Mary Margaret Amato


Eu Sou a Lei
Myrna Williams
Policial que prefere trabalhar sozinho e que tem um fraco por mulheres bonitas, tem seu melhor amigo assassinado e parte para a vingança, deixando sua secretária e o chefe de polícia desesperados. Filme que deu origem ao seriado 'Mike Hammer'.
Esquecendo o Passado
Doc, who has just moved to Cannery Row, realizes that the only entertainment is the brothel. There he meets the spunky Suzy and they fall in love, giving them both a renewed chance at life.
Geração Beatnik
An exploration of the relationship between Beat Generation writers Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady, and Cassady's wife, Carolyn.
The Great Cash Giveaway Getaway
Two teenagers on the run with a quarter of a million dollars belonging to an illegal drug ring are pursued by a suave crime czar and, after they gain a celebrity of sorts, by the whole country, which wants to partake of their largesse in their coast-to-coast spending spree.
A Small Circle of Friends
Girl in Shower
In the late 1960s, three Harvard students Jessica, Leo and Nick grow close as they undergo personal changes, but their friendship is jeopardized by romantic feelings both men develop for Jessica.
The Boss' Son
Buddy's Wife
Bobby Rose has just returned home after graduating business school. He agrees to start working for his father, a successful carpet manufacturer. Bobby's dreams of a cushy junior exec position are quashed when he's told to report to the shipping department, where he's trained as a delivery driver. Learning the business from the ground up embitters Bobby, as well as his coworkers, some of whom, he discovers, are stealing from the company.
O Pirata Escarlate
Pirates' Lady
A pirate and a hot-tempered noblewoman join forces to protect Jamaica from a tyrant.
A Reencarnação de Peter Proud
When college professor, Peter Proud begins experiencing flashbacks of an earlier life, he's mysteriously drawn to a place he's never been to, but which seems familiar and where he soon finds his previous incarnation's wife.
O Fantasma do Paraíso
Swan's Entourage
Depois que o produtor fonográfico Swan rouba a música do compositor Winslow Leach e o entrega para uma de suas bandas, Leach entra no escritório de Swan. Mas Swan pega Leach e o acusa de comercializar drogas, o que o leva à prisão. Leach foge e tenta novamente sabotar o império de Swan, mas um acidente desfigura sua face. Leach se transforma no "Fantasma" para arruinar Swan enquanto salva a cantora Phoenix de uma terrível tragédia
Aeroporto 75
Diane (uncredited)
Um pequeno avião particular se choca com um 747 e acaba matando ou incapacitando a tripulação. Uma aeromoça, seguindo instruções de rádio, assume o comando da aeronave. É então elaborado um plano quase suicida em que, através de um buraco na cabine de comando, um piloto é enviado para resgatar o avião.