Hay Petrie

Hay Petrie

Nascimento : 1895-07-16, Dundee, Tayside, Scotland, UK

Morte : 1948-07-30


Hay Petrie
Hay Petrie
Hay Petrie


A Dama de Espadas
Herman's Servant
An elderly countess strikes a bargain with the devil and exchanges her soul for the ability to always win at cards. An army officer, who is also a fanatic about cards, murders her for the secret, then finds himself haunted by the woman's spirit.
The Guinea Pig
A working-class boy wins a scholarship to a public school, as part of a post-World War Two experiment in bringing boys of different social classes together.
O Ídolo Caído
Clock Winder
Um mordomo que trabalha em uma embaixada estrangeira em Londres torna-se o principal suspeito quando sua esposa cai acidentalmente e morre. A única testemunha é um menino impressionável. Philippe, filho de um diplomata e bom amigo de Baines, o mordomo, confunde-se com as complexidades e evasões da vida adulta. Ele tenta manter segredos, mas acaba dizendo a eles. Ele mente para proteger seus amigos, mesmo sabendo que deve dizer a verdade. Ele resolve não ouvir mais as histórias de adultos quando Baines é suspeito de assassinar sua esposa e ninguém vai ouvir as informações vitais de Philippe. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
the barber
Set in post Second World War Britain, Noose is the story of black market racketeers who face attempts to bring them to justice by an American fashion journalist, her ex-army fiancée and a gang of honest toughs from a local gym. When a corpse turns up at black market front The Blue Moon Club, Yank reporter Carole Landis starts snooping, much to gang boss Joseph Calleia’s annoyance. And soon there’s a hit man on the way...
The Monkey's Paw
Grimshaw, the Curio Shop Proprietor
A curio dealer sells a monkey's paw that can grant the possessor three wishes but warns that disaster will follow.
Grandes Esperanças
Uncle Pumblechook
Um humilde órfão de repente se torna um cavalheiro com a ajuda de um desconhecido benfeitor.
Midnight Taxi
The Cabby
A London cabby uncovers the city's secret nightlife in this surprising plug for post-war National Savings.
The Laughing Lady
A musical set during the French Revolution.
Night Boat to Dublin
Station Master
British intelligence officers (Robert Newton, Guy Middleton) head off a Nazi plot to kidnap an atomic scientist.
Kiss the Bride Goodbye
Working-class girl Joan Dodd's plan to marry Jack Fowler is thwarted when her mother Gladys interferes. Hoping to improve her daughter's social status, Gladys arranges for Joan to wed her boss Adolphus Pickering while Jack is away at war. Jack arrives home to discover his love is engaged to another man. Who will Joan decide to marry?
A Canterbury Tale
Three modern day pilgrims investigate a bizarre crime in a small town on the way to Canterbury.
On Approval
Two wealthy Victorian widows are courted tentatively by two impoverished British aristocrats. When one of the dowagers suggests that her beau go away with her for a month to see if they are compatible, the fireworks begin.
The Shipbuilders
Worker in Pagan's Office (uncredited)
A patriotic, cinematic salvo, this wartime production tells the story of the owner of a shipbuilding company doing his best to contribute to the British fleet. War is good for business, but what will happen once the war is won? It was based on a novel by George Blake.
They Met in the Dark
Waiter (uncredited)
A Royal navy Commander is tricked by a pretty girl who is working for the Nazis. She tricks him into revealing some military secrets and he is court martial. He vows to track her and her accomplices down.
Sabotage at Sea
Talkative sailor at table
The captain of a British cargo ship shanghais a group of sabateurs, unaware that the daughter of the ship’s owner is among them.
They Flew Alone
Old General
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Hard Steel
Mr. Kissack
A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.
E... Um Avião Não Regressou
The Burgomaster
Quando o fogo antiaéreo dos Nazistas danificam um bombardeiro britânico, sua tripulação salta e vai a procura de ajuda da resistência holandesa. Durante a ofensiva de Bombardeio dos Aliado na Segunda Guerra Mundial, o público foi frequentemente informado de que "Um ataque ocorreu ontem à noite sobre ..., Uma (ou muitas vezes mais) de Nossas Aeronave está Desaparecida". Atrás destas palavras sombrias estavam histórias de morte, destruição e bravura. Esta é a história de uma dessas tripulações de bombardeio que foram abatidos e os valentes patriotas holandeses que os ajudaram a voltar para casa. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Cottage to Let
Dr. Truscott
Allied spies and Nazi Agents insinuate themselves at a Scottish cottage (converted to a wartime hospital) with interests on an inventor's nearly perfected bomb sight.
