Takehiro Murozono

Takehiro Murozono

Nascimento : 1969-08-03, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Takehiro Murozono (室園 丈裕, Murozono Takehiro, August 3, 1969) is a Japanese voice actor born in Kanagawa Prefecture. He is affiliated with Office Kaoru. He is 168 cm tall and weighs 74 kg. His vocal range is baritone.


Takehiro Murozono


Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: 100 YEARS AFTER
Debo Akidamonne (voice)
100 years in the future, the descendants of Daigo, Ian, Nobuharu, Souji, Amy, and Utsusemimaru must fight back against the revived Deboth.
Break Blade 5: Shisen no Hate
Part Member B (voice)
Quinto Filme de Break Blade Movie.
Fullmetal Alchemist, o Filme: O Conquistador de Shamballa
Vato Falman (voice)
O filme se passa dois anos após os acontecimentos do último episódio da série Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward Elric vive em Munique (Alemanha) no ano de 1923, junto com Alphonse Heiderich, onde busca uma forma de voltar ao seu mundo e reencontrar seu irmão Alphonse Elric e seus amigos, mas ele terá que enfrentar também os problemas de sua época no outro mundo, como por exemplo Adolf Hitler.
Tracing the Gray Summer
Animated film about the Seveso disaster, which took place north of Milan, Italy in 1976.
Tod@Repairer (voice)
Robot prostitute Malice@Doll roams a deserted city unsuccessfully looking for johns after the human race is obliterated. With no people left, the android serving class has a meaningless existence. But after a horrific tentacled beast rapes Malice@Doll, she inexplicably turns human. With a renewed purpose in life, she tries to share the gift of humanity with others of her kind, but with every gift comes a curse...
Sin: The Movie
SinTEK Executive
It is the near future, and the city of Freeport teeters on the verge of total collapse. The twin tides of rampant crime and ruinous graft face only one barrier: the elite strike force HARDCORPS. Led by Colonel John Blade, HARDCORPS is the last force for justice in the darkening city.
Tekken: O Filme
Guard (voice)
Um rico magnata organiza um torneio de luta mundial em uma ilha ao lado da China. Seu odiado filho em busca de vingança e um par de policiais investigando a verdadeira razão para a realização do torneio, secretamente juntam-se aos lutadores.
Twilight of the Dark Master
Tsunami is an ancient gaurdian fom days long ago when the Mother Spirit created Daemons and Gaurdians to aid a fledgling human race. Tsunami becomes involved with a woman who has just lost her fiance and her arm and now wants to figure out why this has happened.Meanwhile the Daemon leader is still alive and plotting to enslave mankind. Will Tsunami defend earth once again or be corrupted as two other gaurdians have been by the Daemon leader...
Hermes - Winds of Love
Narrator (voice)
The creator of the world orders Hermes to defeat the evil King Minos, tyrant of Crete. With his beautiful wife, Aphrodite, by his side, he bravely responds to the challenge. A battle between good and evil rocks the heavens as Hermes fights to unite Greece!
Jungle de Ikou!
Additional Voices
Natsumi Rokudou, a spunky 10 year old girl from Japan receives a strange statue from her dad who's an archaeologist. Little does Natsumi know that the statue houses Ongo, a terrible monster bent on world conquest. In a dream, a strange old man named Ahem warns Natsumi of Ongo's return, and gives her a necklace and tells her to do a sexually suggestive dance that will protect her from peril. Once Natsumi awakens, she finds Ongo on her bed...who's not too threatening looking. But now whenever danger rears it's ugly head, Natsumi must swallow her modesty, and do the embarrassing dance to transform into Mii, the large breasted flower spirit of New Guinea's past.
Demon Beast Resurrection Volume 4
From the radioactive emptiness of space comes the Demon Beast! A hideous alien monster, the Beast shares a psychic link with the beautiful Earth woman, Kayo. Bound by a forbidden past and a horrifying erotic encounter, she is destined to lure the Beast back to a helpless Earth. Her tortured soul cries out across dimensions, calling the Demon Beast to begin his reign of bloodlust, carnage, and terror!
Super Atragon
Milias (voice)
At the end of World War II, a top-secret Japanese submarine and an American submarine have a fatal encounter and both are lost. Fifty years later the descendants of the submarines' officers are sent by the United Nations in a new secret submarine to investigate mysterious incidents in the Antarctics that could be linked to the old submarines' disappearances, and could also be the precursor to an invasion by aliens from deep inside the Earth
Bio Hunter
A strange virus known as the Demon Virus, attacks the human genetic code, transforming people into monsters with demonic powers. One particular monster is terrorizing the streets of Tokyo. ripping open young women to devour their livers. A famed psychic holds the secret to the identity and purpose of this monster. Now it is up to two molecular biologists. self-proclaimed Bio Hunters Komada and Koshigaya, to reach the psychic and his beautiful daughter before its too late! The Demon Virus is out to conquer the world.
Macross 7: The Galaxy is Calling Me
Peken (voice)
Basara, on one of his frequent trips across the galaxy to spread the message of his music, folds in on an icy planet. The natives are hostile, and take him prisoner until he begins to sing for them and a little boy named Pedro recognizes his voice. They release Basara, and almost as soon as they don, a strange wailing voice comes from the nearby mountains. Basara and Pedro head out in Basara's valkyrie to investigate the noise. Little do they know, an ambush is waiting for them.
Bomberman: Yuuki o Arigatou Watashi ga Mimi ni Naru
The elementary school student Rieko lives with her parents who are deaf and mute, and her younger sister. Rieko wishes to draw cartoons and comics that make people happy, and doodles comics of Bomberman and friends in her notebooks. An earthquake strikes during the night and ravages the city, leaving their neighbourhood a shambles. They travel to a shelter, but their parents' inability to hear and speak causes misunderstandings and conflict among the workers; Rieko helps resolve the situation while also keeping an eye on her younger sister. With support from volunteer worker Kyoko, an older girl from Tokyo, the community within the shelter begin to grow and understand one another. Rieko helps keep the younger ones amused with her drawings of Bomberman characters, including a comic of the heroes and villains putting their differences aside to help each other when the battle arena comes down on top of them.