A young boy named Takeshi steals an origami crane from his friend Nobu. To Takeshi's surprise the crane begins talking to him and offers to take him and his friends to an amusement park in space where children from many planets play. While riding an attraction designed to test the children's courage, Akiko is sucked into a black hole, leaving Takeshi and his friends to save her.
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Duke Togo, conhecido como Golgo 13, é um assassino profissional. Após completar mais uma missão, ele desperta a ira do pai do assassinado, um rico empresário, que contrata assassinos e até suborna a alta cúpula da CIA e FBI afim de obter vingança.
The series follows the odd life of kindergartener Makoto Sawada and his family. Makoto gets into all sorts of toilet and adult humor. He sometimes dresses in his mother's and sister's clothing, and often has a long strand of mucus dangling from his nose.
Embarcado em mais uma incrível peripécia, o ladrão Arsène Lupin III e seus comparsas, Daisuke Jigen e Goemon Ishikawa, buscam uma misteriosa pedra encontrada numa pirâmide do Egito. Atraída pela promessa de uma eternidade de beleza e juventude, a aventureira Fujiko Mine une-se a um sinistro sábio conhecido com Mamo para trair Lupin e roubar o artefato. Com o inspetor Zenigata em seu encalço, a busca por Fujiko leva Lupin e seus amigos à misteriosa ilha de Mamo, onde descobrem os obscuros segredos que representam uma ameaça ao mundo inteiro. Agora, depende de Lupin impedir que o cientista coloque em prática o seu melhor plano para dominar a humanidade.
The ruler of the underground world, is planning to conquer the whole world. Riding the fire dragon Isamu and Angel, the princess of the undersea kingdom, try to stop him from destorying their world.