Turned Out Nice Again
George Pearson, an employee at an underwear factory, is caught between his modern wife and his meddling mother. After buying a special yarn and getting his wife to promote it, he has an argument with his boss, Mr Dawson who insults Pearson's wife and refuses to apologise. Pearson then resigns. After finding out that the yarn is actually worth a fair amount, Mr Dawson tries to buy it from Pearson but he has some competition.
The Spell of Amy Nugent
A young man's fiancé dies after contracting a terminal illness, and in his efforts to contact her he gets involved with a group of spiritualists.
Quiet Wedding
Railway Porter
A young couple become engaged, but enjoy a number of comedic aventures before their wedding day.
The Ghost of St. Michael's
Procurator Fiscal
Will Hay, back in his role as a hapless teacher, is hired by a grim school in remotest Scotland. The school soon starts to be haunted by a legendary ghost, whose spectral bagpipes signal the death of one of the staff. Hay, assisted by Claude Hulbert and Charles Hawtrey, has to unravel the mystery before he becomes the next victim.
Freedom Radio
Hitler's doctor is gradually realising that the Nazi regime isn't as good as it pretends to be when his friends start to "disappear" into the camps. His wife is courted by the party and accepts a political post in Berlin. Meanwhile Dr Karl decides to try to do something to counteract the Nazi propaganda and with the help of an engineer and a few friends he sets up the Freedom Radio to counteract the Nazi propaganda.
O Ladrão de Bagdá
Menino ladrão das ruas de Bagdá ajuda jovem sultão deposto do trono por feiticeiro a recuperar o poder. Para isso conta com a ajuda de um gênio mágico que lhe concede três desejos.
Minesweeper Skipper
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
Ten Days in Paris
Bob Stevens awakens in a hospital with a gunshot wound to his head, and is told that he has been in Paris for ten days. However, this cannot be true because he insists that he crashed his plane and has no recollection of being anywhere for ten days. Bob decides to follow a note found in his jacket, to the woman who wrote it, "Miss D", and get to the bottom of the whole strange situation.
O Mártir
Nazi Pastor
Este filme é baseado na história real do pastor Martin Neimuller, que foi enviado para o campo de concentração de Dachau por criticar o partido nazista. A pequena vila alemã de Altdorf, nos anos 1930, tem que chegar a um acordo com o novo chanceler Hitler. Alguns aldeões se juntam ao partido nazista com avidez, alguns apenas aceitam as coisas, esperando por uma vida tranquila, mas o pastor não se intimida e leva suas convicções ao púlpito.
Axel Skold
When a neutral Danish merchant ship is forced to put into port after trying to evade British wartime contraband control, its captain becomes involved in a beautiful British Naval Intelligent agent's efforts to capture a group of German spies operating from a London cinema.
Spy for a Day
During World War I, a British farmer is abducted by the Germans to take the place of a spy about to be executed whom he closely resembles.
Crimes at the Dark House
Dr. Isidor Fosco
In this lurid melodrama, Tod Slaughter plays a villain who murders the wealthy Sir Percival Glyde in the gold fields of Australia and assumes his identity in order to inherit Glyde's estate in England. On arriving in England, "Sir Percival" schemes to marry an heiress for her money, and, with the connivance of the cunning Dr. Isidor Fosco, embarks on a killing spree of all who suspect him to be an imposter and would get in the way of his plans to stay Lord of the Manor.
3 Semanas de Loucura
John Aloysius Evan
After Larry Darrent accidentally kills his lover's blackmailing husband, someone else is arrested for the crime. When he is found guilty, Larry and Wanda have just three weeks together before he must give himself up or let an innocent man go to the gallows.
Stephen Neale
A woman is suspected of killing her husband after a revolver is found in her attic. A coroner is determined to prove that she did it, but thanks to the assistance of a quick-witted lawyer she is eventually found innocent.
O Espião Submarino
Um submarino alemão é enviado para as Ilhas Orkney em 1917 para afundar a frota britânica. Quando um capitão de U-Boat alemão é enviado em uma missão de espionagem ao norte da Escócia durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, ele encontra mais do que esperava com seu contato, a professora da escola local.
