Violetta Sanchez


Summer Frost
La styliste
It’s summer and France is hit by a polar cold. Ten lone and lost souls find each other, a profound meeting as a last chance to hope and fear, to love and dream. Ten tales as tribute to Monet’s Water Lilies, ten tales portraying an impressionist painting of today’s France.
Just Like a Woman
Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.
In the Shadow of Iris
O sequestro da mulher de um banqueiro revela um mundo de segredos, fetiches e enganos. A polícia inicia uma busqueda frenética, tentando juntar as peças deste quebra-cabeças intrigante e sensual. Mas tudo não passa de um plano audacioso.
La réceptionniste hôtel
A budding electronica artist gives up his shot at stardom to pursue a woman from a telephone dating network.
O Pornógrafo
Jacques Laurent é um diretor de filmes pornográficos dos anos 70, que retorna à antiga atividade por questões financeiras. De volta aos sets de filmagens, Laurent não consegue mais encarar a vulgaridade dos filmes cuja única ambição é a simples exposição de órgãos sexuais. Enquanto Laurent procura uma maneira de redirecionar sua vida, seu filho Joseph, estudante universitário e ativista político, busca encontrar um sentido para a sua. Separados anos antes, quando o jovem se revoltou contra a imoralidade do verdadeiro trabalho do pai, eles se reencontram, agora, mais maduros para tentar resolver suas diferenças anteriores.
Nothing About Robert
Ariane Morgenstern
Didier never knew that a wrong film review of a film which he did not bother to watch would land him in numerous troubles.
O Retorno de Casanova
After many years of rambling across Europe the aging Giacomo Casanova is impoverished. He wants to return to the Republic of Venice but he doesn't dare going there directly because he was a fugitive when he left. While he tries to find a way to get a pardon he meets a young lady named Marcelina. The more he shows his affection, the more ostentatiously she rejects him. Even so he doesn't give up on her because her lover Lorenzo has grave gaming debts. In return for the required money Lorenzo tells Casanova about a looming secret rendezvous with Marcelina. Moreover he lets Casanova take his place. Undercover of the night Casanova finally seduces her. Lorenzo later feels his honor was besmirched and demands satisfaction. Casanova kills him in a duel and then goes home to Venice.
Broken April
Diane Vorpsi
A 100-year-old family feud in Albania continues to target men for vengeful execution in this somber drama.
La Puce et le Privé
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
In the apartment of Benjamin Baltimore, cinema poster designer, we discover the universe of the early 80's in Paris.