Maarten Lebens


Scenario Writer
Twelve-year-old Ilias’ best friend is murdered by mistake. Searching for the perpetrators, Ilias gets deeper and deeper into the drug world. In the process, he is seduced by money and status. Will he give up his goal or will he remain loyal to his dead friend?
Orange Fever
As the whole country is preparing for the World Cup, all characters are confronted with the Dutch ‘Orange Fever’, which seems to either bring them closer together, or drift them apart.
Scenario Writer
Shy student Tyn gets the fright of his life when he finds out he is pregnant.
A História de Wim de A a Z
Esta é a história do órfão Wim, que quer muito ir à escola, em vez de passar todo o seu tempo trabalhando forçadamente na fábrica da cidade. Com muita força de vontade, uma dose de esperteza e a ajuda de um macaquinho muito inteligente, Wim consegue escapar e encontrar novos amigos, uma escola divertida e uma família que o acolhe repleta de amor.
Scenario Writer
A trailer is recorded on the set of a disaster movie that should entice a mass audience. But it turns out the staging and the voice-over, modelled on the American example, don’t go together well for the hero in the doomsday scenario.
Boda na Toscana
Na ensolarada Toscana, uma luxuosa e isolada casa de campo sedia o casamento dos sonhos de muitos clientes VIPs. Um dia, chega ao local um advogado que não acredita no amor, chamando a atenção de uma das administradoras do estabelecimento.
Sometimes it takes a child or two to fix the adult problems! Siems mother and father are divorced , but his father Rik has found love again , and be married to Winnie's mother Tosca . Siem loves Winnie , so when the relationship between Rik and Tosca begins to creak, devises the two children , a plan designed to get parents to get back together ; they make a movie with good advice about love . And what a movie ! The small movie clips bubbles of love and creativity , both in front of and behind the camera . We will diligently around the genres when Siem and Winnie must interpret many of love . A sweet , funny and sensitive film that is about to stick together and keep each other - and each other's differences , not least .
Men in the City
Following the love lives of different types of men in Amsterdam.
Picnic with Cake - The Tale of a Brave Little Fox
Animation with animals going for a picknick
Loving Ibiza
Kevin is a young footballer who recently made a multimillion deal by transferring to FC Barcelona. He hardly realizes what is happening to him. Too young, too rich, too beautiful. His girlfriend Elza knows how Kevin should spend his millions. She is eagerly anticipating her birthday where Kevin will ask her the most important question of all. Kevin's grandmother Karla observes it all from the sidelines with concern. Fortunately there is the down-to-earth event planner Lizzy who shows Kevin the meaning of true love.
De sterkste man van Nederland
The Finnster
Finn (15) is an uncomplicated schoolboy until one day, coming home from school, he catches his father Roelof in his moms dress. The man Finn has looked up to his whole life, wants to become a woman. Finn, just discovering his own sexuality, is troubled by this new discovery. A struggle with feelings of shame, love and loyalty follows. Luckily Lizzie, his newfound friend, is there to help him.
The Hell of '63
Januari 1963. Ondanks het barre weer besluit het bestuur van het Friese Elfstedencomité, onder druk van de media, met de kleinst mogelijke meerderheid van stemmen, dat de Elfstedentocht doorgaat. Tussen de duizenden die een startbewijs veroveren bevinden zich soldaat Henk Buma (Cas Janssen), boerenzoon Sjoerd Lelkama (Lourens van den Akker), arbeider Kees Ferwerda (Chris Zegers) en verpleegkundige Annemiek (Chava voor in 't Holt). Alle vier hebben zo hun reden om deze tocht der tochten te rijden. Door de dramatische en heroïsche gebeurtenissen zal deze Elfstedentocht, ook voor Henk, Sjoerd, Kees en Annemiek, als een van de meest legendarische de geschiedenis ingaan.
Elegant, short film introduces the lonely, contact-craving museum attendant Vera. One cold winter night, after another day of silently watching visitors in the museum, she finds a sleeping drifter in her doorway. She decides to take pity on him. First, she gives him a blanket and a thermos of tea; not much later the key to her house. Using chocolate as her main means of communication, she unchains an extraordinary dialogue.
Os Cavaleiros do Rei
Tiuri é quase um cavaleiro. Ele só tem de passar em um teste e ele vai ser condecorado. Ele só tem de dormir uma noite na capela, sem falar e sem abrir a porta. Então, alguém bate à porta da capela e pede ajuda. Arriscando seu título, Tiuri abre a porta e ajuda o indivíduo. Tiuri tem que entregar uma carta a um cavaleiro na floresta, que contém uma mensagem importante para um rei aliado. Quando Tiuri encontra o cavaleiro, o cavaleiro é mortalmente ferido e pede Tiuri para entregar a carta. Tiuri hesita, mas aceita a missão. A aventura começa …. Tiuri conseguirá entregar a carta na hora? Qual o conteúdo da carta?
Happy Family
Thijs is a ripe-age Dutch tomato grower. His adult daughters plan to have him move in a skyscraper-flat, leaving home and professional life, but he takes his adolescent (half-)Moroccon grandson Omar's advice to refuse and keep living. Thijs even lets the cheerful rascal coach his love-life, which lands him on a blind date with Jacky, an energetic Flemish woman, who won't take no for an answer but turns up at his door-step till he consents, and soon drags him into evening life, preparing for a dance contest. Soon after Omar turns up, listless and lazier then ever, runaway from school and home. The obvious reason for the horny hound's hanging head is a girl: Mergal is foxy, Turkish and as smitten as he, but her burly big brother Erhan will only allow a boy to go steady with her who has proven himself his better on the field in the traditional manly sport of oil-wrestling. Now Thijs...
Wild Romance
The start of the career of Herman Brood, who lived his life filled with sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. Guided by his manager they aim to take over the USA with his music.
Young Kees
Little boy Kees is based on the famous classical masterpiece by Theo Thijssen and deals with a twelve year old Amsterdam schoolboy who grows up at the end of the 19th century in the Jordaan (part of Amsterdam. Kees Bakels is a dreamer who seeks refuge from reality with wild imagination where he dares more than in real life. Through his fathers illness and his young love for Rosa Overbeek he develops himself as someone who acts and assumes responsibility.
Koen is a fatherless, eighteen year old boy who wants to free himself from the suffocating relationship with his mother. He struggels with the balance between independency and love. When he meets Colet, he tries to keep his distance, but she is both anarchistic and audacious. She does not understand the fact that Koen does not have the slightest curiosity about his unknown father. It is because of her that he begins the search for his father.