After a 20 year absence, drifter George Walker returns home to settle his grandmother's estate. As if awakening from a long dream, he finds his childhood home condemned and littered with the remnants of squatters. In the midst of trying to save his past, George falls and strikes his head, triggering an onslaught of vivid nightmares and waking visions. As the horror intrudes on George's reality, his conviction grows that someone or something is trying to kill him.
Subway Business Woman (uncredited)
Quando um alienigena renegado de Kylothian, disfarçado como modelo de lingerie, ameaça e sobrevivência da raça humana, os agentes começam a caçada. Com suas identidades sob sigilo e pouquíssimo tempo para evitar o desastre, os agentes K e J contam com a ajuda do cachorro Frank e outros alienígenas para ajudar-lhes na caçada do mais sexy invasor do planeta.