Richard Robbins
Nascimento : 1940-12-04, South Weymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Morte : 2012-11-07
Himself (archive footage)
Merchant Ivory is the longest running partnership in the history of cinema. As a film production entity, Merchant Ivory was founded in 1961 by producer Ismail Merchant (1936–2005) and director James Ivory (b. 1928). Merchant and Ivory were life and business partners from 1961 until Merchant's death in 2005. During their time together they made 43 films.
In collaboration with Academy Award winning Director/Screenwriter, James Ivory, Rich Atmosphere: The Music of Merchant Ivory Films, showcases the impact of composer Richard Robbins on Merchant Ivory films.
Original Music Composer
Um diplomata cego norte-americano abre uma casa noturna e acaba abrigando no local uma aristocrata russa refugiada que está tentando ganhar a vida como pode. Ela logo se torna a atração principal do local, mas a beira de um cenário conturbado e com uma guerra civil prestes a explodir, ela passa por uma série de dificuldades. Ao mesmo tempo, o seu protetor também tenta controlar as pressões da melhor maneira possível, mas as coisas estão cada vez mais complicadas e tudo se transforma em uma grande corrida para que a jovem russa consiga reencontrar a sua filha. Enquanto tudo isso acontece, os dois percebem que existe algo mais entre eles.
Original Music Composer
Isabel Walker, americana, vai para a França visitar sua irmã Roxeanne, que está grávida, mas foi abandonada pelo marido recentemente. Durante sua estadia na França, Isabel se apaixona por Edgard, um diplomata francês que é casado e também é tio de sua irmã. E juntamente com Roxeanne, Isabel passa a conhecer a bela Paris e participar de seus acontecimentos e eventos sociais.
Circa 1940 in Trinidad, still a British Colony, lives Ganesh Ramseyor, of East Indian origin, along with his wife, Leela. He longs to reach out to people, especially to Hindus, in order to promote the Hindu Faith, and be known as a writer. He does get considerable success, so much so that he becomes famous as a miracle worker, having cured a man of sharing intimacy with his bicycle; prevented a man from believing that he can fly; and convincing a young woman to end her fast. His fame spreads all over the island and thousands throng to seek his blessings, which he does dole out quite benevolently, without charging any fees from the poor and the needy. He then decides to spread his wings by challenging the local politician Pandit Narayan Chandrashekhar alias Cyrus T., and takes over The Hindu Organization, thence opening his way to a seat in the prestigious Member of the Legislative Assembly
Historical context for The Remains of the Day.
A documentary about making The Remains of the Day.
A documentary about making The Remains of the Day.
An intricately plotted tale of thwarted love and betrayal, "The Golden Bowl" tells the story of an extravagantly rich American widower and his sheltered daughter, both of whom marry only to discover that their respective mates, a beautiful American expatriate and an impoverished Italian aristocrat, are entangled with one another in a romantic intrigue of seduction and deceit.
Original Music Composer
A British family is trapped between culture, tradition, and the colonial sins of the past.
Original Music Composer
This fictionalized story, based on the family life of writer James Jones, is an emotional slice-of-life story. Jones is portrayed here portrayed as Bill Willis, a former war hero turned author who combats alcoholism and is starting to experience health problems. Living in France with his wife, daughter, and an adopted son, the family travels an unconventional road which casts them as outsiders to others. Preaching a sexual freedom, his daughter's sexual discovery begins at an early age and betrays her when the family moves to Hanover in America. Her overt sexuality clashes with the values of her teenage American peers and gives her a problematic reputation. Meanwhile, her brooding brother copes with his own interior pain regarding his past, only comfortable communicating within the domestic space.
Original Music Composer
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
Original Music Composer
Em 1943 o famoso pintor Pablo Picasso (Anthony Hopkins), com 60 anos, conhece Françoise Gilot (Natascha McElhone), que tem 23 anos, sonha ser pintora e idolatra o grande mestre. Ela se tornaria sua amante, mas isto não impede Picasso de ser infiel. Françoise lhe dá dois filhos, Claude e Paloma, e aceita as mulheres dele como parte do relacionamento. Ele, em contrapartida, lhe mostra grandes obras de arte e a apresenta aos grandes mestres, mas a união gradativamente começa a se desgastar de forma inexorável.
Original Music Composer
A história de Thomas Jefferson enquanto embaixador em Paris, alguns anos antes de ser presidente, e as especulações em torno de uma suposta amante, a escrava Sally, de apenas 15 anos, com quem teria tido um filho.
