Boris Nevzorov

Boris Nevzorov

Nascimento : 1950-01-18, Starominskaya, Starominskiy rayon, Krasnodarskiy kray, RSFSR, USSR, [now Russia]

Morte : 2022-02-18


Boris Nevzorov


The two school friends Bingo and Roma happen to meet on the street and decide to celebrate this event. They go to a nearby bar, where Bingo complains about his difficult life: supposedly he has no luck with girls and suggests they continue the celebration at Roma’s place. But Roma admits that they can’t go to his place, because he has a “grandfather” who rents his apartment for rendezvous twice a week for two hours. The puzzled Bingo tries to find out who the “granddad’s” beloved is, who pushes him to such feats, despite his old age. A little tipsy, they go to Roman’s place to track down the mistress...
Blue Dress
Surreal worlds, elegiac images and romantic letters form a stream of suppressed memories. A young man discovers diaries and film reels of his recently deceased mother. Ukrainian director Igor Minaev melts his rarely seen shorts from Soviet times into an emotional journey into the past.
Дед и внук
O Idiota
Dima Nikitin é um encanador simples e honesto que trabalha em uma pequena cidade russa. Exceto por sua integridade incomum, nada o faz se destacar da multidão, até que uma noite, em um dormitório ocupado principalmente por bêbados e marginais, os canos estouram, colocando em risco os ocupantesrús. Todo mundo precisa ser imediatamente evacuado, mas ninguém se importa. Nikitin, então, parte em uma odisséia durante toda a noite para combater um sistema de burocratas corruptos e tentar resolver o problema do dormitório.
The Major
Aleksey Pavlovich Pankratov
On a cold winter’s day Sergey Sobolev, a major at the local police office, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. High from happiness, he’s driving too fast and runs down a boy on a passage walk, who dies. Now the major has only two options: go to prison or conceal the crime. Sobolev decides to compromise with his conscience and calls on a colleague to help him out. But the case turns out to be messy and when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to make up for his deed, it’s already too late…
Хлеб для Сталина. Истории раскулаченных
Зимний сон
Doroga, Vedushaya k Schastyu
Otets Mikhaila
Став свидетелем автомобильной аварии, Виктор впадает в глубокую депрессию. Чтоб выйти из нее, он находит дочь погибшего в инциденте водителя — Леночку. У них сразу же возникает симпатия друг к другу. Но место рядом с Леночкой занято — друг и сверстник погибшего отца поддерживает девушку в горе, становясь самым близким ей человеком. Виктор деликатно отходит в сторону. Дома — тяжело больная мать, отец оставил их, не справившись с бременем вины. Виктор взваливает на свои плечи заботу о матери. И о совершенно чужом ему человеке – медсестре. Но Леночка, сама того не желая, не может забыть Виктора. Она ищет встречи.
Far from Sunset Boulevard
The thirties, the heyday of Soviet film production. The story of the famed couple's glory — a filmmaker and actress, behind the external well-being of which were hidden strange contradictory relationships and a sense of fear that they carried through their whole lives. The prologue to this story is the 85th anniversary of Lidiya Polyakova, the formerly brightest star in Soviet cinema, who played the main role in all the films of her own husband, director Konstantin Dalmatov. Now in the courtyard there are other times, Dalmatov’s movies are called ideological agitation, and the director himself and his wife are hiding from the world in the country, trying not to let anyone in. Before the audience, there is a story of a dizzying triumph of this cinematic couple and its behind-the-scenes drama — a story that began in the 30s of the XX century.
Кардиограмма любви
Komnata s vidom na ogni
Vadim Uporov is desperate to escape from the Gulag. He tries and tries - again and again...
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky
XII century. The Prince of Suzdal Yuri Dolgoruky is trying to unite the Russian lands
A young auditor live peacefully in a residential block consisting of identical townhouses. However, a purely casual visit to the veterinarian on duty with his dog, causes a chain of lies under which the auditor notices the hidden face of all his daily life, starting with the true meaning of the silence of his wife .
The Flood
