Vincent Rottiers

Vincent Rottiers

Nascimento : 1986-06-17, Évry, Essonne, France


Vincent Rottiers


Victor and his little brother Jimmy manage to get by in an environment where their romantic misfortunes seem to be never-ending. But the arrival of Billie and her unbridled romanticism will shake both of the boys' beliefs to the core.
Où en êtes-vous? (Numéro 2)
Greg (uncredited)
Video #2 of Finite Rants, a series of eight visual essays commissioned by Fondazione Prada and curated by Luigi Alberto Cippini and Niccolò Gravina. Bertrand Bonello reworks the last minutes of his 2016 film Nocturama, which documents the logistical operations and the organization of terrorist attacks in Paris by a group of teenagers. Starting with "Où en êtes-vous?", a video commissioned by the Centre Pompidou in 2014 and conceived as a letter to his then 11-year-old daughter, the director makes a new work altering the final sequence of Nocturama and completely modifying the textual component and the soundtrack in this video essay as a second letter written for his now 17-year-old daughter.
Sympathy for the Devil
In an urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform.
Band of Brothers
Emiljan Matesic
Emil and his brother, Stanko, have something in common: they both remember a terrible event that happened when they were children in Montenegro. Both are now immigrants in France: Emil moves in with his friend Gabrielle, while Stanko attempts to climb the ladder on the fringes of lawfulness, in the world of gambling and cock fighting. Anna, their mother, who has never forgotten her home country, dreams of going back to Montenegro as a family. The arrival of Larkos, their uncle, who has finally been released from prison and is over the moon to be reunited with his first love, will catalyse events and the inevitable confrontation...
Através do Fogo
Martin, Paris firefighter and friend of Franck
O filme conta a história de Franck Pasquier (Pierre Niney), um bombeiro parisiense que parece ter a vida perfeita: um casamento feliz, gêmeos a caminho e uma competência invejável no trabalho. Ao concluir seu treinamento, o jovem é promovido a chefe da divisão de incêndios do Corpo de Bombeiros. Um dia, Franck e sua equipe são chamados para dar suporte a um incêndio de larga escala, mas ele acaba preso no meio das chamas durante uma tentativa de salvar seus companheiros. A partir de então, ele passa a lidar com as consequências do acidente e a redescobrir a vontade de viver.
Thierry, a world-famous cyclist, meets Fae, a sex worker, on his holiday in Senegal, and they sense in each other the love they seek. However, Thierry's career disgrace and Fae's refusal to register with the authorities threaten their dream.
The Faithful Son
After 3 years in prison, Ben wants to reconnect with his son and find his place in society. From reintegration work to small recidivism, sincere friendship and the tentation of fundamentalism, Ben will fight to resist hate and find his dignity as a free man.
The lives of three thieves attempting to rob a house are altered by what they see inside.
Endangered Species
The fates of three entwined families. Joséphine and Tomas have just got married. It was a joyful celebration. But soon, Joséphine’s parents will discover a darker side lurking behind the couple’s sunny happiness. Meanwhile, Mélanie tells her parents that she is pregnant but the father is not ideal.
Philippe Lucas
Após espalhar bombas pelas ruas de Paris, um grupo de jovens desiludidos vive uma noite de tensão em uma loja de departamentos.
Dheepan: O Refúgio
Um soldado tâmil, juntamente com uma mulher e uma menina fazendo de sua esposa e filha, fogem do Sri Lanka devastado pela guerra e chegam a um subúrbio de Paris arruinado pela droga. Empenhado em construir uma nova vida e um novo lar, ele ainda encontra violência por toda parte.
Valentin Valentin
In a small Parisian building, a diverse group of people crosses paths, likes and observes each other, without always seeing each other.
Antoine Morel
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
The Marchers
In 1983, in France experiencing intolerance and racial violence , three young teens and the priest Minguettes launching a largely peaceful march for equality and against racism, over 1,000 km between Marseille and Paris . Despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, their movement will bring about a real boost of hope in the way of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. They unite with their arrival more than 100 000 people from all walks of life and give France its new face.
