James Shavick


Blue Moon Ball
Executive Producer
Grace Montague, a writer on the verge of losing her book contract, returns to her hometown to finish her final novel and rediscover her muse. However, upon arriving home she finds her first love, Sean, desperate to save the town's historic ballroom, and needs her help writing the proposal before the night of the rare Blue Moon Ball.
The Valentine Competition
Executive Producer
When 600 pallets of flowers are ordered by accident, Jack teams up with Catherine, creating a contest. The contest asks residents of Valentine, Oregon, to design the best Valentine's Day Garden ever, for a chance to win a back yard makeover...
Voto de Coragem
O agente de serviço secreto Vic Davis está a caminho de buscar seu filho distante, Shawn, no campus de sua faculdade, quando se vê no meio de uma operação terrorista de alto risco.
New Year's Kiss
Kelly Hartwick, a rock-star creative director, swears off dating in order to focus on a major Christmas ad campaign.
Tammy's Always Dying
Executive Producer
A daughter's attempt to care for her ornery, ailing mother.
Tsunami Zumbi
Executive Producer
O diretor da franquia "Sharknado", Anthony C. Ferrante, novamente se associa ao astro da série Ian Ziering para mais um filme catástrofe inusitado e repleto de ação, "Zombie Tidal Wave". Quando um terremoto ao largo da costa de uma pequena ilha causa uma série de tsunamis sobrenaturais, trazendo um enxme de zumbis mortais, o marinheiro veterano Hunter Shaw (Ziering) e um excêntrico grupo de moradores locais se reúnem para sobreviver ao violento ataque e parar a horda de zumbis de alguma forma antes que invadam o continente.
In Particular, Barbara Findlay
Executive Producer
Over the last 30 years, barbara findlay has brought together the forces of feminism, anti-oppression and community activism, advocating for the rights and freedoms of queer and transgender Canadians.
A Boa Amante
Sandy é uma alcoólatra em recuperação que decide mudar para uma nova cidade, onde sua amiga Karen ofereceu trabalho. Mas, em pouco tempo, sua nova vida vira um inferno depois que ela dorme com um homem que descobre ser o marido de Karen.
Past Obsessions
Executive Producer
To the outside world, it would appear Shane Walsh (Josie Davis) has it all - a wealthy and loving husband, a beautiful home, and a lavish lifestyle... but appearances can be deceiving. Matt Walsh (David Millbern) is an attentive and kind husband, but behind closed doors, this monster turns his controlling and jealous rage towards Shane, leaving her battered and bruised. Knowing he will never let her go, she makes the only choice she feels will truly set her free. She must fake her own death and start a new life far away.
Red Torrent
A reclusive scientific prodigy and three college friends find themselves in the middle of a toxic storm, when an unscrupulous business deal rains terror down on an entire county.
Os Mistérios Donald Strachey 4 - Gelos Azuis
Executive Producer
O investigador gay Donald Strachey, tem o mais complicado caso da sua carreira. Depois do seu namorado de longa data, Tim, ter pedido a ele para descobrir a origem de uma anônima e generosa doação para o centro da juventude Albany. Quando o advogado que apresentou a doação aparece morto, o detetive corre contra o relógio para capturar o assassino antes que ele ataque novamente.
Os Mistérios Donald Strachey 3 - Do Outro Lado da Morte
Residentes de um bairro começam a receber enormes somas de dinheiro para vender suas casas, mas um casal lésbico se recusa a vender. Pouco depois, a casa é vandalizada por grupo anti-gay, mas Don suspeita que o ataque é motivado por outro motivo.
Christmas Caper
A Grinch-like thief retreats to her hometown in Connecticut after a con goes bad. There, she gets stuck baby-sitting her niece and nephew until their parents can make it home for Christmas. She spends most of her time devising ways to even the score with her old partner in crime, until the spirit of the holidays help put her priorities back on track.
My Silent Partner
Executive Producer
A San Francisco policewoman accepts a favor from a local crime boss to counter a nasty child custody battle with her ex-husband, and finds herself dangerously entangled with the mob.
Os Mistérios Donald Strachey 2 - Choque no Sistema
Executive Producer
Don Strachey (Chad Allen) é um detetive gay assumido e casado. Certa noite, é procurado por um jovem chamado Paul Hale (Jared Keeso), querendo um trabalho seu, incubindo-lhe a função de procurar uma pessoa. Mas essa pessoa não é revelada, visto que acontece uma tentativa de atropelamento de ambos e Paul foge. No dia seguinte, Don encontra um rapaz morto, aparentemente por suicídio, e se depara com o corpo do próprio Paul. Intrigado pelas peças que não se encaixam com um suicídio, Don resolve investigar, mesmo sem o pagamento da mãe de Paul, e descobre que o rapaz era garoto-propaganda de uma clínica psiquiátrica que utiliza a psicologia e a religião para converter gays em heterossexuais.
