Yutaka Takahashi


Jungle de Ikou!
Executive Producer
Natsumi Rokudou, a spunky 10 year old girl from Japan receives a strange statue from her dad who's an archaeologist. Little does Natsumi know that the statue houses Ongo, a terrible monster bent on world conquest. In a dream, a strange old man named Ahem warns Natsumi of Ongo's return, and gives her a necklace and tells her to do a sexually suggestive dance that will protect her from peril. Once Natsumi awakens, she finds Ongo on her bed...who's not too threatening looking. But now whenever danger rears it's ugly head, Natsumi must swallow her modesty, and do the embarrassing dance to transform into Mii, the large breasted flower spirit of New Guinea's past.
Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman: The Birth of Gautaman
Mari Amachi is a very devout Christian who transfers to Perfect Religion Academy. A school devoted to all religions of the world in effort to make it's students the next world leaders in religion. Her friend Saori is kidnapped by the Black Buddha cult; a group who wishes to take away religious freedom though force and brainwashing. Mari prays to God for help but Buddha answers the call, instead! Mari aspires only to help her friend and she is transformed into Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gotaman. Between fighting bad guys, making a deal with Buddha, and wearing scandalous costumes, is it more than Mari can take?
Ninja Scroll: O Filme
Executive Producer
Tudo começa com o extermínio da população da vila Shimoda, aparentemente dizimada por uma peste fulminante. Alguns membros da elite suspeitam que a peste possa ter sido causada de propósito e, por esta razão, a equipe Ninja Koga é recrutada para investigar o problema e descobrir o que realmente aconteceu na Vila Shimoda. Durante esta investigação, um encontro com sanguinários e demoníacos assassinos causa um verdadeiro massacre entre os membros da equipe Koga. Enquanto isto, o protagonista da história, o ninja mercenário Jubei Kibagami, acaba de cumprir com sucesso mais uma de suas missões. Após se perder durante a viagem, Jubei resolve pedir informações a um indivíduo nada amigável e de aparência assustadora. Os eventos que se seguem envolvem Jubei em uma trama que atinge os mais altos escalões do poder japonês, à época em que o Xogunato Tokugawa acabara de se instalar no país.
Executive Producer
What comes around goes around...even from beyond the grave. Most criminals are only concerned with earthly justice - the laws of man. All too often, the guilty go free, their deeds unpunished. But there is another law. Deep within the spirit world, the wrongful dead seek retribution for the crimes against them by the living. These restless spirits have their own code of justice, and they've chosen the Judge of Darkness and his Demons of Hell to enforce them. An appeal for justice leads to an investigation of a successful, high-ranking corporate executive. Who would believe he'd be involved with embezzlement and murder? But the Judge of Darkness soon discovers that the roots of corruption run deep as he slowly works his way up the corporate pyramid.
Executive Producer
Num mundo pós-guerra, a história se passa na cidade sobrevivente Olympus, governada pelo supercomputador Gaia e os Sete Anciões. Metade da população da cidade é Biodroid, clones geneticamente modificados para proteger e servir os humanos, estabilizando a sociedade. A protagonista, Deunan Knute, é integrante de um time especial, a ESWAT, junto com Briareos, um Cyborg.
Gall Force 2: Destruction
Executive Producer
The war between Solnoids and Paranoids continues, but the conflict reaches a new height as both races complete their Planet Destroyers. This new technology wipes out several star systems leaving only the ninth star system undamaged. As both races head towards it, a Solnoid ship finds Lufy, an attacker cryogenically preserved inside an assault trooper among space debris. Reawakened, Lufy is invited to join a group of Solnoids who are set to complete the original secret mission of her former crew.
Crystal Triangle: The Forbidden Revelation
Executive Producer
In times of olde, God gave mankind the ten commandments, and a message that has been lost to the centuries. In the present, Koichiro Kamishiro is a modern day Indiana Jones who scours (and often destroys) ruins for hints of the past, until one day he runs across a box filled with two crystal triangles. Having inadvertently run across the key to God's lost message, Kamishiro suddenly has a lot to deal with including assassination attempts by the KGB and the CIA, aliens hell-bent on destroying the Earth and the love of several women!
Minna Agechau
Executive Producer
Rokuro, um estudante sem dinheiro vivendo em um apartamento decadente, recebe uma visita surpresa da bela e misteriosa Mamiya Yu, que pergunta: "Você precisa de uma virgem?". Ele obviamente concorda que precisa. Por algum motivo, ela ficou caída por esse pervertido. Acontece que ela é na verdade filha de uma família japonesa muito milionária e poderosa. Considerando o histórico de Rokuro, ele não pode acreditar em sua sorte... mas nem tudo é como parece. Esta família rica parece ser muito mais pervertida do que o próprio Rokuro poderia imaginar...