A Estalagem Maldita
Sir Humphrey's Groom Sam
Garota órfã vai viver com os tios, proprietários de um hotel. Não demora muito e ela descobre que os tios são na verdade líderes de uma gangue de piratas. E o lugar é apenas uma forma de atrair navios até ali.
As Quatro Penas Brancas
Mahdi Interpreter
Um tímido oficial do exército britânico renuncia à seu posto na véspera de seu destacamento ser enviado contra rebeldes egípcios. Chamando-o de covarde, sua namorada e três amigos oficiais lhe dão 4 penas brancas como símbolo de seu ato. Então o oficial britânico procura resgatar sua honra, ajudando secretamente seus antigos camaradas. Quando sua unidade é vencida e capturada pelos rebeldes, nosso herói, disfarçado de árabe, encontra uma oportunidade de tentar libertar cada um deles e assim poder devolver as 'penas' da covardia recebidas de seus antigos camaradas.
Design for Murder
Old Dan
When a wealthy, lonely university music student is beaten and has his apartment trashed by a fellow dorm resident-bully and his gang, he goes mad, lures the bully into his room on pretense of forgiveness, slips him a paralyzing agent in a drink, throws him in a trunk and locks him in, and taunts the bully with the promise that he will be buried alive in the trunk. Only, once he gets his trunk and his prey to his country estate, the vengeful victim finds things keep going wrong...
Q Planes
Stage Door Keeper
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
Consider Your Verdict
The Undertaker
A short featurette about a murderer summoned by chance to sit on the jury and try the man accused of his crime.
O Amor Nasceu do Ódio
Station Master
British agent working in Russia is forced to remain longer than planned once the revolution begins. After being released from prison in Siberia he poses as a Russian Commissar. Because of his position among the revolutionaries, he is able to rescue a Russian countess from the Bolsheviks.
Secret Lives
Robert Pigeon
A German-born woman works as a spy for the French in Switzerland during the First World War, and has to marry an interned French lieutenant in order to be able to stay in the country.
The Conquest of the Air
Tiberius Cavallo
This early docudrama uses dramatic re-enactment, working models of early flying machines, and archival footage to trace man's attempts to fly from ancient times through the 1930's.
Forget Me Not
New York theatre manager
A young British woman, tricked into believing she was used during a whirlwind romance, marries a gentle widowed Italian opera star, whose songs she and her first love shared.
Jeweller (uncredited)
This character study joins the painter at the height of his fame in 1642, when his adored wife suddenly dies and his work takes a dark, sardonic turn that offends his patrons. By 1656, he is bankrupt but consoles himself with the company of pretty maid Hendrickje, whom he's unable to marry. Their relationship brings ostracism but also some measure of happiness. The final scenes find him in his last year, 1669, physically enfeebled but his spirit undimmed.
The House of the Spaniard
A man ignores a warning to stay away from a sinister house on marshland near Liverpool; when someone drowns close by, he finds the evidence doesn’t add up…
Men of Yesterday
A retired major and ex-enemies pledge peace at reunion.
Um Fantasma Camarada
The McLaggen
An American businessman's family convinces him to buy a Scottish castle and disassemble it to ship it to America brick by brick, where it will be put it back together. The castle though is not the only part of the deal, with it goes the several-hundred year old ghost who haunts it.
Crimson Dynasty
Koenigsmark is a 1935 British-French drama film directed by Maurice Tourneur and starring Elissa Landi, John Lodge and Pierre Fresnay. The film is based on the novel Koenigsmark by Pierre Benoît. It's sets were designed by the art director Lucien Aguettand. The film was known in the United States as Crimson Dynasty.
Moscow Nights
During the First World War, Russian officer Ignatoff, wounded, falls in love with his nurse, Natasha. But she is subject to an upcoming marriage of family convenience to Brioukow, a wealthy industrialist of peasant stock. Brioukow is unjustifiably jealous, since Natasha has not betrayed him. He forces Ignatoff into his debt as a means of humiliating him. When Ignatoff's new friend, Madame Sabline, offers to pay his debt, preventing his ruin, Ignatoff comes quickly to realize that Madame Sabline has an ulterior motive, one that could prove dangerous to more lives than just Ignatoff's.