Ties That Bind
A young married couple find their relationship and their lives threatened after a beautiful and dangerous seductress moves into their pool house.
Executive Producer
A reporter is killed whilst investigating a story & her college friend and former professor join forces to try and find out who killed her.
His and Her Christmas
Tom Lane is the star columnist for the media conglomerate owned San Francisco Sun newspaper. The company is thinking about increasing Tom's exposure by producing a new television show around him. Liz Madison is the advice columnist for the little read community newspaper, the Marin County Voice, which is a throwback to gentler times. Besides their journalistic occupations, one other similar aspect between Tom and Liz is that they are both currently single, with their friends and family doing whatever they can to find that special someone for their personal life. On November 2, the staff at the Voice learn that the Sun ownership has bought their newspaper, with the probable goal of folding it into the operations of the Sun. If this move does happen, the staff at the Voice will lose their jobs. To fight back, Liz decides to change her column to an editorial espousing the meaning of Christmas and the newspaper to the community...
Home for the Holidays
Line Producer
After their parents are killed in a terrible accident, the four McMurrin children live with their loving Aunt Martha. Martha wants to adopt the children but the town's bitter old banker stands in their way. However, the children's courage and ingenuity triumph and they become a family just before the holidays.
Amor de Natal
In the tradition of such classic films as "Miracle On 34th Street", a hip, eccentric marketing genius teaches a widow and her son the miracle of Christmas.
Vidas Secretas
Executive Producer
A vida de Jill Thompson é abalada quando o corpo de um homem encontrado morto em uma remota ilha da costa oeste é de Leonard seu marido, supostamente falecido em um trágico incêndio há 10 anos atrás. Com a ajuda de Mike McCoy um investigador de seguros, ela descobre que nos últimos 10 anos, Leonard viveu na maravilhosa cidade de Hillbrook.
Os Mistérios Donald Strachey  1 - O Terceiro Homem
Executive Producer
O detetive gay Donald Strachey e contratado para proteger o ativista gay John Rutka, conhecido por tirar políticos e cidadãos sérios do armário. Strachey abandona suas responsabilidades como guarda-costas quando suspeita que Rutka está forjando as ameaças contra si mesmo.
Killer Bash
Executive Producer
Terror strikes a campus after the vengeful spirit of a murdered collegian possesses a student.
The Brotherhood IV: the Complex
Executive Producer
Lee Hanlon, the smartest student at an elite military school called the Complex, is intrigued by the academy's Black Skulls brotherhood but finds himself thrust into the role of global savior when he discovers their devilish origin.
Reencontro Fatal
Executive Producer
Jessica is a housewife, unhappy in her marriage, who decides to "spice it up" a little bit. But she gets more than she bargained for when she contacts an old high school classmate she once had a crush on.
Perigo na Montanha
Executive Producer
Still struggling to accept her fiancé's death in a rock climbing accident, mountain guide Diana Pennington gratefully accepts industrialist Curt Seaver's offer to find the body using a new satellite imagery technology his company has developed. But while traversing the legendary "Snowman's Pass" with Curt and his companions Hugo and Tyler, Diana is horrified to discover the search for her fiancé is a decoy; they are in fact hunting for a fallen spy satellite, property of an enemy foreign power. Barely escaping with her life, Diana finds herself pursued through the cold and threatening mountains in a deadly cat and mouse game, with only a backpack full of climbing gear and her instincts to defend herself against the dangerous, and increasingly desperate men.
Um gênio criador, Ben Keats (Gil Bellows), criou para a Viztrax, uma empresa de informação de tecnologia de ponta, um líquido que ao ser ingerido permite que a pessoa seja facilmente localizada em qualquer lugar do planeta. Mas até a Viztrax colocar suas ações no mercado, que então terão uma alta significativa em razão do produto revolucionário, a frágil situação financeira da firma não pode vir à tona. Tudo indica que dias melhores estão reservados num futuro próximo para Ben e sua família. Mas ele não imaginaria que um caçador de talentos, Vincent Palmer (Christian Slater), cuja função é convencer pessoas importantes de uma empresa a ir trabalhar numa outra, ficaria em seu encalço. Apesar da proposta ser ótima, Ben tem consciência que se sair indiretamente acaba com a Viztrax, então educadamente rejeita. Mas Vincent é uma pessoa que jamais aceita um não como resposta e a cada recusa vai se tornando bem mais inconveniente, agressivo e perigoso.
