. Mathias is an ambitious lobbyist working for an international chemical corporation. The paths of these characters collide as the lives of thousands are affected by a tragic act that sparks a powerful movement while the corporation fights to prevent the truth from being revealed.
Victoria e Mistério
Após a morte da mãe, uma garota e seu pai se mudam para o interior, onde um amigo especial a ajuda a reencontrar a alegria de viver. Inspirado em uma história real.
Mirage d'amour avec fanfare
1925, In a mining town in the middle of nowhere in Chile. The daughter of an anarchist hairdresser falls deeply in love with a trumpeter. They will have to fight dictatorship in order to save their love.
Valentin Valentin
Claudia Livorno
In a small Parisian building, a diverse group of people crosses paths, likes and observes each other, without always seeing each other.
A young widow wants to carry on with her husband's work:managing a pine plantation where they extract resin;but most of all,she wants to have electricity installed in her valuable property.In this place,it seems that 1789 never happened and that time stood still:her workers,circa 1920,do not receive any salary and ,like the peasants in the middle ages,have to bring their production to their landlady. But her progressive ideas come up against men still remembering WW1 and against her bourgeois peers.Her foreman ,first bewildered ,is finally won over by his boss' resilience and strength of character.For her own good,the young heiress is too ahead of her time though.
All Our Desires
Claire and Stéphane are two Lyon-based judges who could hardly be more different. She is young and enthusiastic, committed to helping those unfortunates who find themselves in debt. He is older, wiser, but disillusioned with his work and his life. Under Claire’s influence, Stéphane discovers a new lease of life and at last finds a cause that is worth fighting for...
Coco Antes de Chanel
Adrienne Chanel
Filme-biografia que mostra a juventude da estilista Chanel e sua fase de aprendizado, além de sua infância no orfanato, o começo de sua vida como modista antes da glória e seus primeiros sucessos. Uma vida cheia de amores e desaforos, intuição e ousadia, muitas verdades ou apenas fantasias são promessas para o documentário.
The Very Very Big Company
Four friends - an oyster-farmer, an accountant's assistant, a restaurateur and a blue-collar worker - decide to take on a multi-national agro-chemical company with a turnover of EUR9bn and which has been polluting their region on a large scale. Having been awarded a paltry amount of compensation, they decide to seek true justice. They have however just 30 days to uncover vital new evidence.
Magique !
Tommy, un petit garçon qui vit seul avec sa mère, voit un cirque s'installer près de chez lui. Il part à la découverte de ce nouveau monde.
Contratadas Para Matar
Suzy Desprez
Maio de 1944. Cinco mulheres de uma unidade de comando saltam de pára-quedas na França ocupada com a audaciosa e perigosa missăo de proteger o segredo do desembarque do Dia D e eliminar o Coronel Heindrich, comandante da contra-inteligęncia alemă. Louise é uma atiradora treinada e viúva do líder da Resistência. Jeanne é uma prostituta sem sentimentos que năo hesita em matar. Gaëlle é uma jovem e brilhante expert em explosivos desesperada para ver alguma açăo. Suzy é uma estonteante showgirl que foi amante de Heindrich. Maria é uma condessa italiana encoberta pela a Resistência Francesa. Juntas elas lutarăo para manter o segredo do Dia D encoberto.
The Key
Depuis peu Eric Vincent, trentenaire sans histoire, a un fort sentiment de malaise. Est-ce la peur d'avoir un enfant ou celle de voir brutalement resurgir le fantôme d'un père qu'il n'a jamais connu ? Un matin, un inconnu l'appelle pour lui proposer de récupérer les cendres de son père. D'abord réticent, il finit par accepter et se retrouve plongé au coeur d'une machination infernale.
It Had to be You
Florence Baron
In this romantic comedy Thomas moves back in with his parents after his girlfriend throws him out. He runs into Florence, an old school friend, who invites him to dinner with her husband and two children.
Il y a des jours où le destin entrecroise les vies, où les solitudes s'animent sous l'effet du hasard, où un événement bouleverse le cours de plusieurs vies. Six personnages vont se croiser, se réunir, s'abandonner, se retrouver alors que rien ne les prédisposait à se rencontrer. Un lien existe pourtant entre eux. Et le destin va se charger de le leur rappeler.
Sinais da Morte
O Comissário Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg não gosta da Primavera. Receia a subida de energia, os desejos de evasão, a explosão dos impulsos, todos os sinais que indiquem o regresso dos dias bonitos… E Adamsberg tem motivos… Camille, a sua noiva, fez as malas, e a sua ausência corta-lhe as asas no momento em que ele mais necessita: algo caiu sobre a capital, um enigma portador de maldição, que poderá tornar-se em desgraça, se ele não o resolver… Estranhos sinais espalham-se sobre as portas dos edifícios de Paris, e inquietantes e misteriosas palavras são gritadas em praça pública… Chega o que Adamsberg temia: um primeiro morto, um corpo escurecido, o rosto ensanguentado com uma expressão de terror.
La voie de Laura
With the birth of her son, Laura is installed in the upper valley of Pyrenees, the Valley of the Eagles, somewhere between France and Spain, ready to rebuild their lives.
Sophie (Emmanuelle Béart), Céline (Karin Viard) e Anne (Marie Gillain) são irmãs. Sophie, a mais velha, mora com o marido em Paris. A caçula Anne estuda arquitetura e mantém uma relação passional com seu professor, Frédéric (Jacques Perrin). Céline é solteira e vive para cuidar da mãe inválida, até que um misterioso homem surge em sua vida. Um incidente ocorrido na infância das três fará com que elas se reúnam para discutir o passado.