Chroniques d'une cour de récré
A Espuma dos Dias
Le religieux
Colin (Romain Duris) é um homem rico e despreocupado, que nunca precisou trabalhar. Tímido, ele nunca teve muito sucesso com as mulheres, até ser apresentado a Chloé (Audrey Tautou) durante uma festa. Apesar de um primeiro encontro desastroso, os dois se apaixonam e se casam. O casal está sempre cercado pelos amigos Nicolas (Omar Sy), um cozinheiro talentoso, oChick (Gad Elmaleh), um intelectual pobre e fascinado pelo filósofo Jean Sol-Partre, e a extrovertida Alise (Aïssa Maïga). Tudo caminha bem, até o dia em que Chloé é diagnosticada com uma doença rara: ela tem uma flor de lótus crescendo dentro do seu pulmão. O caríssimo tratamento exige o uso de diversos medicamentos e a aplicação de centenas de flores, levando Colin à falência, e a amizade do grupo à crise.
Le monde nous appartient
The Man With The Golden Brain
Stanley is seven years old when he accidentally discovers that his brain is made of gold.
Jean Renoir
Côte d'Azur, 1915. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Michel Bouquet) é atormentado pela morte da esposa, as dores da artrite e a preocupação com o filho Jean (Vincent Rottiers), que luta na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Eis que surge em sua vida Andrée (Christa Theret), uma jovem bela e radiante que desperta no pintor uma inesperada energia. Rejuvenescido, Renoir a torna sua musa. Quando Jean retorna à casa do pai para se recuperar de um grave ferimento na perna, ele se envolve com Andrée e a torna também sua musa, mas de um sonho ainda distante: o de fazer cinema.
Last Winter
A young farmer in Central France tries to sustain his spiritual connection to the land amid the crushing pressures of modern agriculture in this brooding drama.
La Dernière Caravane
Love and Bruises
Hua, a young woman from Beijing, is a recent arrival in Paris. Exiled in an unknown city, she wanders between her tiny apartment and the university, drifting between former lovers and recent French acquaintances. She meets Matthieu, a young worker who falls madly in love with her. Possessed by an insatiable desire for her body, he treats Hua like a dog. An intense affair begins, marked by Matthieu’s passionate embraces and harsh verbal abuse. When Hua determines to leave her lover, she discovers the strength of her addiction, and the vital role he has come to play in her life as a woman.
The Night Clerk
Frederic Boissier
Frédéric, a young man with a troubled past, has the good fortune to be given a job in a luxurious mountain hotel. When one of the hotel guests disappears one evening and is later found dead, Frédéric suspects he may have been killed by the family who employ him. But rather than betray his boss, Jacques Couvreur, he makes up his mind to protect him. Unwittingly, Frédéric puts himself in grave danger...
Guardiões da Ordem
Jean - le fils de député
Durante uma noite de patrulha dois policiais noturnos ferem um trabalhador jovem que havia ferido sem motivo aparente um dos seus colegas. Injustamente acusados decidem provar sua inocência e investigar a droga responsável pela loucura do agressor.
Silent Voice
An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
No Princípio
France, present day. A professional conman passes himself off as the boss of a construction site building a highway extension. He cons the whole region, hires dozens of workers and cynically enjoys the profits of his scam until he meets the lady mayor of a small village that the road will go through. She intrigues and unsettles him, before revealing to him a world he never knew: feelings. How far will he go now to save his victims and save himself from his own lies?
I’m Glad My Mother Is Alive
Thomas Jouvet (20 years)
An adopted boy who, as a taciturn adult, visits his birth mother and strikes up a relationship fraught with tension and emotion.
