Pietro is a boy from the city. Bruno is the last child of a forgotten mountain village. Over the years Bruno remains faithful to his mountain, while Pietro is the one who comes and goes. Their encounters introduce them to love and loss, reminding them of their origins, letting their destinies unfold, as Pietro and Bruno discover what it means to be true friends for life.
Um grande condomínio promete a milhares de etíopes uma vida melhor. Construído nas terras agrícolas de Asalif, de 10 anos, e de sua mãe, eles ficam apenas com um barracão de ferramentas sem água. Enquanto a cidade continua a crescer, o menino se adapta graças à sua imaginação e astúcia.
David Sheff é um conceituado jornalista e escritor que vive com a segunda esposa e os filhos. O filho mais velho, Nic Sheff, é viciado em metanfetamina e abala completamente a rotina da família e daquele lar. David tenta entender o que acontece com o filho, que teve uma infância de carinho e suporte, ao mesmo tempo em que estuda a droga e sua dependência. Nic, por sua vez, passa por diversos ciclos da vida de um dependente químico, lutando para se recuperar, mas volta e meia se entregando ao vício.
Thierry, a world-famous cyclist, meets Fae, a sex worker, on his holiday in Senegal, and they sense in each other the love they seek. However, Thierry's career disgrace and Fae's refusal to register with the authorities threaten their dream.
Camille's life as a lonely suburban teenager changes dramatically when she befriends a group of girl skateboarders. As she journeys deeper into this raw New York City subculture, she begins to understand the true meaning of friendship as well as her inner self.
The Yellow Eagle family are Native American and live on the Prairie Wolf Indian Reservation. News reaches them that Floyd, the youngest son of the family, has died during military service in Afghanistan. The waiting begins to get his body back to the Reservation to be buried.
Filme de drama belga de 2016 dirigido por Fien Troch. Kevin tem 16 anos e acaba de ser liberado de um reformatório. Voltar a morar com os pais não é mais uma opção, então ele se muda para a casa da tia. Será que sua nova casa conseguirá salvá-lo da delinquência juvenil? Ou ele perderá essa oportunidade?
Filme de drama belga de 2016 dirigido por Fien Troch. Kevin tem 16 anos e acaba de ser liberado de um reformatório. Voltar a morar com os pais não é mais uma opção, então ele se muda para a casa da tia. Será que sua nova casa conseguirá salvá-lo da delinquência juvenil? Ou ele perderá essa oportunidade?
O drama segue dois irmãos que, apesar de não terem nada em comum, abrem um bar chamado "Belgica", que começa a ter bastante fama. Apesar do sucesso, a dupla terá de enfrentar diversos problemas inerentes à gestão de um negócio familiar, passando-se rapidamente da relação de irmandade à rivalidade
Ayiva recently left his home in Burkina Faso in search of a way to provide for his sister and his daughter. He takes advantage of his position in an illegal smuggling operation to get himself and his best friend Abas off of the continent. Ayiva adapts to life in Italy, but when tensions with the local community rise, things become increasingly dangerous. Determined to make his new situation work he attempts to weather the storm, but it has its costs.
Uma mãe solteira é levada em um submundo escuro, enquanto seu filho adolescente descobre uma estrada que o leva a uma cidade submarina secreta, onde encontra muitas outras vidas debaixo do oceano, e acaba se encantando com uma sereia timida, mas confusões irão deixar seus objetivos ainda mais dificeis.
How do Europeans deal with their recent dark history (the wars, dictatorships and occupations)? What traces are etched?
N recounts the story of the Frenchman Raymond Borremans, who left Europe for Africa in the mid-20th-century. He devoted his life to the creation of the first encyclopaedia of this other world, dreaming of eternal recognition. He died, however, having only reached the letter N. With his encyclopaedia incomplete, his restless spirit drifts around West Africa, caught between life and death, past and present. This is the story of how he tries to complete his unfinished task from beyond death. N is both visually and musically a truly striking film. It is a multi-layered audio-visual symphony of great narrative richness. Hovering between dream and reality, this magical film plays on the confrontation between the Western mind and African spirituality.
Following her mother's death, an 11-year-old indigenous Australian girl named Shay moves with her father and brother to Belgium. Shay finds that her grief is readily accepted in her new town, which still bears scars from World War I.
Elise e Didier se apaixonam à primeira vista, apesar de suas diferenças. Ele fala, ela escuta. Ele é um ateu romântico e ela é uma religiosa pé-no-chão. Quando a filha deles adoece gravemente, o amor deles é posto à prova.
An African immigrant living illegally in Belgium is desperate to find his own sense of belonging.
In the Andes, a Belgian doctor and his photojournalist wife become ensnared in a native tribe's struggle with a mining company.
O garoto de 13 anos Gunther Strobbe cresce rodeado por lixo, álcool e seu pai e tios completamente inúteis. Lenta mas seguramente, ele está sendo preparado para a mesma vida infeliz. Ele pode ser capaz de mudar seu destino?
An intimate moment between a father and an almost grown-up son leads to a fundamental, though subtle, change in their relationship. Their unconditional love towards each other becomes clear, albeit unsaid.
Emma is in a happy relationship with Jef. But she still meets up with her good friend Thomas to share a strange secluded weekend.
A drama about a fortysomething man who entertains fantasies of a different life. Staging his apparent death, he moves to an island but pines for his former existence, and wonders if he could return to it.
Two brothers clean up a cottage in the woods. Why doesn't seem to matter. What does, are the emotions that are uncovered.
Um suspense arrepiante sobre uma mulher, que ao morar com seu novo namorado, fica obcecado com o destino do inquilino anterior e desaba na loucura.
When Black Kelly gets back from New York, she discovers that more has changed than just her hair color while she's been away. Frederic found himself a girlfriend and plans to move. Kurt and Blonde Kelly live together with their one-year-old child. And Patrick's gone. Reunited with the old gang, Black Kelly realizes that life went on during her absence and that things will never be the same...
Set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, a young nomad is confronted with his destiny after animals fall victim to a plague which threatens to eradicate nomadism.
Irritated by Catholicism, Linda, an American-based, Blonde Caucasian, falls in love with Qater-based Ali Al-Saigel, adopts the Islamic faith, and gets married. She follows her new faith to the letter, and subsequently gives birth to seven children (four daughters and three sons), brings them up according to true Islamic dictum's, and reflects on her 20-year married life, her children, as well as her reaction when her husband indicates that he wants to re-marry.
A story about two struggling people who are trying to find their own place in the world. He is a small-time crook recently released from prison and she is a prostitute craving some love and affection. They find each other in an obscure part of Gent. Jean-Claude is responsible for their meeting ; he is also an ex-inmate who has just traded the low-life crime scene for life as a pimp. Will their love survive?
A young mother called Maria is returning home after a long abscence. Her kids have created their own fantasies as to why their mother has been away for such a long time.
Jean (Josse De Pauw) trabalha numa fábrica e sustenta a família. Seu sonho, entretanto, é ser compositor e para isso ele aposta no talento de Marva (Eva van der Gucht), sua filha. Ele insiste em fazê-la ensaiar e a leva a todos os concursos para amadores que acontecem. Com alguns quilinhos a mais e sem voz para ser cantora, a jovem não faz o sucesso esperado, mas, quando se vê desempregado, Jean não consegue ver outra solução senão apostar todas as suas fichas na carreira artística da filha. Num encontro fortuito, seqüestra a cantora mais famosa do país e pede em resgate que Marva cante em rede de TV.
In the wake of the disaster, a 15-year-old girl is treated by a community in mourning as a saviour with a special talent to heal.