Kenichi Ono
Nascimento : 1958-01-11, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan
Kenichi Ono (小野 健一, Ono Ken'ichi, January 11, 1958) is a Japanese actor, tarento, and voice actor from Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo. His birth name is Kikuo Ono (小野 喜久男, Ono Kikuo). Kenichi presided over the theater company Chatter Gang. His former agencies were Production Baobab and Office Watt. Currently, he is attached to the agencies Remax since October 2006, and Rush Style since December 2018. His hobbies are marathon and hot yoga.
Limejuice (voice)
Uta — o cantor mais amado do mundo. Sua voz, com a qual ela canta enquanto esconde sua verdadeira identidade, foi descrita como “de outro mundo”. Ela aparecerá em público pela primeira vez em um show ao vivo. À medida que o local se enche de todos os tipos de fãs de Uta – piratas animados, a Marinha assistindo de perto e os Chapéus de Palha liderados por Luffy que simplesmente vieram curtir sua performance sonora – a voz que o mundo inteiro estava esperando está prestes a ressoar.
Quando Nami adoece, os Chapéus de Palha procuram atendimento médico para ela na Ilha de Drum. Lá eles conhecem o médico rena Tony Tony Chopper e os piratas de Wapol.
Based on the popular video game series, this futuristic anime feature follows the plight of the Earth Federation, the last group of human beings on the planet, who are forced to defend themselves from elimination at the hands of an alien invasion. To give its troops a chance in battle, the Earth Federation Army has developed the "Personal Trooper," a mobile robotic weaponry system that fuses with the body of its human pilot to remain functional.
If you have watched Nadesico, you know what Gekiganger is. This is a great show to watch at a convention with a lot of people. I can not explain how cool it was to sing the opening theme and cry when Joe die with hundreds of other people. It not only makes fun of classic giant robot shows, but the movies as well. The first half is compilation of all the clips from Nadesico, while the second half is a new story. This show even has a cameo appearance from the Nadesico crew.
Master (voice)
The film is set in the distant future in a city called Cahmpon. A scientist creates a synthetic life-form called Noiseman, which erases music from the airwaves by turning it into crystals. A group of Biker street kids rebels against this tyranny.
Gray (voice)
Rally Vincent and Minnie May Hopkins are just a pair of gun shop owners who do a bit of bounty hunting to make ends meet when a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms agent comes to them. Using the threat of arresting them for their lack of a retail license for their merchandise and the resulting unpaid taxes, he forces them to agree to cooperate in a sting to break a gun running ring. They have an initial success, but that brings new problems as the ring's leader brings in a merciless assassin to eliminate these new enemies. It will take all their skill, allies and some luck to come out this crisis alive.
Kyoshirou Inemuri (voice)
Mari Amachi is a very devout Christian who transfers to Perfect Religion Academy. A school devoted to all religions of the world in effort to make it's students the next world leaders in religion. Her friend Saori is kidnapped by the Black Buddha cult; a group who wishes to take away religious freedom though force and brainwashing. Mari prays to God for help but Buddha answers the call, instead! Mari aspires only to help her friend and she is transformed into Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gotaman. Between fighting bad guys, making a deal with Buddha, and wearing scandalous costumes, is it more than Mari can take?
Adaptação do mangá de mesmo nome, Crows conta a história de Bouya Harumichi um estudante novo transferido para Suzuran anos antes de Hana sequer sonhar entrar pra lá...Crows conta a história dos veteranos dos atuais veteranos de Hana... A época onde surgiram os caras mais fortes da história de Suzuran. Bouya Harumichi é um estudante novo transferido para o colégio de garotos Suzuran um lugar onde só os piores delinquentes vão. Devido à sua grande quantidade de delinquentes que são odiados pelo povo em geral como se fossem corvos o que acabou deixando o lugar conhecido como "Colégio dos Corvos". Harumichi é um lutador incrivelmente forte, mas tem uma personalidade irresponsável. Como ele vai atuar neste novo ambiente, onde todos são delinquentes?
Abe no Yasuna (voice)
A fortuneteller tells Hidari Taisho that he must hunt down 1000 foxes in order to conquer the country. So Akuemon, who is disliked by everybody, is hired to do the foxhunting. In response, the foxes send a female fox to Akuemon's house disguised as his wife. A story unfolds between Akuemon, who has never loved anyone, and the female fox, who slowly discovers true love in him even while tormented by sorrow over her comrades' death. This is the 6th work in "The Lion Books" series. It is also the first attempt by visualist Tezuka Makoto, Tezuka's older son, to render an original of his father's into an animated version.
