Matthias Van Khache

Matthias Van Khache

Nascimento : 1977-06-04, France


Matthias Van Khache


À tes côtés
The story of a father and son who live in polar opposite worlds and seem to be constantly at odds. But life brings city-dwelling Anthony back to the side of Marcel, his ailing wine-grower father.
La Comédie presque française : Les Feux de l'amour et du hasard
La Comédie presque française : Dom Juan les Pins
Rosalie Blum
Le copain du client ivre
Vincent Machot knows his life by heart. He shares it between his hair dressing salon, his cousin, his cat, and his too-invasive mother. But life sometimes holds surprises, even for the most prudent of people... He crosses paths with Rosalie Blum by accident. She is a mysterious and solitary woman whom he is sure he has already met. But where? Intrigued, he decides to follow her everywhere, in the hope of knowing more about her.
What the Day Owes the Night
Simon/Michel adulte
Argélia, década de 1930. Younes tinha nove anos quando foi colocado aos cuidados de seu tio em Oran. Rebatizado como Jonas, ele cresce entre os jovens do Rio Salado, onde faz muitas amizades. Emilie também faz parte da gangue e todos estão apaixonados por ela. Uma grande história de amor se desenvolve entre Jonas e Emilie, que logo é abalada pelos conflitos que afligem o país.
Forças Especiais
Elsa é uma jornalista francesa que foi sequestrada por um líder do Talibã. Logo um vídeo com ela surge na internet, onde é anunciada sua data de execução. Investigações indicam que o cativeiro de Elsa fica em um vilarejo no Paquistão e logo uma equipe altamente treinada, composta por seis homens liderados por Kovax, é enviada. Eles conseguem resgatá-la, mas agora precisam encontrar um jeito de deixar o local.
You Will Be Mine
Etudiant fac
Marie leaves home to study the piano at the conservatory in Lyons. Through lack of money, she is obliged to share an apartment with Emma, a friend of the family who has lived alone since the death of her father. The two young women develop a strange fascination for one another, which soon develops into an intense mutual need...
Born in 68
Paris, 1968. Catherine, Yves and Hervé are twenty years old. They're students and they love each other. The May student uprisings radically change their lives. Overtaken by communal utopia, they leave the city with a few friends to set up house in an abandoned farm in the Lot region. A desire for freedom and the search for individual fulfillment lead them to make choices that cause more harm than good.
Le roi du bal de l'an dernier
A quasi-musical-comedy which descends into horror, set in the early sixties in a college on the outskirts of West Philadelphia. For 15 years, the graduation ball has been the preserve of the Foons - those teenagers who are immersed in weird notions of fun and who describe themselves as "cool". As they prepare for the graduation ball, it is decided to open up invitations to the nerd underdogs. The eternal rivalry between the cool kids and the nerds is played out with colourful costumes and kooky hairdos.
Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.
J'me sens pas belle
Le voisin du dessus
Fanny, a single woman in her mid-thirties, has had enough of relationships that don't work, so she decides to seduce Paul, a colleague from the office, into a brief one-night sexual encounter. Everything is prepared when Paul arrives, but then, thanks to Fanny's clumsiness, things don't exactly work out as planned...
Young, Beautiful and Screwed Up
A young boy from the south of France falls madly in love with a posh Parisian girl and follows her for crazy adventures to the big city.
Sexy Boys
Friends since high school, 20-year-olds Seb, Frank and Manu are navigating their college years with humor and a longing for romance. Through a series of ridiculous accidents, each young man learns to look for love in unexpected places.
Return to Algiers
Famous TV news anchorman Pierre Nivel left Algiers for France in 1962. That's been a secret; his Paris co-workers have never known that he was formerly an Algerian pied noir. An Algerian delivers an urgent message to Pierre from a Leïla Jalal... Algiers, 1962. The Nivels live in the same apartment building as the Moslem Jalal family. Lycée student Pierre is in love with their daughter, Leïla. The civil unrest in Algeria is heating up and violence is spreading in Algiers. At school, Pierre is friends with a Moslem student, Issam, but he is made fun of for that... Pierre's jet arrives in Algiers. As a celebrity, Pierre is met on arrival by a government official, Nader Mansour. Because of the civil war raging between the government and Islamic terrorists, they drive into the city in a heavily armed convoy. Pierre does not tell Mansour his real reason for returning: Leïla has asked him to help her daughter Amina escape to safety in France.