I Give My Heart
The Loves of Mme. DuBarry was the American title of the 1935 British operetta I Give My Heart, based on the stage musical The DuBarry. German actress Gitta Alpar stars as Jeanne, the young 18th century Parisian milliner who sleeps her way to the uppermost rungs of French aristocracy, emerging at last as the glamorous Madame DuBarry, mistress of Louis XV (Owen Nares). Refusing to gloss over DuBarry's sexual peccadilloes (as previous films with Norma Talmadge and Dolores del Rio had done), the film presents the "heroine" as a whore, pure and simple-or, on second thought, not so pure and simple! Particularly troublesome for American censors was a scene in which DuBarry is depicted as a resident of a bawdy house. Otherwise, The Loves of Madame DuBarry is standard historical-drama fare, allowing dozens of top European actors to play "dress-up" for 90 minutes.
Peg of Old Drury
Mr. Rich
a biopic of eighteenth-century Irish actress Peg Woffington. It was based on the play Masks and Faces.
Blind Justice
When Peggy wants to break off her engagement to Dick in order to marry Gilbert, Dick threatens to reveal that Peggy's brother Ralph was shot for cowardice during World War One.
Invitation To The Waltz
As the threat of Napoleonic invasion looms ever closer, a German duke and potential ally of England falls for a pretty ballerina.
The Old Curiosity Shop
An elderly shop-keeper and his grand-daughter are threatened by the rich, mean-spirited dwarf Quilp, and decide to flee across England to escape him. They are pursued both by Quilp and by the shop-keeper's long-lost brother, who wants to find them for a different reason.
Nell Gwyn
French Ambassador
King Charles II first meets Nell Gwyn after seeing her do a turn at Drury Lane. They soon become close, the King preferring her feisty irreverent company to that of the aristocratic French Duchess of Portsmouth. Nell becomes his most loyal subject, while ever-ready to take the Duchess down a peg. But the actress can never hope to be fully accepted by the King's circle despite his constant attentions.
The Queen's Affair
'Ruritania. Incognito president falls in love with incognito queen he deposed.' (British Film Catalogue)
Colonel Blood
Mr Edwards
'1670. Irish patriot caught stealing Crown Jewels talks his way to pardon.' (British Film Catalogue)
Crime on the Hill
In this murder mystery, Vicar Casson looks into the poisoning of a wealthy man. He soon finds that the man they convicted, the fiance of the rich man's niece, was innocent.
Song of the Plough
'Farm life on the South Downs. A gentleman farmer beats his unscrupulous rival in sheepdog trials.' (British Film Institute)
The Wandering Jew
Merchant (Phase III)
Old Jerusalem: Matathias, spiteful over his lover's illness, spits on Jesus along the road to Calvary, and is cursed to live endlessly until His return. The Crusades, 1150: Matathias, now an anonymous knight, competes for glory in combat and for the wife of a soldier. Palermo, 1290: Matteos Battadios witnesses the death of his young son, leading to conflict with his wife over whether to take comfort in Christianity. Seville, 1560: Dr Matteos Battadios dedicates himself to the treatment and comfort of the poor, but his life and work are endangered by the arrival of the Spanish Inquisition.
Matinee Idol
Mr. Clappit
A well-known actor is murdered. Another performer becomes an amateur sleuth so she can prove her sister is innocent of the crime.
Os Amores de Henrique VIII
The King's Barber (uncredited)
Renowned for his excess, King Henry VIII goes through a series of wives during his rule. With Anne Boleyn, his second wife, executed on charges of treason, King Henry weds maid Jane Seymour, but that marriage also ends in tragedy. Not one to be single for long, the king picks German-born Anne of Cleves as his bride, but their union lasts only months before an annulment is granted, and King Henry continues his string of spouses.
The Lucky Number
A professional footballer attempts to recover a winning pools ticket.
Many Waters
An elderly couple reminisce about the romantic adventures of their youth.
Gipsy Blood
In 1931, Sir Malcolm Sargent – then a rising young conductor – acted as musical director for this first filmed musical version of Prosper Mérimée’s classic story of passion and fatal jealousy, Carmen. With a score based on Bizet’s opera, Gipsy Blood features celebrated American soprano Marguerite Namara as the capricious gypsy girl from the cigarette factory; her co-performers include Thomas Burke as Carmen’s tormented lover, Don José, and New Zealand-born baritone Lance Fairfax as his rival, the toreador Escamillo.
Night Birds
Early British thriller about a master criminal named 'Flash Jack', who heads a gang of top-hatted thieves that rob the wealthy. A detective tracks the crimes to a posh night club.
During the First World War a British unit take up a new position in a trench unaware that the Germans are laying a mine underneath it.