This is 1920: Sophia and Trofim Ivanytch have been living on Vassilievski Island, which is part of Petrograd, for thirteen years. In their house, which looks like a ship wreck, the atmosphere is gloomy. Sophia cannot have children and she is aware that, because of that, she is likely to lose her husband. That is why, when their neighbor dies, she asks Trofim to take in Ganka, his orphaned thirteen-year-old daughter. Trofim agrees and their new life begins...
Шляхтич Завальня
У попа была собака...
Oleg Sergeevich - muzh Tamary
У попа была собака...
The Black Stork
The plot is based on a story about the difficult life in a forgotten village that suffered from the Chernobyl accident. But people work, joke, live without fear, hope and wait. Yanka Kaganets, a conscientious man that loves his land, is one of them. He knows that for him and for his beloved Mary, there will come a spiritual balance one day...
Angels of Death
A tragic love story set during WWII.
Gladiator for Rent
The owner of the private detective agency Ilya Mirsky receives a tempting offer from the wife of media mogul Eva Lukachyova - he should not allow the leak of compromising information, which would deprive Eva of her multimillion-dollar inheritance. Deciding to take the case, Ilya could have hardly imagined that he would have to face a whole series of sophisticated murder, and that the result would be in the danger of his own life.
Ubiystvo v Sunshine Menor
Jan Drummond
Профессор Ян Драммонд, новым изобретением которого заинтересовались русские и американцы, убит у себя в особняке Саншайн Менор при полном стечении гостей. Писатель Джо Алекс, приехавший накануне убийства вместе с актрисой Сарой, и детектив Бен Паркер, прежде чем вычислить истинного убийцу, будут подозревать в преступлении каждого из присутствующих, потому что у каждого были для этого основания и против каждого были улики.
Is It OK to Sleep with Other Man's Wife?
A fascinating journey of young people on the boat. However, a pleasant trip turns around when the young man finds out that his own wife is "resting" on the same boat ...
At first playfully, and then seriously, the heroine falls in love with her friend's husband, who fights for social justice. Then there will be an arrest, exhausting interrogations of a police officer fascinated by her, involvement in the death of her lover. And that's not all...
Кукушкины дети
Ятринская ведьма
Юрий Морак
Soviet horror movie based on the play by the writer Vyacheslav Adamchik Raisa Gromyko. The film takes place in the XVI century.
4-х серийный фильм о годах коллективизации на селе. Противостояние двух миров, двух противоположных взглядов на мир, породило жесткое противостояние, в котором, кажется, любви нет места. Крестьянское восстание сопровождается предательством, убийствами и ненавистью друг к другу. Но настоящая любовь и настоящие чувства могут прорасти и в столь жестком, полном смертей и предательстве времени. Коммунист Иван Платонов активно участвует в проведении коллективизации родного края, его не останавливает даже смерть жены. Один за другим вспыхивают мятежи недовольных крестьян. Пропагандистская работа Платонова переходит в иное качество, герой берет в руки оружие и не страшится смерти…
Szlachetna krew
Grachow, a researcher, is to escort a car to a distant place of the foreign exchange horse Favorite. The driver of Locha drives fast, although he was supposed to not exceed a speed of 30 km per hour. They experience various adventures along the way. Grachow, who drives the car, cannot control the speeding machine, he saves himself at the last moment by jumping out of the cabin. The car with the horse on the platform rolls down to the river ...
The Shore of Salvation
The events unfold on the cruiser "Svetlana", one of the Russian ships that participated in the fighting of the Russo-Japanese war. The cruiser is attacked. After the fire is over, the crew decides to flood the ship so that it does not get to the enemy. Only five sailors can survive. They arrive on Korean land and are sent to the Russian territory, on the way they face various dangers.
Nikolai Ivanovich Krylov
The WWII pivotal battle of Stalingrad is shown through the eyes of the soldiers and officers on both sides of the war.
major Siergiej Antonowicz Sudakow, d-ca oddziału rosyjskiego
WWII. Joined forces of Polish and Russian partisans (despite they are in conflict) stand against German Sturmwind I & II actions.
Высокая кровь
Всего один поворот
Степная эскадрилья
Говорит Москва
Primary Russia
The film takes place in pre-Christian Russia, when Ratibor united the East Slavs into one army against the nomadic Khazars.
