Mitamura Yuka is a normal, shy high school student. Except for the fact that she has psychic powers. When a new student with similar powers begins to show her skills, creating a force of psychic Nazi student enforcers, Yuka and her friends vow to stop her. But behind it all is a mysterious force that will put Yuka's powers to the ultimate test!
Em uma aldeia japonesa por volta de 1895, Seki decide assassinar seu marido com a ajuda do jovem amante Toyoji. Eles estrangulam Gisaburo, se livram do corpo e mantêm o romance em segredo, para evitar suspeitas. Tempos depois, no entanto, as fofocas surgem, um inquérito é aberto e o fantasma do marido surge para assombrá-los.
In a rural village with a poorly understood but long standing curse from the Dog God, outsiders from a major Tokyo mining corporation scouting for uranium destroy a small shrine and crush a dog under their jeep wheels. After one of the mining company employees marries the daughter of a prominent member of the village, the Dog God’s wrath boils over and people start to die. The village girl and mining company employee start a new life in Tokyo, but the Dog God possesses her and she is deemed mentally ill. The couple returns to the village to perform an exorcism, but it is unsuccessful. As the body count accumulates, the cause of and remedy for the curse becomes more opaque.