Grace Caroline Currey

Grace Caroline Currey

Nascimento : 1996-07-17, USA


Grace Caroline Currey (born July 17, 1996) is an American actress, best known for playing Young Melinda Gordon on Ghost Whisperer, Haley Farrel in Bones, and Young Natalie Wood in The Mystery of Natalie Wood. She also played the character Sydney Briggs in Home of the Brave. She starred in the television film Back When We Were Grownups, playing Young Biddy.


Grace Caroline Currey
Grace Caroline Currey
Grace Caroline Currey
Grace Caroline Currey
Grace Caroline Currey


Shazam! Fúria dos Deuses
Mary Bromfield / Super Hero Mary
Continua a história do adolescente Billy Batson que, ao recitar a palavra mágica “SHAZAM!”, é transformado em seu alto ego adulto de super-herói, Shazam.
A Queda
Becky e Hunter são duas amigas que buscam aventura e enfrentam grande alturas em suas escaladas. Depois de um grande drama vivido por elas, as duas decidem escalar uma remota torre de rádio abandonada com mais de 2000 pés de altura. Parecia a aventura perfeita para desligar a mente do trágico acontecimento que vivenciaram com o namorado de uma delas. Elas não contavam que ficariam presas e isoladas naquele lugar sem sinal de celular, sem energia e sem pessoas por perto.
Most Guys Are Losers
Over Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago, a college kid from California seeks approval from his girlfriend's dad, a bar owner and author of a dating book titled, "Most Guys are Losers."
Vampire Dad
In the early 1960s, a family man-turned-vampire struggles with his beastly nature while his devoted wife tries to keep anyone from finding out, including their teenage daughter.
Mary Bromfield
Billy Batson tem apenas 14 anos de idade, mas recebeu de um antigo mago o dom de se transformar num super-herói adulto chamado Shazam. Ao gritar a palavra SHAZAM!, o adolescente se transforma nessa sua poderosa versão adulta para se divertir e testar suas habilidades. Contudo, ele precisa aprender a controlar seus poderes para enfrentar o malvado Dr. Thaddeus Sivana.
Elliott's To Do List
A quirky high school girl has to learn that you can't fit friendship into a checkbox.
Elliott's To Do List
A quirky high school girl has to learn that you can't fit friendship into a checkbox.
Annabelle 2: A Criação do Mal
Muitos anos após a morte de sua filha, um fabricante de bonecas e sua esposa recebem em sua casa uma freira e seis meninas vindas de um orfanato fechado. O que parecia ser a resposta para suas preces irá se tornar uma maldição conforme as convidadas se tornam alvo da criação possuída, Annabelle.
Painted Horses
A senhora Hoog parece estar destinada a ser uma perdedora, uma tradição que ela herdou e que há gerações assombra sua família. Ela, porém, está determinada a fazer com que essa suposta maldição termine com ela e não siga para seus entes queridos. Com muita força de vontade e determinação, essa mulher trilhará um novo caminho em sua vida e construirá um futuro muito melhor para ela e também para seu filho.
Our First Christmas
Cindy and Tom Baer-Neil have been married for nearly a year, each having lost their first spouse. With the holidays just around the corner, Cindy and Tom are determined to make the new family’s first Christmas perfect. But their respective children have different plans...
Jerry (Jamie Draven) was an idealist when he served in the first Gulf War. But when he was later deployed to Iraq, Jerry was an older man, a father of three and embittered by broken promises and unfulfilled desires. When Jerry returns from Iraq he has been transformed by horrors that cannot be forgiven. He lives a life of poverty, his children afraid of him and his wife, Nora (Vinessa Shaw), unsympathetic and unhappy. When Jerry discovers that Nora has betrayed him, his anger and despair drive him to commit an act so heinous and irreversible that nothing he had experienced in combat could have prepared him for.
Quando Nos Tornamos Adultos
Young Biddy
A 53-year-old widow believes she's turned into the wrong person in this bittersweet tale based on Anne Tyler's best-seller. Beck's (Blythe Danner) plate is full: She runs a catering business and cares for her large family, but feels lost inside. Determined to find herself, Beck embarks on a journey, starting with her ex-beau (Peter Fonda) and ending with an unexpected soul mate. Jack Palance, Peter Riegert, Faye Dunaway and Ione Skye also star.
The Mystery of Natalie Wood
Young Natalie wood
Uses accounts from family, friends, and acquaintances to tell the story of Natalie Wood and how she started young, acting in the spotlight, making the transition from a childhood actress to serious actress, dating the top names in Hollywood, her life and marriage to her husband, Robert Wagner,and her biggest fear that ended up being the cause of her death