Adeline Lecallier


Nuit Bleue
A young woman, Antonia, returns to her island of birth, Corsica, after one of her relatives has disappeared at sea. She is torn back and forth between her old love Ettore and the dumb Alexander. The quest for Antonia's place in the masculine environment of armed nationalism is an excuse for all kinds of peregrinations in the spectacular landscape of Cap Corse - a landscape that itself becomes a leading character.
A Muslim girl and a Jewish boy fall in love.
Total Western
Associate Producer
After a drug deal gone wrong, Bédé goes into hiding in the countryside at a reformative school for criminal youth. His location is found out, and he and the pupils have to protect themselves with whatever means they have.
It is a story of a depressed, isolated man stuck in a tedious but well-paying programming job.
Entre a Inocência e o Crime
Associate Producer
Um jovem condutor de riquixá tem sua bicicleta furtada e fica endividado com a mulher que a alugava. Ela o manda para Poet, um gângster e cafetão calada, que por sua vez faz com que ele cometa atos de vandalismo e pequenos furtos para pagar sua dívida. Ele não sabe que Poet também persuadiu sua irmã a trabalhar como prostituta, atendendo clientes ricos que pagam em dólares americanos. Os dois irmãos são levados à corrupção sob o controle do mesmo homem.
O Ódio
Associate Producer
Um dia na vida de três jovens delinquentes, um árabe, um judeu e um negro que moram num conjunto habitacional pobre de Paris, mostra a que ponto pode chegar a discriminação racial de policiais hostis.
The Scent of Green Papaya
Associate Producer
A Vietnamese servant girl, Mui, observes lives within two different Saigon families: the first, a woman textile seller with three boys and a frequently absent husband; the second, a handsome young pianist with his fiancée.
Little Nothings
Lepetit, an ambitious and determined man, is named the new CEO of a department store. His mission is to improve the store's financial position. He decides that the human factor will be his catchword and introduces new methods, which he also applied to himself. But tensions slowly arise between members of the staff.
In the Eyes of the World
Associate Producer
Bruno's girlfriend, who lives in another town, doesn't believe he loves her. Therefore, he decides to prove his love by doing something "crazy" and ends up hijacking a school bus full of children at gunpoint to go see her