André Jocelyn

André Jocelyn


André Jocelyn


Yvan Lesurf
A young man becomes enraged when his mother remarries his wealthy uncle after his father dies.
Os Sete Pecados Capitais
Yvan (segment "L'avarice'") (uncredited)
Seven directors each dramatize one of the seven deadly sins in a short film. In "Anger," a domestic argument over a fly in the Sunday soup escalates into nuclear war. In "Sloth," a movie star would rather pay someone to tie his shoe than bend over to do it himself, and he can't be bothered to accept a starlet's sexual favors. In "Gluttony," a peasant family on its way to the funeral of a relative who died from indigestion stops regularly to eat and drink en route, arriving in time to eat some more. In "Greed," a high-class prostitute refunds the price of a cadet's lottery ticket. In "Pride," an unfaithful wife finds reason to reform. And so on through lust and envy.
Love, Freedom and Treachery
During WW2, in a Nazi-occupied country, a local partisan blows-up a German military train, prompting the Germans to take civilian hostages to be shot if the culprit doesn't surrender before a deadline.
Mulheres Fáceis
guy at the ball (uncredited)
Quatro balconistas diferentes buscam o amor à sua própria maneira. Mas a energia chique e deslumbrante de Paris acompanha um misterioso lado sombrio…
Quem Matou Leda?
Richard Marcoux
Este é o terceiro filme de Chabrol, e seu debute no “thriller” psicológico, gênero também de seus 2 próximos filmes: Les Bonnes Femmes e L’Enfer. Usando uma perícia, os flashbacks e vinhetas, Chabrol cria um perturbador enredo de infidelidade, obsessão e assassinato num vinhedo em Provença. O negociante Henri Marcoux (Dacqmine), tem um caso amoroso com uma bela e jovem vizinha (Lualdi), bem debaixo do nariz de sua esposa Thérèse (Robinson). A linda filha de Henri, ao conhecer o húngaro (Belmondo) fica apaixonada, enquanto o filho Voyeur de hari, começa a ter liberdades com a amante do pai. Com o amadurecimento das paixões na família, deslumbra-se uma tragédia.
Anyone Can Kill Me
Le banquier
The holdup of the bank is a success. All happened according to plan. Now, Cyril Gad and his four accomplices must secure an alibi. What better place than a prison cell? As a result the five gangsters have themselves arrested on minor charges and start waiting until they are released. Unfortunately three of them die mysteriously, another one is openly murdered. The only man still alive, Tony, is scared. Easy to understand why...