A short documentary.
Original Music Composer
1958. James Stevens (Anthony Hopkins), um homem de idade, em um grande carro antigo começa uma viagem pela Inglaterra em direção ao mar. Por muitos anos ele foi o mordomo-chefe de Darlington Hall, uma famosa casa de campo. Neste época sacrificou sua vida pessoal por vários anos para ter um alto desempenho profissional, reprimindo seus sentimentos e aparentando uma frieza que na verdade não era parte da sua personalidade. Ele está indo visitar Sally Kenton (Emma Thompson), que tinha sido governanta em Darlington e ele não vê há muito tempo. Ele pensa que talvez ela possa ser persuadida a retomar a sua antiga posição, trabalhando para o novo proprietário de Darlington, um congressista americano aposentado. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Original Music Composer
Helen Shlegel se apaixona por Paul Wilcox, mas é rejeitada. Sua irmã Margaret se torna amiga da mãe dele, que promete à ela a casa da família, Howards End. Infelizmente, depois de sua morte, o testamento desaparece. Até que o viúvo Henry Wilcox se torna atraído por Margaret.
Original Music Composer
A small-town eccentric opens a café in her decaying home.
Set during World War II, an upper-class family begins to fall apart due to the conservative nature of the patriarch and the progressive values of his children.
Original Music Composer
Meet the denizens of New York City: artists, prostitutes, saints, and seers. All are aspiring toward either fame or oblivion, and hoping for love and acceptance. Instead they find high rents, faithless partners, and dead-end careers.
Original Music Composer
Police Inspector Ghote lives a middle-class life in Bombay along with his wife, Pratima. He has been employed with the Bombay Police for many years. He is assigned to investigate the deadly assault on a Parsi man named Perfect, who is the Secretary of Lala Heera Lal, a wealthy man with underworld links. Inspector Ghote commences his investigation and is displeased when his superiors ask him to work with a Swedish Forensic Expert by the name of Axel Svennson.
Original Music Composer
Maurice conta a história de dois jovens estudantes ingleses que se tornam grandes amigos. Cada vez mais íntimos, Maurice Hall e Clive Durham percebem que estão apaixonados, mas lutam contra esse sentimento já que a homossexualidade, além de condenada socialmente, era considerada crime na Inglaterra do século XIX,O Mais lindo filme Gay de todos os tempos, uma história do amor entre amigos em uma época distante ,conservadora e cheia de preconceitos. Este clássico é estrelado por Hugh Grant e James Wilber.
Original Music Composer
A young girl agrees to work in a center for girls who can't stay with their parents. She gets wrapped up in the plights of several of the girls, and tries to help them, but only gets herself into trouble with her parents and supervisor.
Original Music Composer
When Lucy Honeychurch and chaperon Charlotte Bartlett find themselves in Florence with rooms without views, fellow guests Mr Emerson and son George step in to remedy the situation. Meeting the Emersons could change Lucy's life forever but, once back in England, how will her experiences in Tuscany affect her marriage plans?
Original Music Composer
A bored lawyer and a suffragette vie for the attention of a faith healer's charismatic daughter.
Original Music Composer
Anne está investigando a vida de sua tia avó Olívia, cujo destino sempre foi envolto em escândalo. A busca remonta ao início da década de 1920, quando Olívia, recém-casada com Douglas, funcionário público da administração colonial, vai morar com ele na Índia. Lentamente, Olivia fica fascinada pela Índia e pelo governante local, um Nawab que combina a distinção britânica com a pompa e crueldade da Índia. Esse fascínio não é isento de riscos: a região está sendo saqueada por um grupo de bandidos sanguinários, e as intrigas se opõem à comunidade britânica preconceituosa liderada pelo Major Minnies e pelo Dr. Saunders contra o Nawab. Como Anne investiga a história de sua tia-avó, ela é levada a reconsiderar sua própria vida. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
When her husband's arrest leaves her penniless, a woman accepts an invitation to move in with a strange couple.
Original Music Composer
Two teachers vie for the right to stage a play written by Jane Austen when she was twelve years old.
A New England household is upset by the arrival of two cousins from Europe.
This short documentary, shot in July 1976 at the Mannes College of Music on Manhattan's Upper East Side, marks the first collaboration between Merchant Ivory Films and composer Richard Robbins, who would go on to provide the musical scores for nearly all Merchant Ivory films. Later in 1976, 'Sweet Sounds' was shown at the New York and London Film Festivals. It was also broadcast on PBS.