At the flying club Zina met a cameraman aerial filming Sergey Leninym, very seriously engaged in parachuting and after a while in international competitions has become one of the contenders for the gold medal. But soon fell into the gorge, the helicopter in which there was Sergey. And then Zina firmly decided to leave the sport…
Here is your front
During the Second World War a big plant in Urals region gets an order from the State Defence Committee: to double the output of the tanks T-34 within 24 hours. All physical and emotional strength of all plant workers needs to be exerted to fulfill the plan. The workers labor heroism is revealed through the story of a hereditary worker's family. His shoulders are burdened not only with a physical job, but also with responsibility for his younger son, who runs to the front without permission, not understanding that his battle-front is right here, on the plant.
Young Russia
Ivan Ryabov
The film is set in the era of Peter I The Great, on the Russian North. The plot revolves around the fate of three people: Captain-Commander Sylvester Ievlev, customs army lieutenant Athanasius Krykov vaster and-White Sea Ivan Ryabov. Ivan Ryabov - a real historical character. In 1701, during the defense of Arkhangelsk from the Swedish military squadron of Charles XII, accomplished the feat as a vaster under the guise of traitors planted swedish flagship aground under fire from shore batteries.
Лучшая дорога нашей жизни
Таежный моряк
Игорь Максимович Ростовцев, начальник участка
Without Special Risk
A story of two police detectives who're preparing for a complicate operation - arresting of a criminal leader.
To Find and Neutralize
Fyodor hasn't been in homeland for 10 years. After leaving for Moscow for education, he stayed there for living. And now he persuaded his two colleagues to pass the vacation in his motherland, at his brothers house in a small Siberian village. Because what can be better than rest close to nature, hunting in taiga and fishing. But already on a plane he finds out that the girl, master of shooting sports and one the mans bride, joins their male company. As soon as vacationists reach the location, they get the news about an armed attack on a bus, which transported geologists salary. This attack resulted in a woman-cashiers death, whom Fyodor used to know well. The guys decide to head for taiga and catch bandits, but they still don't know that soon the bandits will kidnap the wife of Fyodor's brother and a newly arrived girl.
The Order: Cross the Border
General, Artamonov
A movie about a Soviet soldiers on the Japanese borders during 1945.
Vot Takaya Muzyka...
A young graduate of a Musical teacher's training school, having got an allocation to one of the collective farms of Nonblack Soil Zone, she goes there with one desire return to city as soon as possible and continue her career of pop singer. Villagers are rejoiced by arrival of a new club head, and do all their best to make her stay: give good lodging, telephone, color TV-set, and even accordion. And the farms head (B.Nevzorov) is not intended to let her go before the set date, moreover, he falls in love with her. A skeptical modern city girl, mixing with villagers and step-by-step delving into their routine life and chores, gets filled with local beauties and engulfing feeling towards a young farms head, starts hesitating.
Ты должен жить
Люди на болоте
Drama directed by Viktor Turov.
Chief Designer
A story about the creation of T-34 tank in Soviet Union during WWII.
Especially dangerous
One of the southern cities of Russia during the NEP. The famous doctor and his wife are killed, the person living opposite Schwartz is kidnapped. The bandits were looking for gold. Then there is a diversion at the factory. The Chekists find out that a man is implicated in everything, posing as a businessman Bespaly, he is Lieutenant Voronov, aka “Chaly” - the leader of the gang. With the selfless efforts of the operatives, the gang manages to neutralize.
Маршал революции
The Road
Lena and Pasha come to the girl's hometown to apply for a divorce. Pasha does not understand the motives of divorce and is very upset about it. But in the Registry office say that you need to wait 3 months. Young people decide to stay in the city for this time and agree not to meet and not to communicate. They are both arranged for the construction of a large road, and from that moment their fate changes dramatically…
Операция «Горгона»
camrad Maksim