Soldier (Voice)
Seikima II was a real-life Japanese death-metal band. Full of kabuki makeup, songs about rape, murder, and satanic destruction, and a public persona of devilish evil. The OVA purports to tell the backstory of the band, which, according to its publicity, was composed of actual demons (akuma) from the parallel dimension Makai. In the OVA, five vicious demons (the five band members), led by Demon Kogure (the lead singer), are plotting the destruction of humanity. The only effective opposition comes from the saintly Rosa, who is actually the reformed war goddess Freyja in disguise. The demons attempt to activate their ultimate weapon, the Tower of Babel, before Rosa can complete her counter weapon, the Tower of Cain. The demons triumph and are on the verge on destroying the world when their leader suddenly decides that they should, instead, form a rock-and-roll band in order to convert people everywhere into demon worshipers.
The mysterious Rodo fell to earth ages ago, stealing away the air, water and life from the planet. It's up to Ran, a daring young man, and Aira, a silver-haired girl with a mysterious connection to the Rodo, to save the planet.
As a little boy Kei saw his fisherman father lost at sea only seconds after catching his parting gift of a pan flute carved from whalebone. A few years later young Kei and his kid brother Moito discover a baby whale trapped by a rock in a shallow inlet near the Spanish coast.
Chief Server (voice)
In the blink of an eye, high school student Taku Shimamura finds himself transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze, where intelligent creatures govern and the ruling class, led by the villainous Zolba, is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn, the Earth. Joining together with the oppressed Slaffleaze peasants, Taku must find a way to stop Zolba's dark forces before the way to the unsuspecting Earth is opened. In order to do so, he must first gain the love and trust of the last of the Yappie, the ancestral guardians of Slaffeaze. This is a task that will take more than a little courage and daring, for the last Yappie is not just a cute young female, she`s also a dragon.
Official A (voice)
A história começa com um flash back da infância de Riki, mostrando o terrível destino de sua mãe e como ele se afastou de seu irmão gêmeo. Riki encontra-se na cidade de Misaki, cheia de usinas nucleares ilegais e administrado por uma organização militar fanática religiosa chamada o Julgamento de Deus, onde é feito prisioneiro e tem que lutar em uma arena de gladiadores.
Team Member (voice)
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
Jack Redman (voice)
Guy is a Japanese street-brawler in New York who chooses to train under the famed boxer, Roman, with the hopes that he can raise enough money as a heavyweight to fund a life-saving operation for his father.
Waiter (voice)
Seiko, enquanto suspensa da escola, vai para Nagasaki, onde se encontra envolvida em um misterioso assassinato.
Yamada (voice)
Ryuuichi is a high-school student tired of living in a small town with small people. He's determined to claw his way to the top of Tokyo, and he'll use any woman he can to do it.
Majin (voice)
A cada três mil anos, um demônio vem ao nosso mundo com o intuito de promover o equilíbrio dos três reinos: O dos demônios, dos homens e o dos semi-demônios (metade humanos). O metade homem e metade demônio Amano vem à nossa realidade à procura do Deus Supremo, que irá despertar a qualquer momento. Com cenas de conteúdo erótico explícito.
Man A (ep 2) (voice)
Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to day. Rumors say that among the many "garimpeiros" (gold diggers) currently on the Amazon forest, there is a Japanese known as Rio Baraki. Reaching their destination, her crew member is promptly attacked and she is raped as a warning to stop their work and return immediately to their home country. Determined to do her job, she stays and finds out from the attacker that he is none other than Baraki, a white haired muscular man with a large scar on his back. Later she discovers that his real name is Keisuke Ibaraki. Once a promising quarterback, he ended up falsely incriminated by a powerful organization known as GPX.
Soldier B (voice)
Antoinette, an android of burnished chrome living on a distant Earth outpost, is equipped with a heart -- or at least the programming for one. As Antoinette searches for the true meaning of humanity, she confronts Proud, the planetary governor. Living up to his name, the governor is obsessed with laying his hands on a weapon that will allow him to control the universe and it's up to Antoinette and her creator, Dr. Watson, to thwart him.
Agent Kate Lee Jackson of the GPP (Space Police) frees the mute girl Muna from a prison on the Bentika Empire, a huge floating satellite. She also frees Bavi Stock, a young boxer jailed after accidentally killing an opponent and is in danger of being killed by the brutal prison regime.
Pilot B
O Par Sujo está de viajem para o planeta de Ookbar para procurar uma garota desaparecida. Kei e Yuri localizam Missinie até a floresta de Nolandia, mas as suas investigações foram paralisadas graças ao menos que prestativo Chefe de Segurança. Mas o Par Sujo nunca deixa um pouco de burocracia atrapalhar o seu trabalho. São unicórnios e OVNIs, sem mencionar o furioso robô assassino, que vão ser o problema enquanto o Par Sujo aborda caso mais difícil até então em o Caso na Nolandia.
Volver (voice)
In the future humanity is spread throughout the galaxy. In their efforts to combat criminal espers the Cosmo Police are fortunate to have Justy on their side. However the esper criminals also know this and some of them are making plans for Cosmo Policeman Justy. As their leader says "There's only one way to kill the most powerful esper in the galaxy".
Cop 2 / Teacher (voice)
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.