"The Big Boredom" is first of all a modern film, and then it is everything else - adventure, intelligence, spy, etc. Compared to the novel in the film, everything is condensed in a condensed dramatic form, the situation is exacerbated, the two main characters are in a direct battle of life and death, they have put everything on a decisive card and there is no possibility of retreat. I do not want to tell the story to keep the curiosity of the audience, but I emphasize that the film is completely in line with the genre. However, our aim is not to stay in the standards, but to fill the action with other content, and it gives meaning to everything else. " Metodi Andonov
Bulgária, século 17. Uma família é violentamente atingida por uma tragédia causada por turcos otomanos invasores. O pai e sua pequena filha são obrigados a fugir para as montanhas, onde ele a educa rigidamente como se fosse um menino. Um afiado chifre de cabra será o instrumento de sua vingança. .
In a white ward in a clinic a lifetime balance on the verge of death. Memories are herding together in the mind of seriously ill Aleksandrov, a scientist, who evaluates and reevaluates his own life: friendships, loves, career. Images of his youth are crowding in: of his beloved, of his children, of evenings, spent with his friends, ups and downs. And no one is able to say if all this made any difference.