A psychological thriller set against the iconic backdrop of London’s Notting Hill. A falling star auditions for her dream role, but the part is awarded to a more beautiful up-and-comer by the name of Alex Beyer. Unsure of who or what is tormenting her, Alex's sense of reality begins to spiral out of control threatening not only Alex’s sanity but the lives of all those around her.
Jakku Villager
A queda de Darth Vader e do Império levou ao surgimento de uma nova força sombria: a Primeira Ordem. Eles procuram o jedi Luke Skywalker, desaparecido. A resistência tenta desesperadamente encontrá-lo antes para salvar a galáxia.
O que acontece quando uma equipe profissional de futebol no domingo defronta-se com uma equipe gay recém formada?
Takes a look at gay and straight love among the new millennials. Everything from secret crushes to homophobic attitudes are revealed by the rambunctious students taking Drama and Dance from Loris. None of the teens are what they seem at first glance, with gay hearts lurking behind tough exteriors and straight kids expressing themselves in many ways.