Eve's Christmas
A wealthy and successful career woman gets a second chance in life when a magical wish transports her back in time eight years to when she walked away from her fiance to lead a business life in New York.
Deep Evil - Experiência Mortal
An alien microbe lands in remote Siberia in the 1950's. In the year 2004, US scientist working at a top secret underground lab in Alaska clone the microbe. A garbled distress signal is heard from the lab just before a complete lock down of the facility. This is the last word sent out from the scientists. A team of scientists and military personnel are in charge of finding out what went wrong.
Monster Island
Executive Producer
Mutant radioactive bugs attack VJs, Carmen Electra and an island full of MTV contest winners in this tongue-in-cheek tribute to B-movies, monster flicks and even MTV. MTV Original Movies presents Monster Island, a flick with old school effects mixed with hot new celebrities. There’s action, romance and big bugs--now is that something you really want to miss?
Plataforma em Perigo
A top secret drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico raises a dormant alien creature from the depths. Once loose, the creature goes on a murderous rampage.
Holiday Reunion
All Mitch Snider wants for his family is a traditional holiday feast with the relatives. The problem is that he doesn't have any. That is until he gets an invitation in the mail from his long-lost cousin Woodrow. What follows is a full-course meal of nonstop laughs when the neurotic suburbanites clash with the hippy hicks from hell in National Lampoon's most outrageous family misadventure yet.
Betraying Reason
Executive Producer
Reason Boles is on a mission to stop loggers from destroying his family's ancestral land. In a chance encounter, he meets Addy and her 7-year-old daughter Bell, who are fleeing their past in the hopes of starting a new life. Together, Reason and Addy are given the chance to transcend the violence in their lives, or be destroyed by it.
Maximum Surge
Executive Producer
When a super computer is linked to a video game network, the computer programmer who designed the game must enter the virtual reality world of his fantasies and defeat the computer before it causes worldwide chaos!
Abelhas Assassinas
Filme que conta o que acontece em uma pequena cidade norte-americana depois que um acidente de caminhão liberta algumas abelhas assassinas. Elas estão soltas por todo o local e começam a fazer suas vitimas. O xerife da cidade percebe o que está acontecendo e tenta evitar, porém ninguém o leva a sério, exceto um especialista em criação de abelhas. Agora, eles devem convencer a população da gravidade da situação, ao mesmo tempo em que tentam descobrir uma forma de acabar com a ameaça e devolver o sossego ao local.
Spinning Out of Control
Executive Producer
A popular TV sitcom actress struggles with her drug and alcohol-addled private life while her manager does "damage control" for her own protection from the press, which is becoming increasingly difficult.
Executive Producer
A handsome, brilliant stock trader, bored with his existence, becomes a serial killer.
Becoming Dick
Executive Producer
Story of a struggling New York actor who discovers the formula for success and suddenly finds himself richer and more famous than he could have imagined.
The Man Who Used to Be Me
Executive Producer
A burned-out ex-cop travels back in time and teams up with his younger self to catch his father's murderer.
The Spiral Staircase
Executive Producer
During a storm, a group of people are trapped inside a mansion with a killer.
Best Actress
Executive Producer
A Hollywood writer becomes embroiled while investigating into the lives of five fictitious actresses all nominated for the Academy Award for best actress.
Kiss of a Stranger
Nova, a rising TV personality, after declaring that all handsome men in L.A. are gay, falls for a hunky stranger who is totally smitten with her - so she thinks. Her sexy stranger disappears without a trace. Her grief over unexplained deaths in her social circle is only made worse when we find that she is carrying the stranger's baby. The plot thickens and the anxiety is great as Nova struggles to find out who this stranger is and why he is stalking her.
Não Olhe Para Trás
Executive Producer
Jeff Corrigan has to enter the witness protection program with his family when he gives up his former boss to the FBI after discovering that he is a drug lord. Relocating his wife and kids causes trouble for them, as they are very dissatisfied with their new lives. Unfortunately, the protection program also fails, as the gang tracks down the family and Jeff is forced to protect them from attack.
Two of Hearts
A veterinarian (Gail O'Grady) and a sportscaster (Rob Stewart) meet at the wedding of their former spouses (Corbin Bernsen, Marla Maples).