The Pleasure Is All Mine
A beautiful, self-centered young woman's life turns upside down when she suddenly "loses her clitoris" (i.e. her ability to have an orgasm).
Nem a favor, nem contra (muito pelo contrário)
O filme acompanha a queda de uma cameraman jovem, Caty, depois que ela se envolve com um grupo de pequenos criminosos e seu enigmático líder, Jean. A turma vive como irmãos, até o dia em que Jean planeja um grande assalto a banco. Apesar dos outros membros da gangue se sentirem fora da sua liga, as dificuldades financeiras e o bom papo de Jean os convence. Agora Caty encontra-se em um mundo infernal de violência, traição e assassinato.
Safe Conduct
The film is about the French film industry from 1942 to 1944 during the Nazi occupation. The film focuses on assistant director and resistance fighter Jean Devaivre and screenwriter Jean Aurenche. Aurenche is on the move so that he doesn't have to write anything collaborationist. Devaivre is in dangerous political activity. Devaivre also works for the German production company Continental where he is respected. On the other hand, Aurenche's scriptwriting doesn't help how he lives and he is a womanizer which causes him to procrastinate.
Absolutely Fabulous
The wildly popular British television show Absolutely Fabulous gets a Francophonic makeover with this film version directed by Gabriel Aghion. In this go around, Josiane Balasko and Nathalie Baye play the incorrigible Eddie and Patsy, who leave no impulse unenacted and no lust unsated -- be it for sex or the latest in designer clothing. Waking up from a night of drunken debauchery, the two dip right into a feast of champagne and caviar, much to the irritation of Eddie's elegant mother and her resentful daughter. As Eddie stretches an appalling pair of leopard-print leotards (complete with matching shoes, purse, and hat) over her massive rear end, she and Patsy learn of a handsome young Rollerblading delivery boy who quickly becomes the object of their lust. This film was screened at the 2001 Toronto Film Festival.
Barnie's Minor Annoyances
Barnie lives in Calais but works in London. Everyday, he takes the Eurostar to go to his office. Although he is married to Lucie, Barnie has two lovers in London: Margot, a young and fresh advertising executive, and Mark, a hot 35 years old auctioneer. Everything could work out fine like that, until Margot, Mark and Lucie separately offer Barnie the same birthday present: a return ticket to Venice on the Orient-Express, and on the same dates. What will Barnie do? Who will he choose to go with? After thinking that going with Lucie could actually save his marriage, problems are not over: Margot and Mark both show up at Barnie and Lucie's house, pretending to be a couple, and asking Barnie for some explanations. Which he obviously can't give...
Leave It to Lucie!
Lucie makes her living selling bathing costumes on the beach at Marseilles. She would like that her ten-year long boyfriend, Lucien, becomes her best friend. But this requires truth. For Lucien, newly made secret agent who has to play a young idler, it is mission impossible. Even more so when a young american beauty will ask him to initiate her into sensual pleasures.
Last Harem
A story of the impossible love between one of the Sultan's concubines and one of his eunuchs in a harem at the end of the Ottoman Empire.
O Jantar
Uma noite em um restaurante italiano. Recepcionados pela tolerante e tranquila Flora, vários tipos de pessoas de classe média - grandes e pequenos, jovens e velhos, fregueses e turistas, casados e solteiros - chegam para jantar, conversar, discutir, comemorar, fazer confissões, ouvir as discussões de outras pessoas, interrompê-las, cantar, ouvir música e aproveitar a vida. A câmera, assim como as pessoas, se move constantemente de mesa em mesa, na cozinha e na sala de trás para observar os pequenos ciúmes e frustrações da equipe - até que duas horas depois é hora de todos irem embora para casa.
On Guard
Aurore de Nevers
France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir.
Un air si pur...
Julie d'Espard
In the midst of WW I, a doctor and a lawyer team up to turn a ramshackle old mountain chateau into a sanatorium/health spa that caters to the afflicted from most every stratum of European society, most of whom show up with false hope in their hearts and plenty of equally false identities. Even the proprietors have a few deceptions, chief among them is the part of the resort where they provide shelter for dying and horribly maimed soldiers. Still the atmosphere of this high-class convalescent home is that of great gentility that thinly disguises the seaminess of the guests' secret activities. Though much of the film is a quirky comedy, tragedy comes creeping in when people begin dying of unnatural causes, and not even the pure mountain air can save the owners and the residents.
As Afinidades Efetivas
After an architect (Fabrizio Bentivoglio) is invited to the home of his associate, the harmony of the place comes undone with the visitor's attraction to someone.
A Isca
Com a ambição de abrir uma boutique no exterior, mas sem meios para isso, Nathalie se encontra em uma situação desesperadora, onde faria qualquer coisa para adquirir o que precisa. Junto com seu namorado, Eric, e seu amigo Bruno, ela inventa um plano onde ela seduz homens sem noção e os acompanha até suas casas, e então deixa que Eric e Bruno as invadam. Mas os três logo encontram problemas depois que um de seus esquemas termina em assassinato.
Un homme a la mer
Pregnant girl in trouble teams up with a young boy to find the mother of the boy.
Meu Pai Herói
Véronique "Véro" Arnel
Veronique, living with her divorced mother, is going on holiday to Mauritius with her father. To impress a local boy, Benjamin, she manages to complicate the situation by making up stories about her father. She presents him as her lover, a mercenary and even a secret agent which gets her into trouble and then her father has to start playing along...