Jiří Vala

Jiří Vala

Nascimento : 1926-11-27, Poprad, Československo

Morte : 2003-11-15


Jiří Vala
Jiří Vala


Dlouhé dopoledne
Sardinky aneb Život jedné rodinky
Josef Odvárka
Světlo v tmách
Naši furianti
starosta Filip Dubský
Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického
Soví hnízdo
Na dvoře vévodském
Zákon rovnosti
Svatební skandály slečny Juliány
Podivný výlet
Julie pod balkonem
Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin
Preclíková válka
Vedlejší cesta
O stříbrném kamínku
Wine Working
Josef Hrdlička
It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdlicka, an émigré, notices on the Austrian TV the interview with the representatives of Vidrupa and decides to visit his native village. The new suit and the hired car transform the bankrupt and criminal to the successful businessman with wine.
Raněný lučištník
Mlynářka z Granady
Královské řádění
Pozdní léto
Konec semestru
A Valley of Beautiful Frogs
otec Jany
A fifteen years old Jana escapes summer camp wearing nothing but bikini...
Hvězda první velikosti
Evil Night
Václav Dobis
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?
Affairs of my Wife
Pohár za první poločas
Opory společnosti
Zázrak v Oužlebičkách
Dlouhý podzimní den
Jak se dělá televizní soutěž
Captain Korda
A story of Pepik, an orphaned boy recently adopted by foster family.
Honba za filmovým námětem
Jegor Bulyčov
Poklad byzantského kupce
Křišťálová noc
V páse zlomená
The Borrowed Face
Dr. Rosen
It is the 1930s. Physician Bartos devotedly attends poor patients in the city suburbs, at the same time researching the possibilities of regeneration of human tissues after transplantation. His former colleague Rosen, now working as an assistant at the private clinic of surgeon Kirchenbruch, considers the research a mere utopia. The disappointed Bartos, trying to verify his theories, therefore accepts the outrageous proposal of Marion, owner of a brothel - to surgically replace the face of her lover, the wanted thief Cutter, with the face of murdered Father Hopsasa. Bartos is well paid but his successful operation remains a secret.
Den končí ráno
Spanilá jízda
Letos v září
Mirek (voice)
Tam za lesem
Smrt na cukrovém ostrove
Dr. Trojan, ship doctor
Kolik slov stačí lásce?
pilot Perucik
The Night Guest
When a man stops at a motel one evening in 1961, his tormenting behavior drives one of the people present at the motel to remember his experiences in a concentration camp during WWII.
Policejní hodina
Jarní povětří
Jindra - Jana's boy
Spy film about a man with a face lift who gets recruited by western organisations.
Spy film about a man with a face lift who gets recruited by western organisations.
Franz König
Spy film about a man with a face lift who gets recruited by western organisations.
King of the Sumava
Constable Karel Zeman
A movie about Czechoslovak border guards trying to arrest the famous escapee called "King of the Sumava".
Dům na Ořechovce
Jan (segment "Lidé na zemi a hvezdy na nebi")
A poignant overview of how short life can be, this interesting drama from Czech director Vojetch Jasny is divided into four separate segments. In the first skit, a young child's impressions are observed as his newborn baby sister becomes a part of the family. In the second, a young woman falls in love for the first time one summer, and in the third, a tough, older peasant woman battles against the farming cooperatives. Finally, in the last segment, everything comes full circle as a woman who is about to become a grandmother dies while her daughter-in-law has not yet given birth.
Tenkrát o vánocích
A Suburban Romance
Mirek Helebrandt
A young, unmarried woman finds herself a "little bit pregnant" and she tries to hide this fact from her mother but it isn't long before the truth is obvious.
September Nights
Sons of the Mountains
Tank Brigade
Zítra se bude tančit všude
Případ zamilovaného synovce