The Darklings
A bed-ridden teen believes he has witnessed the murder of a neighbor by another neighbor. He then recruits friends to attempt to prove the death when no body is found.
Amarga Descoberta
One day, Risa Gallagher gets home and finds her husband murdered. Everybody thinks she did it and she gets sentenced to lifetime in jail. She manages to escape and in order to survive, she has to find out who the real killer is without getting caught by the police. But which of her friends can she trust?
Perfect Little Angels
Having just moved to a new town, widow Elaine Freedman and her teenage daughter Justine are greeted by the effusive, terribly nice Dr. Calvin Lawrence. Sensing that Justine is bit testy and out of sorts, Dr. Lawrence recommends that she begin taking a special vitamin which he manufactures in his own home. Before long, Justine is the model of perfection -- just like all the other teenagers in town.
Um Cruzeiro Para o Inferno
An infectious disease researcher is on a cruise with her daughter when an ebola-type virus attacks the ship's passengers and crew.
Hostile Force
When a would-be bank robber's attempt to steal $6 million goes awry, he takes a woman hostage without realizing that she is an ex-cop.
Dog's Best Friend
Animals communicate with a boy while he's staying at his grandparents' farm and warn him about an impending foreclosure.
Exception to the Rule
An aggressive woman tries to blackmail a married gem trader who had an affair with her.
Susie Q
O filme mostra as aventuras da fantasma adolescente Susie Q, que volta para sua antiga casa com o objetivo de ajudar seus pais a não serem expulsos do trailer onde estavam morando. Mais tarde, Zach muda-se com sua familia justamente para a antiga casa de Susie Q (Amy Jo Johnson) e ele é único que consegue ver a garota.
Profile for Murder
A female police psychiatrist develops sexual fantasies involving a patient accused of murder.
Midnight Heat
A football player is framed for the murder of his team's owner, whose wife he happens to be sleeping with.
Tracks of a Killer
Business mogul David Hawkner and his wife are enjoying a quiet vacation by themselves at their isolated retreat. The serenity is broken when they become the targets of a handsome, crazed killer.
Hard Evidence
Trent Turner has it all - a beautiful wife, a fabulous house, and a business he owns with his best friend. He also has a mistress, a mistress who gets him involved with more than he's bargained for...
Suspicious Agenda
Six veteran police officers all have a blemished record, but one of them tries to be judge, jury and executioner...
Deadly Sins
New area deputy Jack Gales arrives on the island to find that a girl at the local Catholic girls school has been found dead. After investigating, he finds that students have been disappearing regularly for five years, about the time Mother Bernadette passed away. Gales and the Mother Superior's secretary Cristina work together to try and unravel the mystery.
Brothers' Destiny
Threatened with separation, two young brothers escape from an orphanage and make a perilous journey from New York to Boys' Town in Nebraska.
Deceptions II: Edge of Deception
Since the death of his colleague, which was partly his fault, Lieutenant Nick Gentry lives a lonesome life. Reporter Joan wants to write a story about him, and seems to be interested in other ways too, but he rejects. Instead he falls in love with his new neighbor Irene and witnesses how she's repeatedly beaten up by her husband Allan. One day, when Allan threatens her with a gun, he shoots him. Certainly self-defense -- until it turns out, that Alan's gun was made inoperable...
Beyond Suspicion
She was an eyewitness to murder. He was the cop she thought she could trust. But, when they fell in love, she discovered that no one is... "Beyond Suspicion." Morality, justice and obsessive love are combined in this chilling psychological thriller loaded with deception, double twists and double-cross
Hammer Down
A string of tough homicide cases confronts veteran Det. Eddie Van Owen and youthful partner Johnny Marks, but the murder of a music video dancer takes their investigation in an unexpected direction. When the duo looks into the killing, a shady producer turns up the prime suspect, and the ensuing scandal spills out of the music world and into gangland.
False Identity
When Rachel, a radio personality, discovers a Purple Heart at a garage sale she decides to find out its history. She finds that the medal belonged to a man named Harlan Erickson, a long-lost brother of the town's leading citizen.
Final Assignment
Executive Producer
An intrepid television journalist sent to cover the Canadian prime minister's visit to the Soviet Union has trouble sticking to her assignment when she unearths a horrific experimental drug trial involving children. Determined to prepare a video that will show the world exactly what's been going on, she dodges the long arm of the KGB and falls into bed with a Communist bureaucrat.