Nilton Martins

Nilton Martins


Nilton Martins


A Silence
Extras Casting
Astrid, the wife of a renowned lawyer, has been silenced for 25 years. Her family's equilibrium suddenly collapses when her children start looking for justice.
Let's Get Lost
ouvrier Pablo
Unable to meet all the demands of his job and family anymore, Mathieu feels he's in a mid-life crisis and hurriedly leaves for the forest. His relatives are left by themselves, faced with his sudden departure and their choices.
An Zéro
“An Zéro” is a transmedia project structured around a docu-fiction which has the ambition of exploring and documenting, in a plausible manner, the scope of the consequences a major nuclear accident would have on Luxembourg, it’s neighboring countries (Grande-Région) and Europe.
In 1921, Charles, a young Luxembourgish cartographer is sent to Albania as part of a border commission to gather information on the topography and the people of the region. The country has recently become independent, but it does not yet have clearly defined borders. Back in Paris, Charles gets to report to the Conference of Ambassadors. At first, he is overwhelmed by the impressive architecture and the intimidating grandeur of the event. However, he soon learns that the party of self-serving diplomats has little interest in the future of the people he has just met. With no representative of Albania even present, Charles feels the need to speak up for the young country. Despite breaking protocol in doing so, Charles shares an observation with the quarrelling diplomats that allows them to find a peaceful solution to the question of where to draw the urgently needed borders.
Cosmos Within Us
Aiken, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, returns to his former family home to try and keep hold of his memories.
Cosmos Within Us
Father 1
Aiken, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, returns to his former family home to try and keep hold of his memories.
Young Servant
Inspirado na história real de Angelo Soliman, um jovem escravo africano que, no início do século 18, foi escolhido por uma condessa para ser batizado, educado e levado à corte europeia. Já adulto, Angelo ganha destaque e se torna um dos membros mais apreciados da corte de Viena. Porém, quando ele decide se casar secretamente com uma mulher branca, passa a ser rejeitado e percebe que sempre será considerado um estranho pela corte, que não aceita sua origem.
On his way to a DJ Championship in Brussels, a young Egyptian is mistaken for an illegal immigrant and detained in a country he's never heard of before.
The Beast in the Jungle
Extras Casting
Ambientado em uma remota mansão rural inglesa durante um período de um século, o filme acompanha John e May enquanto eles se observam e se perguntam se já tinham se conhecido onze anos atrás. Uma adaptação do conto homônimo de Henry James do século XIX.
The Beast in the Jungle
Ambientado em uma remota mansão rural inglesa durante um período de um século, o filme acompanha John e May enquanto eles se observam e se perguntam se já tinham se conhecido onze anos atrás. Uma adaptação do conto homônimo de Henry James do século XIX.
Article 19-42
Type 4-1
Julie and Thomas cross the Northern forest in their 4x4. As they leave the main road, they are met by an unwelcoming man. He was obviously waiting for them, they give him a sum of money. Together they continue deeper into the woods.
Never Die Young
An unnamed man narrates the downward trajectory of his life from beyond the grave, from delinquency to the string of fateful decisions and foolhardy moves that tied him inextricably to the opiate that was the elusive love of his life.
The Notorious Guys
Steven, a pupil in a special-needs class, learns that his school has won a trip to Alcabideche, Portugal. He is overjoyed to get the chance to finally see his homeland. Once there, he decides to conduct his own holidays...
Let me survive
A mother and young daughter are coerced into joining her ex-husband on a stolen yacht bound for the west coast of Africa. Five days into the journey a raging storm engulfs them, forcing the family to abandon the yacht. Trapped in a tiny life raft with little food or water they find themselves pitted not only against the elements but also against each other. Based on a true story.
A Vida de Outra Mulher
Homme réunion RIM
Marie tem 40 anos de idade, mas quando ela acorda, um dia, ela acredita ter apenas 25 anos. 15 anos de sua vida se apagaram de sua memória. Ela acorda no início de uma longa história de amor, que na verdade acaba de terminar. Entre os transtornos desta nova realidade, ela terá apenas quatro dias para reconquistar o homem de sua vida.
The Prodigies
NYC, Central Park, 2010. Five young teenagers are violently assaulted. But they’re not your average teenagers… they’re prodigies. The trauma of the assault incites them to lash out against the world in a cold and calculating way. The five chillingly brilliant minds come together to concoct a perfect revenge. The only person aware of the pending doom is Jimbo Farrar, a sixth prodigy, who has gathered them. As long as he fights against his five counterparts with all his might, there’s hope for the world. But should he turn over to their side, it’s only a matter of time before a disaster of apocalyptic proportions ensues…
Trouble No More
The story of Johnny Chicago's brother, Ray, and his friend Chuck Moreno, both petty criminals. The latter wants to take the ashes of Johnny, who was fatally wounded by the police after a bank heist, to Chicago.
Extras Casting