Contratadas Para Matar
Maio de 1944. Cinco mulheres de uma unidade de comando saltam de pára-quedas na França ocupada com a audaciosa e perigosa missăo de proteger o segredo do desembarque do Dia D e eliminar o Coronel Heindrich, comandante da contra-inteligęncia alemă. Louise é uma atiradora treinada e viúva do líder da Resistência. Jeanne é uma prostituta sem sentimentos que năo hesita em matar. Gaëlle é uma jovem e brilhante expert em explosivos desesperada para ver alguma açăo. Suzy é uma estonteante showgirl que foi amante de Heindrich. Maria é uma condessa italiana encoberta pela a Resistência Francesa. Juntas elas lutarăo para manter o segredo do Dia D encoberto.
Na Mira do Inimigo
No ano de 1954, foi criada a força civil Frente de Libertação Nacional para libertar a Argélia, então colônia francesa há 130 anos. Em resposta às resoluções da FNL, para negociar a independência, a França enviou 500 mil jovens recrutas para lutarem. Em 1959 dentro do proprio ambiente militar, a tendência à loucura e ao mal se expresava neste período obscuro. Ali, franceses tornaram-se torturadores, não importando se eram crianças, adultos ou idosos, deixando de lado seus valores humanos e, muitas vezes, esquecedo de quem eram. Um dos soldados, chamado pelos companheiros de tenente substituto, começa a se questionar até que ponto esta guerra é realmente justa.
A Ilha do Tesouro
Jim Hawkins
Um tesouro enterrado em uma ilha das Antilhas. Um pirata sem perna, sem barco, traiçoeiro e sanguinário e sem o mapa do tesouro. Uma baronesa extravagante, inescrupulosa, sem dinheiro, mas com um barco. Um jovem sem medo e sem cérebro, mas com o mapa do tesouro gravado em algum lugar em sua memória fracassada. Um médico sem beber, especialista providencial de memórias fracassadas e outra amnésia atípica ... É esse grupo de sonhos que navega uma manhã num ano de graça mil e setecentos e poucos, em direção à ilha do tesouro e suas enseadas de rosa areia.
Second Skin
It’s summer. Peter is seventeen years old. He slips away from the family home to get together with his friends. Beside a river, the teenagers play at scaring each other. It is the day of the accident.
The Passenger
When he learns of the death of his older brother Richard, Thomas sets out for Marseilles to identify the body. Having collected his brother’s possessions, he returns to their home town, hoping to recall their earlier life together. Here, Thomas insinuates himself into the company of Richard’s friends, whilst keeping his own identity a secret. As he does so, he begins to bring his brother back to life, although not all the memories are pleasant ones...
Enquanto Houver Esperança
A diretora de um orfanato trabalha duro para proteger seus filhos durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Entretanto, o caos se instaura em sua vida quando um grupo de crianças judias, deportadas da alemanha, chega ao orfanato. com isso, ela precisa trabalhar além de todos os seus limites para estabelecer novamente a paz e a tranquilidade no local. Como consequência, todos descobrirão a importância da diversidade cultural, o valor da fé e a coragem para encarar a vida novamente depois de uma catástrofe.
Thousand Suns
Yann and Lena are brother and sister, but they don’t realize it. Meanwhile, Yann wants to get closer to her…
My Angel
Colette, lovely and vulnerable prostitute, accepts to take care of her unknown colleague's boy. She, herself, needs a child to make her loved ex return to her. So she's having two problems to solve at one time - to find a suitable "father" of her kid and to get off hand of Billy. Meanwhile, the relationship between Colette and Billy is developing, you just don't know in which way. Then, when she cannot get rid of Billy and realizes her ex has another women, the things between "Billy et Colette" are now quite transparent.
Gustave Klopp suffers from narcolepsy, he can fall asleep everwhere at anytime whithout warning. Living a simple life with his wife Pam and his best friend Lenny Bar, Gus decides to undergo therapy sessions and finds out that he can make incredible comics from his dreams.
The Devils
O filme conta a história da luta de Joseph e Chloé, uma menina autista e seu irmão, tentando sobreviver sem seus pais.
Gilles et Louise
Les Saigneurs
Déjà loin