Vittaya Deerattrakul


The Forest
Makeup Effects Designer
A new teacher arrives at a small village in rural Thailand. He has just left the monkhood and has taken a job at the local school in a quest to discover life outside the monastery. He finds that one of his pupils is a mute girl who is being bullied by the other children in the class. Both the teacher and the girl must face the challenges and cruelties of the real world. The girl retreats into a fantasy world, finding solace in the forest with a strange wild boy. The teacher struggles to bring her back, whilst at the same time himself questioning the world of reality. The worlds of fantasy and reality clash with tragic consequences.
Demon Warriors
Makeup Department Head
Opapatika is a special power that makes one become practically invincible. The power remains alive so long as that person is remains alive. In this film, five Opapatikas, each with their own unique power, are brought together. They meet in the middle of a great assassination that finally brings them loss, but a new start of their lives.
Espíritos 2: Você Nunca Está Sozinho
Makeup Effects
A jovem Pim, mudou-se recentemente, da Tailândia para a Coréia. Lá ela pretende iniciar nova vida, ao lado de seu marido Vee, por quem é apaixonada desde criança. Entretanto, a doença de sua mãe os obriga a retornar à Tailândia, o que faz com que Pim, se recorde da infância e de sua irmã gêmea e siamesa, Ploy. Desde que voltou Pim, tem a sensação de que sempre existe alguém ao seu lado, o que é confirmado com a revelação de um antigo segredo de família.